This github is for the latest server files, public bug reports, and feedback related to the Epoch Survival gamemode for Arma 3.
Lastest Stable Server Files:
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA).
- Server Install:
- If your wanted Map is currently not supported, use the "epoch._ChangeMe.pbo" and rename it to "epoch.MapName.pbo" to use a fallback config
Starting a FAQ here. Can get expanded later
- How to increase / reduce the Loot?
- There are 3 files, where you can adjust the Loot:
- @epochhive\epochconfig.hpp
- lootmultiplier -> (description is in the config)
- missionfile\epoch_config\CfgBuildingLootPos.hpp -> (description is in the config)
- EpochLootChance
- GroundSpawnChance
- MinGroundContainers
- MaxGroundContainers
- @epochhive\addons\epoch_server_settings\configs\CfgMainTable.h -> Change the Loot for each Container / Buildingtype
- lootMin
- lootMax
- @epochhive\epochconfig.hpp
- There are 3 files, where you can adjust the Loot:
- I have added an item to the loot, but it will not spawn (rpt log say "have no price")
- You also have to add new items to CfgPricing.hpp and CfgItemSort.hpp within your mission file
- I am running a 3rd parties script, but some functions are not working (e.g. Infistar)
- We have disabled some commands by default for better security.
- Check CfgDisabledCommands.hpp within your missionfile, if there are needed functions disabled (if so, remove it)
- Want to add a function to the DynaMenu / E-Pad
- For the DynaMenu, check missioonfile\epoch_config\Configs\CfgActionMenu\EXAMPLE.hpp
- For E-Pad, check the "FullExample" in missioonfile\epoch_config\CfgEPad.hpp