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Running Build System

Andy Mc edited this page Jun 24, 2021 · 1 revision


Getting Setup

  • Clone the ExpressionEngine-Styles repo (see "Location & File Explanation" for it's location)
  • Run npm install


The build system use brunch (similar to Webpack) to clean, join, and minify the CSS and some minor JS (not the main JS, see below).

  • Run npm run start to have it build as you make changes
  • Run npm run build to build the production-ready assets

NOTE: This will output to the /build/ folder inside this repo. It will NOT build into wherever you have your ExpressionEngine-Private repo setup. You will have to setup a sync or manually copy the files over if you wish to see your changes in the EE site as you develop.


Getting Setup

  • Clone the ExpressionEngine-Private repo
  • Run npm install


The build system uses gulp and babel to convert the TypeScript files to vanilla JS and to move them into the build folder (see "Location & File Explanation").

  • Run npm run watch:js to have it watch the JS files for changes and automatically build
  • Run npm run build:js to build the production-ready assets

Building Legacy

Run the following to build the files in /themes/ee/asset/javascript/src/ (see Legacy vs. Current-JS for explanation).

  • Run npm run watch:old-js to have it watch the JS files for changes and automatically build
  • Run npm run build:old-js to build the production-ready assets