This is a porting of the java [iText] 1 library. purepdf is a complete pdf library for actionscript which allows to read and create pdf document from any running swf files. It supports almost all the pdf features. For a complete view of the library features see the Examples page.
- alpha gradient colors
- support for pdf viewers display options
- alpha transparency
- layers and layers membership
- support for pdf text rendering.
- tables ( nested tables, page split tables, table with images, etc...)
- slide show
- page transitions
- annotations
- patterns, shadings patterns (linear and gradient), spot colors, rgb color and cmyk color
- linear and radial gradients with alpha
- forms (user input forms, textfields, combo box, list, checkbox).
- paragraphs, phrases, chunks for text manipulation
- image patterns
- lists
- basic and advanced paths
- images ( png, tif, jpeg, bitmapdata, gif, animated gifs)
- afm, otf, pfm, ttc and ttf fonts (embedded and not embedded)
- metadata, page header and footers
- external, internal links
- barcodes creation ( ean-ucc 13, ucc-12, ean-ucc-8, upc-e, pdf 417, ean supplements)
- unicode, cjk fonts
- file attachments
- arabic RTL writing
- javascript
- multi column text and text around shapes
- page labels
- vertical text
- read existing pdf documents
- and most of the pdf features..
See an auto-generated pdf with all the classes: