A Remote Full-stack web developer ready for implementation of any project. (Problem-solving)
const emmyn = {
😄 pronouns: ["He", "Him"],
lookingFor: "Front-end developer" || "Back-end developer" || "Full-stack web developer",
code: [JavaScript, React, Redux, Vuejs, D3.js, Three.js, Ruby on Rails, HTML/CSS, Semantic UI, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS],
personality: ["Protagonists"],
Advice:["Don’t let imposter syndrome keep you from getting what’s yours. Use “I feel” a lot instead of, “I think that”."],
🔭 I am currently working on React and vue based projects.
🌱 I’m currently learning D3js, Greensock and Threejs.
👯 I'm currently developing my own project in vuejs, looking for a collaboration and more ideas.
🤔 I need help in D3js to develop data visualization based project.
💬 Ask me about software development
⚡ funfacts: ["The man with the world’s deepest voice can make sounds humans can’t hear"],
Quote1: ["You can't change the past but it is possible to start with your past to build a better future"],
Quote2: ["Believe in yourself. Under-confidence leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy that you are not good enough for your work"],