2-nd + 3-rd homework in Statistical Methods for Data Science course: analysis of fMRI scans for sick vs non-sick brains
Statistical analysis with parametric and nonparametric inference techniques for fMRI study inherent in brains of healthy and autistic samples. In homework 2, hypothesis tests were used on activity levels and relationships existing between different areas (ROIs) of the brain. Of fact, reference was made to studies regarding confidence intervals on the correlation coefficient with Bonferroni correction. In homework 3, Friedman's process (combined with various machine learning techniques) was used for prediction of healthy and unhealthy subjects. We also reported an EDA of the data in timeseries for inferring informative features for our purpose.
: R markdwon with the main code and explanation of the obtained rsults for the homework 2;hw3.rmd
: R markdwon with the main code and explanation of the obtained rsults for the homework 3;hw2Report.html
: Reports in HTML for the homeworks.