This is a skill written for mycroft to publish commands over an mqtt broker for home automation or any other purpose.
Currently it will publish the action to a topic built from the commands said, for example
- say
hey mycroft, turn the light on
and mycroft will publishon
. - say
hey mycroft, switch the tv on
and mycroft will publishon
- "Command vacuum to return home."
- "Turn the light on."
- "Switch the tv on."
Add the following lines to your settings.json and adjust to your needs. If you are using SSL and a self signed certificate you will need to change mqttca to the location of your cerftificate, Or you can add it the default trusted certificates.
- Copy your certificate to directory:
sudo cp yourcert.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/yourcert.crt
- Update the CA store:
sudo update-ca-certificates
"mqttca": "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt",
"mqtthost": "",
"mqttport": 8883,
"mqttuser": "user",
"mqttpass": "pass"
Thats it, now start mycroft and start turning your light on and off.
platform_picroft platform_plasmoid