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WDL pipelines for running regenie

See regenie documentation and paper

Building docker image

The current version of regenie has the modifications created in the finngen repo, so it can be used to build the docker image. We want to build with Boost iostream for compression support, and with intel MKL as the linear algebra package.

Build image with Give tag with version (e.g. FG_1.1) as parameter. Check the beginning of scripts for modifying the default behavior with few variables (e.g. not building base regenie but basing off of already built one) The parameter is just name tag to be added to the base regenie docker name. Change versioning as needed.

Running GWAS

How to run regenie GWAS with Cromwell
This in an example scenario creating new phenotypes with R7 data and running those

  1. Create a covariate/phenotype file that contains your phenotypes. E.g. get gs:https://r7_data/pheno/R7_COV_PHENO_V2.txt.gz, add phenotypes to that (if a binary phenotype: cases 1, controls 0, everyone else NA - if a quantitative phenotype: inverse rank normalized values), and upload the new file to a bucket. Note that the phenotype file should be tab-separated with no spaces as both are treated as separator in regenie.

  2. Create a text file with the names of your new phenotypes
    2.1. If you have one or a few phenotypes, create a file with one phenotype per line, e.g.


    and upload the file to a bucket.
    2.2. If you have a larger number of phenotypes, create a tab-separated file where each line contains phenotypes that have < 5 % non-shared missingness. For example, if you have PHENO{1:5} that are female phenotypes (all males are NA and will be excluded as shared missingness) and they have < 5 % non-shared missingness among the females, and PHENO{6:7} that are male phenotypes with < 5 % non-shared missingness among the males, you can do:


    and upload the file to a bucket. Phenotypes on each row will be analyzed together as regenie step 1 is faster that way. Non-shared missing phenotypes for phenotypes on each row will be mean-imputed for level 0 regression and this is why the phenotypes on each row should have low non-shared missingness. It's recommended to analyze at most 8 phenotypes together because the number of vCPUs used grows with the number of phenotypes and we've observed high preemption rates with VMs with more than 8 vCPUs.

  3. Clone this repo: git clone

  4. Edit the input file regenie-pipelines/wdl/gwas/regenie.json:
    5.1. Change regenie.cov_pheno to the file you created in the first step
    5.2. Change regenie.phenolist to the file you created in the second step
    5.3. regenie.is_binary should be true for binary phenotypes and false for quantitative phenotypes
    5.4. regenie.sub_step2.step2.test can be additive, recessive or dominant depending on which analysis you want to run
    5.5. Change regenie.covariates and regenie.sub_step2.step2.options as needed

    5.6. "regenie.auto_remove_sex_covar": true, "regenie.sex_col_name": "SEX_IMPUTED", "regenie.sub_step2.run_sex_specific": true, "regenie.sub_step2.step2.sex_specific_logpval": 6,

  5. Cromwell requires subworkflows be zipped: cd regenie-pipelines/wdl/gwas/ && zip regenie_sub regenie_step1.wdl regenie_sub.wdl

  6. Connect to Cromwell server
    gcloud compute ssh cromwell-fg-1 --project finngen-refinery-dev --zone europe-west1-b -- -fN -L localhost:5000:localhost:80

  7. Submit workflow
    7.1. With
    7.2. Or using the web interface
    7.2.1 Go to with your browser
    7.2.2 Click /api/workflows/{version}
    7.2.3 Choose regenie.wdl as workflowSource
    7.2.4 Choose the edited regenie.json as workflowInputs
    7.2.5 Choose as workflowDependencies
    7.2.6 Execute

  8. Use the given workflow id to look at the timing diagram or to get metadata

  9. Logs and results go under
    Summary stats and tabix indexes:
    gs:https://fg-cromwell_fresh/regenie/WORKFLOW_ID/call-sub_step2/**/call-gather/**/*.gz* Plots:
    Summary files with p < 1e-6 variants including annotation:


This is a wrapper pipeline of regenie for conditional analysis. The pipeline is mainly built a single python script that iteratively runs the conditional analysis of regenie until no significant hits are found anymore. The wdl is meant for release purposes and will run all hits from a list of phenos and chromosomes based on the official Finngen results.

This is the "engine" of the pipeline, that can also be used independently, so I will first explain its mechanism and inputs.

These are the parameters:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --pval-threshold PVAL_THRESHOLD
                        Threshold limit (-log(mpval))
  --pheno PHENO         Pheno column
  --out OUT             Output Directory and prefix (e.g. /foo/bar/finngen)
  --covariates COVARIATES
                        List of covariates
  --pheno-file PHENO_FILE
                        Path to pheno file
  --bgen BGEN           Path to bgen
  --sample-file SAMPLE_FILE
                        Path to pheno file
  --sumstats SUMSTATS   Path to original sumstats
  --regenie-params REGENIE_PARAMS
                        extra bgen params
  --null-file NULL_FILE
                        File with null info.
  --force               Flag for forcing re-run.
  -log {critical,error,warn,warning,info,debug}, --log {critical,error,warn,warning,info,debug}
                        Provide logging level. Example --log debug',
  --max-steps MAX_STEPS
  --chr_col CHR_COL, --chr-col CHR_COL
  --pos_col POS_COL, --pos-col POS_COL
  --ref_col REF_COL, --ref-col REF_COL
  --alt_col ALT_COL, --alt-col ALT_COL
  --mlogp_col MLOGP_COL, --mlogp-col MLOGP_COL
  --beta_col BETA_COL, --beta-col BETA_COL
  --sebeta_col SEBETA_COL, --sebeta-col SEBETA_COL
  --threads THREADS     Number of threads.
                        Locus & Region to filter CHR:START-END
  --locus-list LOCUS_LIST
                        File with list of locus and regions

They are all quite self explanatory. By default all cpus are used and the logging level is set to warning.

The null files are the *loco.gz outputs of regenie step 1. The last two inputs are mutually exclusive and are meant for defining the regions of choice. The vanilla mode runs just one region/locus (in any order and in regenie format, e.g. 6:34869517-37869517 chr6_35376598_G_A). The script will automatically recognize which is the locus and which the region. Else one can pass a file with a tsv separated list of regions/locuses, one per line. The script will then run the main function for each region/locus.

Each run will iteratively condition on more and more significant variants until no hits are found under a certain threshold (pval-threshold, either a mlogp > 1 or a pval <1, it gets converted to mglop anyways). One can also choose to cap the iterations at a certain thershold (max-steps) instead.

regenie_params are the extra parameters to pass to regenie. By default ' --bt --bsize 200 ' are passed, but --ref-first is also required with FG data.

The outputs will be in the --out directory (generated if missing). Along with a temporary folder that contains all the necessary files, the outputs are:

  • prefix*_pheno_locus.log: the stdout/err of regenie is appended to this file so all logs are available
  • prefix*_pheno_locus.independent.snps: contains the chain of results
  • prefix*_pheno_locus_STEP.conditional: the regenie output of each of the [1..N] steps of the chain.


Here I will explain the tasks and inputs of the wdl


Global inputs:

"conditional_analysis.docker": " ",
#"conditional_analysis.regenie_conditional.regenie_docker": " ", (optional to avoid to rerun previous tasks)

"conditional_analysis.phenos_to_cond": "gs:https://r9_data/pheno/R9_analysis_endpoints_with_quants.txt",
"conditional_analysis.chroms": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22","23"],  
"conditional_analysis.pheno_file": "gs:https://r9_data/pheno/R9_COV_PHENO_V1.FID.txt.gz",

"conditional_analysis.release": "9",
"conditional_analysis.locus_mlogp_threshold": 7.3,
"conditional_analysis.conditioning_mlogp_threshold": 6,

"conditional_analysis.sumstats_root": "gs:https://r9_data/regenie/release/output/summary_stats/PHENO.gz", 
"conditional_analysis.mlogp_col": "mlogp",
"conditional_analysis.chr_col": " '#chrom' ",
"conditional_analysis.pos_col": "pos",
"conditional_analysis.ref_col": "ref",
"conditional_analysis.alt_col": "alt",

phenos_to cond and chroms determine what phenos and what chrom regions are run. This can be handy to run shorter/test runs.
pheno_file is the file that contains all pheno related data. It has to have the FID column and contain the covariates.
release is added as a suffix to all pipeline outputs.
sumstats_root is the standard regenie output of Finngen from which the top hits are chosen. The following list of header inputs (mlogp_col,chr_col etc) have to match the content of the sumstats files.

locus_mlogp_threshold determines the threshold for choosing the starting locuses (extracted from sumstats).
conditioning_mlogp_threshold instead is the parameter used to stop the regenie chain conditional run.


This is a preprocessing task. It generates for each pheno the list of valid covariates to be passed to regenie. It checks that for each group of input phenos (in this case each pheno is its own group) there are at least N counts of non NA samples and non 0 covariates. The output of the task is a pheno--> covariates map object that is then passed to regenie later.

"conditional_analysis.filter_covariates.threshold_cov_count": 10,
"conditional_analysis.covariates": ["PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "PC4", "PC5", "PC6", "PC7", "PC8", "PC9", "PC10", "SEX_IMPUTED", "AGE_AT_DEATH_OR_END_OF_FOLLOWUP", "IS_FINNGEN2_CHIP", "BATCH_DS1_BOTNIA_Dgi_norm", "BATCH_DS10_FINRISK_Palotie_norm", "BATCH_DS11_FINRISK_PredictCVD_COROGENE_Tarto_norm", "BATCH_DS12_FINRISK_Summit_norm", "BATCH_DS13_FINRISK_Bf_norm", "BATCH_DS14_GENERISK_norm", "BATCH_DS15_H2000_Broad_norm", "BATCH_DS16_H2000_Fimm_norm", "BATCH_DS17_H2000_Genmets_norm", "BATCH_DS18_MIGRAINE_1_norm", "BATCH_DS19_MIGRAINE_2_norm", "BATCH_DS2_BOTNIA_T2dgo_norm", "BATCH_DS20_SUPER_1_norm", "BATCH_DS21_SUPER_2_norm", "BATCH_DS22_TWINS_1_norm", "BATCH_DS23_TWINS_2_norm", "BATCH_DS24_SUPER_3_norm", "BATCH_DS25_BOTNIA_Regeneron_norm", "BATCH_DS3_COROGENE_Sanger_norm", "BATCH_DS4_FINRISK_Corogene_norm", "BATCH_DS5_FINRISK_Engage_norm", "BATCH_DS6_FINRISK_FR02_Broad_norm", "BATCH_DS7_FINRISK_FR12_norm", "BATCH_DS8_FINRISK_Finpcga_norm", "BATCH_DS9_FINRISK_Mrpred_norm"],


This task returns the top hits for each pheno, under the previously defined threshold. The only required input are the finemap regions that are produced by our pipeline. The task filters the input sumstats (tabix file is to be expected!) to the finemap region limits and proceeds to return the lowest pvalue in the region. If the threshold is too low the task will not fail as a file with header only will be generated regardless.

"conditional_analysis.extract_cond_regions.region_root": "gs:https://r9_data/finemap/release/regions/PHENO.bed",


Pretty self explanatory task. All regions from the previous task are merged into a single input file over which we will scatter the regenie runs.


This is the major task where the magic happens. For reference, the shards will take between 30mins to ~1h30 mins (assuming no pre-emption) depending on localization times and length of chain.

   "conditional_analysis.regenie_conditional.bgen_root": "gs:https://r9_data/conditional_analysis/bgen/finngen_R9_annotated_CHROM.bgen",
   "conditional_analysis.regenie_conditional.null_root": "gs:https://r9_data/regenie/release/output/nulls/R9_GRM_V1_LD_0.1.PHENO.loco.gz",
   "conditional_analysis.regenie_conditional.sebeta": "beta",
   "conditional_analysis.regenie_conditional.beta": "sebeta",
   "conditional_analysis.regenie_conditional.max_steps": 10,
   "conditional_analysis.regenie_conditional.regenie_params": " ' --bt --bsize 200 --ref-first ' ",
   "conditional_analysis.regenie_conditional.cpus": 4,

bgen_root is the path to the bgens, where a .bgen.sample is expected to be found as well!
null_root are the step1 outputs.
beta and se_beta are the column names for the entries in the sumstat file.
max_steps controls the maximum length of the chain.
regenie_params are all the other flags to be passed to regenie.
cpus is self explanatory.


The last munging step has been problematic lately due to the number of files needed to be munged. For this scenario there is, if needed, a separated pheweb_import.wdl that reproduces the last step of the wdl by dealing with the files in chunks. The relevant inputs are the list of paths for conditional chains and regenie outputs that are part of the release anyways.