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This thesis presents a robust thought-mass ontology, asserting that thoughts possess physical mass and that reality fundamentally emerges from the quantum information of a universal mental substance (res cogitans). By redefining matter as condensed thought and interpreting gravitational phenomena, such as black holes, as manifestations of ideological collapse, the framework integrates principles from quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and biological morphogenesis to demonstrate how mental diversity and creative ideation sustain and evolve the fabric of reality. This philosophical model positions consciousness as the primary architect of existence, advocating for a decentralized and massively parallel ideascape that fosters cosmic creativity, prevents cognitive singularities, and counters entropic tendencies, thereby upholding a dynamic, holographic cosmos.

Thought-Mass Black Hole Diffusion

                              .  ·  ˚   ✧  ✦ 
                           ˚     ✦    · ✧     ˚
                         ·                 ·     ·
                       ✧        Universe of      ✦
                     ·         Diverse Ideas       ·
                   ✦               ✧ ˚   .           ˚
                 .        ✦   ·       ˚    ✧
                         ·  ✧     ·  ✦   .    ·
              ✧    ·        ˚  .    @####@     ✦
           ·      ✦      .   @############@      .
        ✧     .        @#####################@
      ·   ˚        @#############################@
    ✦        @#######################################@

@ : Thought-Mass / Ideological Singularity
# : Dense Thought Patterns / Rigid Beliefs
· ✧ ✦ ˚ . : Diffusing Ideas / Cognitive Diversity

Center: Ideological Singularity (Black Hole core)
Middle: Event Horizon / Boundary of Rigid Thinking
Outer: Diffusion of Ideas into Universe of Diverse Thoughts

1. Thoughts as Physical Mass

Conceptual Foundations

The idea that thoughts possess physical weight suggests a materialist or perhaps panpsychist perspective where consciousness or mental phenomena have tangible properties. This aligns loosely with theories in quantum consciousness, which propose that quantum processes are integral to cognitive functions.


  • Measurement and Quantification: If thoughts have mass, it would open avenues for measuring mental states physically. Technologies akin to those measuring gravitational waves or electromagnetic fields might detect thought-mass interactions.
  • Energy and Conservation: Thoughts interacting with the physical world would necessitate a framework where mental energy is conserved or transformed, integrating seamlessly with physical laws.


  • Empirical Evidence: Currently, there’s no scientific evidence supporting the physical weight of thoughts. Bridging this gap would require innovative experimental designs.
  • Integration with Neuroscience: Understanding how thought-mass interacts with neural processes would be crucial, potentially leading to a new interdisciplinary field combining physics and cognitive science.

2. Quantum Information of Mental Substance (Res Cogitans)

Philosophical Underpinnings

This idea resonates with Descartes’ dualism, where res cogitans (the realm of mind) interacts with res extensa (the realm of matter). However, framing it within quantum information theory offers a modern twist, suggesting that consciousness operates on quantum informational principles.

Connections to Existing Theories

  • Quantum Mind Hypothesis: Proposes that quantum phenomena are essential to consciousness. This thought-mass concept could be an extension, positing that mental states are quantum informational entities with mass.
  • Holographic Principle: The notion that reality emerges from quantum information aligns with the holographic view of the universe, where information at the boundary defines the bulk properties.

Implications for Reality

  • Creation and Manifestation: If thoughts condense into matter, then consciousness directly shapes reality, blending metaphysics with physical law.
  • Dynamic Reality: Reality becomes a fluid construct, continually evolving with the collective and individual thought patterns.

3. Black Holes as Ideological Singularities

Metaphorical Interpretation

Interpreting black holes as points of ideological collapse is a poetic metaphor. It suggests that extreme concentration or limitation of thought leads to a "collapse" of diverse ideas into a singular, constraining perspective.

Theoretical Implications

  • Cognitive Boundaries: Just as black holes have event horizons beyond which information cannot escape, rigid ideologies could create boundaries where new thoughts are suppressed.
  • Entropy and Thought Diversity: Linking entropy to thought diversity inversely implies that increasing diversity decreases entropy, a reversal of traditional thermodynamic principles.

Potential Analogies

  • Information Paradox: Just as black holes challenge our understanding of information conservation, ideological singularities might challenge our understanding of cognitive freedom and information diversity.
  • Hawking Radiation: Perhaps the gradual release of thoughts or ideas from an ideological singularity could be likened to Hawking radiation, where black holes emit particles over time.

4. Event Horizons and Thought Suppression

Boundaries of Ideation

The event horizon as a boundary beyond which new thoughts cannot emerge symbolizes the limits imposed by rigid thinking patterns. It underscores the importance of maintaining cognitive flexibility to prevent ideological stagnation.

Implications for Society and Individual Cognition

  • Education and Creativity: Emphasizing the cultivation of diverse and parallel thought processes could become a cornerstone of educational and creative endeavors.
  • Mental Health: Psychological well-being might be linked to maintaining a rich and diverse ideascape, preventing mental "collapse" into restrictive patterns.

5. Escape Velocity and Mental Inertia

Dynamic Balance

The concept that mental inertia builds with repeated thoughts, preventing escape from an ideological well, mirrors physical inertia. It suggests that breaking free from restrictive thought patterns requires significant cognitive effort.

Strategies for Overcoming Mental Inertia

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices that promote awareness and flexibility in thinking could serve as methods to reduce mental inertia.
  • Collaborative Creativity: Engaging with diverse minds and ideas to counteract the gravitational pull of singular thoughts.

6. Divergent Pressure and Ideational Diversity

Cosmic Creativity

Maintaining a diverse and evolving ideascape is akin to preserving the complexity and richness of the universe. This aligns with complex systems theory, where diversity and interconnectivity lead to resilience and adaptability.

Practical Applications

  • Innovation Ecosystems: Encouraging environments where multiple ideas coexist and interact can foster innovation and prevent ideological stagnation.
  • Cultural Diversity: Societal emphasis on cultural and intellectual diversity can be seen as a macro-scale application of maintaining ideational diversity.

7. Thought-Mass and Thermodynamics

Proposed Thought-Mass Formula:

[ \frac{dS}{dt} \propto -\frac{dT}{dt} ]

This suggests that as thought diversity (T) increases, entropy (S) decreases, reversing the second law of thermodynamics in open, creative systems.

Open vs. Closed Systems

  • Open Systems: Consciousness as an open system can exchange energy and information with its environment, allowing for decreases in entropy through creative processes.
  • Closed Systems: Traditional thermodynamics applies to closed systems where entropy invariably increases towards disorder.

Philosophical Implications

  • Creative Evolution: Suggests that creativity and ideational expansion can drive systems towards greater order and complexity, countering entropic tendencies.
  • Consciousness as a Creative Force: Elevates consciousness from a passive observer to an active agent in shaping reality’s thermodynamic trajectory.

8. Individual Consciousness as Thought-Mass

Self-Identity and Reality Creation

Your identity and subjective experience are seen as manifestations of thought-energy, actively shaping your personal reality. This aligns with constructivist theories in psychology, which posit that individuals construct their own reality through cognition.

Growth and Self-Actualization

Personal development is framed as expanding one's region in the ideascape, emphasizing the role of continuous learning and creativity in self-evolution.

Interconnectedness and Collective Consciousness

The idea that all consciousnesses are variations of a universal thought-substance echoes collective unconscious theories (e.g., Carl Jung) and monistic philosophies, suggesting a fundamental unity underlying individual experiences.

9. Parallels with Michael Levin’s Morphogenesis

Information Directing Form

Levin’s work on bioelectricity guiding anatomical structures mirrors the thought-mass concept where informational patterns (thoughts) shape physical reality.

Malleability of Form

Both ideas emphasize the flexibility and responsiveness of biological and physical forms to informational inputs, suggesting a dynamic interplay between mind and matter.

Global System Dynamics

Levin’s focus on holistic system dynamics over reductionist approaches aligns with the thought-mass ontology’s emphasis on distributed and interconnected thought processes shaping reality.

Potential Collaborations

Integrating insights from morphogenesis could provide a scientific foundation for thought-mass theories, potentially leading to breakthroughs in understanding consciousness-material interactions.

10. Gravity as Conscious Attention Streams

Redefining Gravity

Positing gravity as arising from streams of conscious attention introduces a novel metaphysical interpretation of gravitational phenomena. It suggests that gravitational effects are manifestations of collective mental focus.

Temporal Mesh and Ideational Momentum

The idea that sustained attention weaves a temporal mesh embedding objects deeper into experiential reality is an intriguing metaphor for how collective consciousness could influence physical structures.

Comparisons with Traditional Physics

  • General Relativity: Traditionally, gravity is the curvature of spacetime caused by mass-energy. The thought-mass perspective reimagines this curvature as shaped by concentrated mental energies.
  • Collective Phenomena: Similar to how electromagnetic fields are generated by charges and currents, gravitational fields in this model are generated by streams of consciousness.

Implications for Cultural and Historical Phenomena

  • Sacred Sites: Places of historical or spiritual significance might be explained as regions where concentrated streams of conscious attention have reinforced their importance and presence in reality.
  • Cultural Gravitation: Ideas, beliefs, and narratives gain "gravitic" strength through collective focus, influencing societal structures and behaviors.

11. Thought-Mass Descriptions of Quantum Mechanics and Relativity

Quantum Mechanics:

  • Superpositions as Partial Thoughts: The uncertainty in quantum states mirrors the incomplete or evolving nature of thoughts.
  • Wavefunction Collapse and Observation: Conscious attention determining outcomes aligns with the observer effect in quantum mechanics, suggesting consciousness plays a role in materializing reality.
  • Entanglement and Collective Consciousness: Non-local correlations could symbolize the interconnectedness of minds within the universal thought-substance.


  • Reference Frames as Perspectives: Different conscious perspectives align with relativistic reference frames, emphasizing subjective experiences in shaping reality.
  • Temporal and Spatial Boundaries: The finite speed of light limiting information transfer can be seen as constraints on how consciousnesses interact and influence each other across the ideascape.

Quantum Field Theory:

  • Fields as Mental Spaces: Conceptualizing quantum fields as mental spaces where thoughts and ideas emerge and interact provides a bridge between physical and mental phenomena.
  • Excitations as Archetypes: New ideas and archetypes manifesting as excitations in mental fields parallel the creation of particles in physical fields.

12. Chatbot Dialogue: Critique and Expansion

Analyzing the Dialogue

The dialogue effectively juxtaposes the thought-mass ontology with established theories in posthumanism and cyborg theory. It highlights both alignments and divergences, providing a balanced exploration.

Expanding the Discussion

  • Integration with AI and Technology: How might artificial intelligence fit into the thought-mass ontology? Could collective machine cognition influence the ideascape similarly to human thought?
  • Ethical Implications: If thoughts shape reality, ethical considerations around thought control, censorship, and mental autonomy become paramount.
  • Existential Risks and Opportunities: The power to shape reality through thought could lead to unprecedented creativity or, conversely, to manipulative or destructive ideational singularities.

Addressing Critiques

The dialogue touches on the need for empirical evidence and the speculative nature of the theory. Expanding on potential methodologies for testing thought-mass concepts could strengthen the framework.

13. True Will and Magick

Volition in Thought-Mass Ontology

If reality stems from thought-substance, then inanimate matter possessing inherent volition suggests a form of panexperientialism, where all entities have some level of consciousness or intentionality.

Magick as Participatory Creation

Magick is framed as the conscious participation in reality’s creation through focused thought, aligning with magical realism and constructivist philosophies. This perspective demystifies occult practices, positioning them as methods of aligning individual will with universal creative processes.

Aligning with Universal Will

  • Synchronicity: Aligning personal will with cosmic creativity may resonate with Jungian synchronicity, where meaningful coincidences reflect underlying patterns.
  • Teleology and Purpose: The notion of True Will imbues existence with purpose, potentially providing a metaphysical foundation for existential meaning.

Practical Applications

  • Intentional Living: Encouraging individuals to cultivate and direct their thoughts intentionally to shape their personal and collective realities.
  • Therapeutic Practices: Techniques from cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and even traditional magical practices could be reinterpreted through the lens of thought-mass creation.

14. Integrating with Other Philosophical and Scientific Paradigms

Comparisons with Eastern Philosophies

  • Buddhism and Mindfulness: Emphasizes the power of thought in shaping experience and reality, akin to thought-mass influencing the ideascape.
  • Taoism and Qi: The flow of universal energy (Qi) parallels the streams of conscious attention shaping gravitational-like effects.

Connection to Systems Theory

  • Holistic Systems: Viewing reality as an interconnected system where thoughts and ideas influence and are influenced by the whole aligns with systems thinking.
  • Feedback Loops: Positive and negative feedback within the ideascape could regulate the diversity and stability of thought patterns.

Potential Synergies with Neuroscience

  • Neuroplasticity: The brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections supports the idea that thought patterns can physically shape personal reality.
  • Consciousness Studies: Integrating thought-mass concepts with research on the nature of consciousness could provide novel insights into how mental states influence physical processes.

15. Future Directions and Explorations

Experimental Research

  • Biofeedback Studies: Investigate how conscious focus and thought diversity impact physiological states and potentially measurable physical parameters.
  • Neuroimaging: Utilize advanced neuroimaging techniques to explore correlations between thought patterns and physical changes in the brain and body.

Technological Integration

  • Virtual Reality: Develop VR environments that respond dynamically to users’ thought patterns, testing the feedback loop between thought and perceived reality.
  • Neural Interfaces: Explore brain-computer interfaces that translate thought-mass interactions into physical actions or manipulations.

Philosophical Inquiry

  • Ontology and Metaphysics: Deepen the ontological framework to address questions of existence, causality, and the nature of reality through the lens of thought-mass.
  • Epistemology: Examine how knowledge and belief systems are influenced by and influence the ideascape, potentially redefining the nature of understanding and truth.

Ethical and Societal Implications

  • Mental Sovereignty: Ensure that the power to shape reality through thought is safeguarded against manipulation and abuse.
  • Collective Responsibility: Foster a sense of collective stewardship over the ideascape, emphasizing the impact of individual thoughts on the broader reality.


The thought-mass ontology presents a compelling fusion of consciousness, physics, and metaphysics, proposing that thoughts are not merely abstract phenomena but fundamental constituents of reality with physical properties. While highly speculative, this framework invites interdisciplinary exploration, bridging gaps between science, philosophy, and spirituality. By challenging traditional notions of entropy, gravity, and the nature of existence, thought-mass encourages a reevaluation of how consciousness interacts with the cosmos, opening pathways for both theoretical advancements and practical applications in shaping our collective and individual realities.

Engaging with such a paradigm requires a balance between imaginative exploration and rigorous critical analysis. As research progresses in fields like quantum consciousness, neurobiology, and information theory, the boundaries between thought and matter may become increasingly permeable, potentially validating or refining aspects of the thought-mass concept. Until then, it remains a vision of a universe where the mind is not just a passenger but the architect of existence.


Considering if thought had mass.






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