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 `Enigma Bridge <>`__ Python client

With this repo you can use `Enigma Bridge <>`__ encryption service.


.. code:: bash

    pip install ebclient


The following example assumes that you already have access to the encryption server, i.e., you have a valid api key,
which in this case is 'API_TEST'.

Calling processData():

.. code:: python

    from ebclient.process_data import ProcessData
    from ebclient.uo import Configuration, Endpoint, SimpleRetry, UO
    from ebclient.crypto_util import *

    # Construct general configuration (endpoint, request config)
    cfg = Configuration()
    cfg.endpoint_process = Endpoint.url('')
    cfg.api_key = 'API_TEST'

    # UO you want to work with
    uo_aes = UO(uo_id=0xee01,

    # ProcessData itself
    pd = ProcessData(uo=uo_aes, config=cfg)
    result ='6bc1bee22e409f96e93d7e117393172a'))
    print(from_hex('95c6bb9b6a1c3835f98cc56087a03e82') == result)

For more usage examples please refer to tests and our `API
documentation <>`__.


.. code:: bash

    pip install pycrypto requests

Or to install to home directory

.. code:: bash

    pip install --user pycrypto requests

If the error ``ImportError: No module named Crypto`` is thrown it's
needed to run pip with ``--upgrade`` and update pycrypto to the latest


We should be compatible with Python 2.6+ and Python 3+.


Error in installation of dependencies (cryptography, pyOpenSSL):
``sorry, but this version only supports 100 named groups``
[`100-named-groups <>`__]

Solution: Install downgraded version of pycparser and pyOpenSSL:


    pip install pycparser==2.13
    pip install pyOpenSSL==0.13
    pip install cryptography

You may need to install some deps for the python packages


    yum install gcc g++ openssl-devel libffi-devel python-devel

SNI on Python < 2.7.9

TLS SNI support was added to Python. For earlier versions SNI needs to
be added to Requests networking library.


    pip install urllib3
    pip install pyopenssl
    pip install ndg-httpsclient
    pip install pyasn1

Mac OSX installation

For new OSX versions (El Capitan and above) the default system python
installation cannot be modified with standard means. There are some
workarounds, but one can also use ``--user`` switch for pip.


    pip install --user cryptography