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What is this?

The gitops stack is the deployment infrastructure of the FAForever project. Currently it only contains a subset of service, but in the long term, all services shall be migrate from faf-stack to here.


  • main branch = Production state
  • develop branch = Testing state

Until things are settled the current workflow is:

  • Test changes on develop
  • Cherry pick working stuff on to main
  • Rebase and force push develop afterwards


First, we need to make the cluster gitops-ready by installing ArgoCD:

kubectl create namespace argocd
helm repo add argo
helm install argocd argo/argo-cd -n argocd

Then you can connect to argocd using the credentials generated:

PW=$(kubectl get secret -n argocd argocd-initial-admin-secret -o "jsonpath={.data.password}" | base64 -d)

echo "Access argocd via https://localhost:8080"
echo "User: admin, password: $PW"

kubectl port-forward -n argocd svc/argocd-server 8080:80

Now, we need to deploy the appsets via

kubectl apply -f app-set-test.yaml

Many apps will fail to start, because the lack the secrets that will be generated by infisical. But infiscal needs be setup too. We use the cloud edition, but there is also a self hosted one we do not cover here. For our stack you need to create a service token in the web ui and add this as a secret in all affected namespaces:

for namespace in "faf-apps faf-ops argocd"; do
kubectl create secret generic "infisical-service-token" \
    -n "$namespace" \