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Releases: Esri/imagery-explorer-apps

Added Sentinel-1 Explorer

10 Jul 04:42
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Sentinel-1 Explorer


  • add Temporal Composite Tool
  • add Change Detection Tool
  • add Index Mask Tool
  • add Temporal Profile Tool
  • add Orbit Direction Filter
  • lock relative orbit orbit direction for Change Detection tool and Temporal Composite Tool
  • show Foot Print for Change Compare and Temporal Composite tool
  • add documentation panel

Landsat Explorer


  • add Raster Function Templates of the Landsat Level-2 service


  • Scene Info table should display ID in one line
  • use useImageryLayerByObjectId custom hook from shared/hooks to get Landsat Layer
  • use getFeatureByObjectId from shared/services/helpers
  • use getExtentByObjectId from shared/services/helpers
  • use intersectWithImageryScene from shared/services/helpers
  • use identify from shared/services/helpers
  • update queryAvailableScenes in /@shared/store/Landsat/thunks to use deduplicateListOfImageryScenes
  • use @shared/components/ImageryLayer/ImageryLayerByObjectID instead of LandsatLayer
  • use @shared/components/SwipeWidget/SwipeWidget4ImageryLayers
  • <LandsatMissionFilter /> should be passed as a child components to Calendar.
  • update <Layout /> to use useShouldShowSecondaryControls hook
  • use <MapPopup /> from @shared/components/MapPopup
  • use Change Compare Tool from @shared/components/ChandCompareTool
  • update MaskLayer to use ImageryLayerWithPixelFilter
  • update ChangeCompareLayer to use ImageryLayerWithPixelFilter



  • add tooltip and click to copy feature to Scene Info component
  • add Play/Pause button to AnimationDownloadPanel
  • include estimated area calculation for Mask tool
  • include estimated area calculation for Change Detection
  • display current map scale and pixel resolution in Custom Attribution component
  • add Documentation Panel


  • upgrade @arcgis/core to use version 4.29
  • update animation panel to re-fetch animation images when user minimizes bottom panel
  • use .env to save WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_HOSTNAME
  • add Zoom2ExtentContainer to shared components
  • update map popup to include X/Y coordinates