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This project is a QA automation framework built using Cucumber BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) framework with Selenium. It provides a structured approach for automating browser tests, ensuring efficient test case management and easier collaboration between QA engineers and stakeholders. Maven as the build automation tool for managing dependencies and executing tests. JUnit for assertion and validation of test results. There is two main step for this framework

Steps to Create Project

1.Create a maven project called demoQAWtihRestAssured

2.Under pom.xml

1.add below property section


2.Add dependencies



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     <!--If you want to get rid of SLF4J Failed to load message from the console -->



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3.Add Build Plugins



4.Create a package called com.demoQAUI under src/test/java

  1. under com.demoQAUI, create pages, runners, srep_definitions and utilities packages
  1. Add a file to store project information in order to avoid hard coding. add following information:

5.Create resources directory under project level

  1. Create a file with .feature extension to define scenarios and steps. This just a regular file.
  1. In feature file follow cucumber BDD (Gherkin) approach

6.In order to generate test report, we need to use maven goal

if you are using command line: mvn clean verify cmd+enter or ctrl+enter. if you dont have maven installed locally and if you are using IntelliJ buttons; first click on clean then click on verify. Your report will be generated under target as HTML Report

7.Under step_definitions package, create feature file corresponding java classes to write test source code

  1. Create Hooks java class to use cucumber @Before and @After annotations

8.Under runners package, create CukesRunner and FailedTestRunner java classes to run step_definitions java classes test source code

  1. Add below information above CukesRunner class name
        plugin = {

        features = "src/test/resources/features",
        glue = "com/demoQAUI/step_definitions",
        dryRun =,
        tags = ""
  1. Add below information above FailedTestRunner class name
        glue = "com/demoQAUI/step_definitions",
        features = "@target/rerun.txt"

10.Under pages package, create each page of application corresponding Java Classes to store each page related web elements to achieve Page Object Model

  1. Create BasePage java class and add base page class constructor with following
 public BasePage() {

11.For API Testing create a package called com.demoQAAPI under src/test/java

  1. Create pojo package to store POJO classes which is implementing deserialization for each JSON file
  2. Improving code quality and productivity in testing by reducing repetitive tasks and enhancing the readability of test cases and test data by using Lombok library
  1. Create a test package in order to write actual code fragments

Important Notes

Normally I have a framework for API testing. It is Serenity BDD framework. I could not implement it in this project. Because there is frontend part as well. I am using Cucumber BDD framework with Selenium for that. So I have chose Cucumber.

My Serenity usage

  1. I have serenity.conf file and file where I store my base url, Database connection string and one valid user credentials for each type of user.
  2. serenity.conf file allows me to switch between environment easily.I have same key name with different environments so that when I want to switch I use mvn clean verify -dEnvironment=...(qa2) and it runs my test cases against to env I used. If I dont specify it will use default environment that I set in serenity.conf file
  3. I label my classes with @SerenityTest and I set my report and root name in file. So that tests are recognized by report.

Junit5 Usage

  1. I have BaseTest for my project where I use @BeforeAll and @AfterAll methods to set my base_url, db connection, and close connections and reset.
  2. I have used regular @Tests and @ParametrizedTests from Junit5. @ParameterizedTests allow me to run same testcase with different sets of data which is DDT(Data Driven Testing).
  3. I use @MethodSource and @CsvFileSource mostly, but I know there are like ValueSource and CsvSource also.

RestAssured Usage

  1. I use Serenity version of RestAssured library where I have same methods in gherkin format.Gherkin allow me type readable test cases for non-technical people.If the person knows API they can easily understand my test cases.
  2. Serenity way is allowing me to get request and response in the report.I also use Ensure.that() type of verification to log each assertion that I make, to see in the report.
  3. I use Hamcrest matchers inside the my assertion,I use pojo classes and java maps mostly to store and send request and json body.

This is a small task. So I did not create any utility classes for API part. I implemented DDT by using Csv source with ParameterizedTest annotations. Also I have an experience by using Method source and Csv file source annotations.


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