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Merge pull request #4 from EleutherAI/hp
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Highly Repetitive & Pattern Incrementing
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Kyle1668 committed Aug 17, 2023
2 parents c938eb0 + 4dce3fb commit f956271
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Showing 5 changed files with 567 additions and 2 deletions.
92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions filters/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
def break_and_compare(ls: list, k: int) -> list:
This function takes a list ls and an integer k as input and returns a list which is the first chunk of ls that is repeated k times. If no such chunk exists, it returns an empty list.
ls (list): The input list.
k (int): The integer value used for splitting and comparing the list.
n = len(ls)
while n % k != 0:
n -= 1
to_break = ls[:n]
residual = ls[n:]
chunk_size = n // k
while len(residual) < chunk_size:
# split into chunks
chunks = [to_break[i:i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(to_break), chunk_size)]
chunksMatch = True
# compare all chunks to first chunk
for chunk in chunks[1:]:
if chunk != chunks[0]:
chunksMatch = False
if chunksMatch:
# compare residual to first chunk
if residual == chunks[0][:len(residual)]:
return chunks[0]
chunk_size -= 1
new_residual = to_break[chunk_size * k:]
to_break = to_break[:chunk_size * k]
residual = new_residual + residual
return []

def break_and_compare_wrapper(ls: list, start_k: int, end_k: int) -> list:
This function serves as a wrapper for the `break_and_compare` function. It takes an additional two integer parameters `start_k` and `end_k` to define a range of values for `k`.
It iterates over this range and calls `break_and_compare` for each value of `k` within the range.
- `ls` (list): The input list.
- `start_k` (int): The starting value of `k` for the range (inclusive).
- `end_k` (int): The ending value of `k` for the range (inclusive).
# end_k is inclusive
ls = list(ls)
length = len(ls)
half = length // 2
for k in range(start_k, end_k + 1):
for i in range(0, half):
# remove some tokens from the end as well
rem = 2
# when rem = 0 -> 0.91 0.73 0.81
# when rem = 1 -> 0.91 0.78 0.84
# when rem = 2 -> 0.90 0.80 0.84
# when rem = 3 -> 0.89 0.80 0.84
# when rem = 4 -> 0.89 0.80 0.84
# when rem = 5 -> 0.89 0.80 0.84
# when rem = 6 -> 0.89 0.80 0.84
for j in range(0, rem+1):
result = break_and_compare(ls[i:length - j], k)
if result:
return result, k
result = break_and_compare(ls[i:], k)
if result:
return result, i, k
result = break_and_compare(ls, k)
if result:
return result, k
return [], -1

if __name__ == "__main__":
# from transformers import AutoTokenizer
# inp = """0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
# 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff"""
# tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
# "EleutherAI/pythia-70m-deduped",
# )
# inp = tokenizer(inp)['input_ids']
# print(inp)
# # for token in inp:
# # print(token, tokenizer.decode(token))
# print(break_and_compare_wrapper(inp, 2, 30))
ls = [1]
start_k = 1
end_k = 3
expected = ([1], 1)
output = break_and_compare_wrapper(ls, start_k, end_k)
303 changes: 301 additions & 2 deletions filters/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,301 @@
def incrementing_sequences_filter(text):
return True
import re

def replace_non_numeric_with_whitespace(text: str) -> str:
# Replace non-numeric characters with whitespace
# cleaned_text = re.sub(r'[^0-9]', ' ', text)
new_text = ""
for i in range(len(text)):
if text[i].isdigit():
new_text += text[i]
elif text[i] == "." and i > 0 and i < len(text)-1 and text[i-1].isdigit() and text[i+1].isdigit():
new_text += text[i]
new_text += " "
cleaned_text = new_text

decimal_seen = False
notValidFloat = False
for i in range(len(cleaned_text)):
if cleaned_text[i] == " ":
decimal_seen = False
elif cleaned_text[i] == ".":
if decimal_seen:
notValidFloat = True
decimal_seen = True
elif cleaned_text[i].isdigit():
notValidFloat = True

if notValidFloat:
# Replace non-numeric characters with whitespace
cleaned_text = re.sub(r'[^0-9]', ' ', text)

# Replace multiple consecutive whitespaces with a single whitespace
cleaned_text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', cleaned_text)

return cleaned_text

def incrementing_sequences_filter(text : str) -> bool:
# count number of numeric and non-numeric characters
num_numeric = 0
num_non_numeric = 0

for char in text:
if char.isdigit():
num_numeric += 1
num_non_numeric += 1

ratio_numeric = num_numeric / (num_numeric + num_non_numeric)

# print("ratio_numeric", ratio_numeric)

# if less than 5% of characters are numeric, return False
if ratio_numeric < 0.05:
return False

# remove all non numeric with whitespace
text = replace_non_numeric_with_whitespace(text)
if text.count(" ") != 0:
# convert them to a list
ls = list(map(float, text.split()))
ls = list(text)

# print("After removing all non-numeric characters with whitespace", ls)

# Check for incrementing in chunks
# Adding this to handle cases like "A.1 , A.2 , A.3 , A.4, B.1 , B.2, B.3, C.1"
ptr = 0
min_max = {}
chunk_num = 0
min_max[chunk_num] = (ls[ptr], ls[ptr+1], 2)
ptr += 1
while ptr < len(ls)-1:
if ls[ptr] < ls[ptr+1]:
min_max[chunk_num] = (
min(min_max[chunk_num][0], ls[ptr]),
max(min_max[chunk_num][1], ls[ptr+1]),
min_max[chunk_num][2] + 1
chunk_num += 1
if ptr+2 < len(ls):
min_max[chunk_num] = (ls[ptr+1], ls[ptr+2], 1)
min_max[chunk_num] = (ls[ptr+1], ls[ptr+1], 1)

ptr += 1

# remove chunks with size 1
min_max = {k: v for k, v in min_max.items() if v[2] > 1}

# if chunk ids are not consecutive, return False
chunksAreConsecutive = True
for i in range(len(min_max)-1):
if i+1 not in min_max:
chunksAreConsecutive = False

# print("min_max", min_max)

if chunksAreConsecutive:
# if all chunks have same min value and last chunk's max value is less than first chunk's max value, return True
for i in range(len(min_max)-1):
if min_max[i][0] != min_max[i+1][0]:
if i == len(min_max)-2 and min_max[i][1] <= min_max[0][1]:
return True

# When the list is too small, it is not an incrementing sequence
# Some results to decide on the threshold (P, R, F1)
# Without Condition - 0.48 0.69 0.57
# when threshold is 3 - 0.58 0.69 0.63
# when threshold is 4 - 0.60 0.68 0.64
# when threshold is 5 - 0.62 0.65 0.64
# when threshold is 6 - 0.64 0.64 0.64
# when threshold is 7 - 0.67 0.63 0.65
# These values are subject to change based on the dataset and the code modifications done post procuring them
if len(ls) < 6:
return False

index_to_remove = []
# remove all repeating at fixed intervals
for i in range(len(ls)-1):
k = 1
while k < len(ls):
indices = []
anySame = False
for j in range(i, len(ls), k):
if ls[i] != ls[j]:
k += 1
anySame = True
if not anySame and len(indices) > 1:
k += 1
elif not anySame:
k += 1

# unravel the list
index_to_remove = list(set(index_to_remove))

new_list = []
for i in range(len(ls)):
if i not in index_to_remove:
ls = new_list

# print("After removing repeating at fixed intervals", ls)

# When post cleanup the list is too small, it is not an incrementing sequence
# This threshold leads to P, R, F1 of 0.71, 0.63, 0.67
# These values are subject to change based on the dataset and the code modifications done post procuring them
if len(ls) < 4:
return False

# Basic case where numbers are only increasing or decreasing
isIncreasing = True
isDecreasing = True
for i in range(len(ls)-1):
if ls[i] > ls[i+1]:
isIncreasing = False
if not isDecreasing:
if ls[i] < ls[i+1]:
isDecreasing = False
if not isIncreasing:
isIncreasing = False
isDecreasing = False

if (isIncreasing or isDecreasing) and len(ls) > 1:
return True

# break the list into chunks where each chunk is increasing
increasing_chunks = []
chunk = []
for i in range(len(ls)-1):
if ls[i] <= ls[i+1]:
chunk = []
if len(ls) > 1:

# break the list into chunks where each chunk is decreasing
decreasing_chunks = []
chunk = []
for i in range(len(ls)-1):
if ls[i] >= ls[i+1]:
chunk = []
if len(ls) > 1:

#print lengths of chunks
# print("increasing_chunks", increasing_chunks)
# print("decreasing_chunks", decreasing_chunks)

# if first chunk is of unequal size remove it
if len(increasing_chunks) >= 2 and len(increasing_chunks[0]) != len(increasing_chunks[1]):
if len(decreasing_chunks) >= 2 and len(decreasing_chunks[0]) != len(decreasing_chunks[1]):

# if last chunk is of unequal size remove it
if len(increasing_chunks) >= 2 and len(increasing_chunks[-1]) != len(increasing_chunks[-2]):
if len(decreasing_chunks) >= 2 and len(decreasing_chunks[-1]) != len(decreasing_chunks[-2]):

# if any chunk is of unequal size return False
for chunk in increasing_chunks:
if len(chunk) != len(increasing_chunks[0]):
return False
for chunk in decreasing_chunks:
if len(chunk) != len(decreasing_chunks[0]):
return False

#print lengths of chunks
# print("increasing_chunks", increasing_chunks)
# print("decreasing_chunks", decreasing_chunks)

if len(increasing_chunks) > 1:
isIncreasing_increasing_chunks = [True]*len(increasing_chunks[0])
isDecreasing_increasing_chunks = [True]*len(increasing_chunks[0])
for i in range(len(increasing_chunks)-1):
for j in range(len(increasing_chunks[i])):
if increasing_chunks[i][j] < increasing_chunks[i+1][j]:
isDecreasing_increasing_chunks[j] = False
if not isIncreasing_increasing_chunks[j]:
if increasing_chunks[i][j] > increasing_chunks[i+1][j]:
isIncreasing_increasing_chunks[j] = False
if not isDecreasing_increasing_chunks[j]:
isIncreasing_increasing_chunks = []
isDecreasing_increasing_chunks = []

if len(decreasing_chunks) > 1:
isIncreasing_decreasing_chunks = [True]*len(decreasing_chunks[0])
isDecreasing_decreasing_chunks = [True]*len(decreasing_chunks[0])
for i in range(len(decreasing_chunks)-1):
for j in range(len(decreasing_chunks[i])):
if decreasing_chunks[i][j] < decreasing_chunks[i+1][j]:
isDecreasing_decreasing_chunks[j] = False
if not isIncreasing_decreasing_chunks[j]:
if decreasing_chunks[i][j] > decreasing_chunks[i+1][j]:
isIncreasing_decreasing_chunks[j] = False
if not isDecreasing_decreasing_chunks[j]:
isIncreasing_decreasing_chunks = []
isDecreasing_decreasing_chunks = []

largest_chunk_size = max(len(isIncreasing_increasing_chunks), len(isDecreasing_increasing_chunks), len(isIncreasing_decreasing_chunks), len(isDecreasing_decreasing_chunks))
if len(isIncreasing_increasing_chunks) < largest_chunk_size:
isIncreasing_increasing_chunks.extend([False]*(largest_chunk_size - len(isIncreasing_increasing_chunks)))
if len(isDecreasing_increasing_chunks) < largest_chunk_size:
isDecreasing_increasing_chunks.extend([False]*(largest_chunk_size - len(isDecreasing_increasing_chunks)))
if len(isIncreasing_decreasing_chunks) < largest_chunk_size:
isIncreasing_decreasing_chunks.extend([False]*(largest_chunk_size - len(isIncreasing_decreasing_chunks)))
if len(isDecreasing_decreasing_chunks) < largest_chunk_size:
isDecreasing_decreasing_chunks.extend([False]*(largest_chunk_size - len(isDecreasing_decreasing_chunks)))

# print("isIncreasing_increasing_chunks", isIncreasing_increasing_chunks)
# print("isDecreasing_increasing_chunks", isDecreasing_increasing_chunks)
# print("isIncreasing_decreasing_chunks", isIncreasing_decreasing_chunks)
# print("isDecreasing_decreasing_chunks", isDecreasing_decreasing_chunks)

if len(isIncreasing_increasing_chunks) >= 1:
resp = isIncreasing_decreasing_chunks[0] or isDecreasing_decreasing_chunks[0] or isIncreasing_increasing_chunks[0] or isDecreasing_increasing_chunks[0]
for i,j,k,l in zip(isIncreasing_increasing_chunks, isDecreasing_increasing_chunks, isIncreasing_decreasing_chunks, isDecreasing_decreasing_chunks):
resp = resp and (i or j or k or l)
if resp:
return True

return False

if __name__ == "__main__":

samp = r"""
"A.1 , A.2 , A.3 , A.4, B.1 , B.2, B.3, C.1"

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