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Testing an esp32-s3 with display ILI9341 in wokwi simulator.


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ESP32-S3 + Display TFT ili9341 + Wokwi Simulator

Bienvenido a todos, Rust se ha convertido en una solución para diversos sectores del desarrollo de software y la tecnología, en especial para los sistemas embebidos, esta es una prueba del simulador Wokwi usando el ESP32-S3 con un display ILI9341 conectado por SPI, es una aplicacion bare metal no-std, para más detalle visita Rust on ESP Community. Espero que te sirva como guía de aprendizaje y pueda ayudarte al máximo para que te abra las puertas a nuevas oportunidades como desarrollador de Rust Embedded🦀.

Dev Containers

This repository offers Dev Containers supports for:

If using VS Code or GitHub Codespaces, you can pull the image instead of building it from the Dockerfile by selecting the image property instead of build in .devcontainer/devcontainer.json. Further customization of the Dev Container can be achived, see .devcontainer.json reference.

When using Dev Containers, some tooling to facilitate building, flashing and simulating in Wokwi is also added.


  • Terminal approach:

    scripts/  [debug | release]

    If no argument is passed, release will be used as default

  • UI approach:

    The default build task is already set to build the project, and it can be used in VS Code and Gitpod:

    • From the Command Palette (Ctrl-Shift-P or Cmd-Shift-P) run the Tasks: Run Build Task command.
    • Terminal-> Run Build Task in the menu.
    • With Ctrl-Shift-B or Cmd-Shift-B.
    • From the Command Palette (Ctrl-Shift-P or Cmd-Shift-P) run the Tasks: Run Task command and select Build.
    • From UI: Press Build on the left side of the Status Bar.



When using GitHub Codespaces, we need to make the ports public, see instructions.

  • Terminal approach:

    • Using script:

      scripts/ [debug | release]

      If no argument is passed, release will be used as default

  • UI approach:

    • From the Command Palette (Ctrl-Shift-P or Cmd-Shift-P) run the Tasks: Run Task command and select Build & Flash.
    • From UI: Press Build & Flash on the left side of the Status Bar.
  • Any alternative flashing method from host machine.

Wokwi Simulation

VS Code Dev Containers and GitHub Codespaces

The Dev Container includes the Wokwi Vs Code installed, hence you can simulate your porjects by:

  1. Press F1
  2. Run Wokwi: Start Simulator

For more information and details on how use the Wokwi extension, see Getting Started and Debugging your code Chapter of the Wokwi documentation.


ESP32-C2 is not supported in Wokwi yet.


Gitpod does not, yet, support Wokwi extension hence Wokwi simulation is not available in Gitpod


wokwi-server is part of the Gitpod image so you can run:

wokwi-server --chip <chip> <pathToElf>

If you want to run your binary in a custom Wokwi project:

wokwi-server --chip <chip> --id <projectId> <pathToElf>


The simulation will pause if the browser tab is in the background.This may affect the execution, specially when debuging.

Debuging with Wokwi in Gitpod

Wokwi offers debugging with GDB.

  • Terminal approach:

    $HOME/.espressif/tools/xtensa-esp32s3-elf/esp-2021r2-patch3-8.4.0/xtensa-esp32s3-elf/bin/xtensa-esp32s3-elf-gdb target/xtensa-esp32s3-espidf/debug/esp32_s3_with_ili9341 -ex "target remote localhost:9333"

    Wokwi Blog: List of common GDB commands for debugging.

  • UI approach:

    1. Run the Wokwi Simulation in debug profile
    2. Go to Run and Debug section of the IDE (Ctrl-Shift-D or Cmd-Shift-D)
    3. Start Debugging by pressing the Play Button or pressing F5
    4. Choose the proper user:
      • esp when using VS Code or GitHub Codespaces
      • gitpod when using Gitpod


Testing an esp32-s3 with display ILI9341 in wokwi simulator.




Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

Licenses found






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