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Code explanation

This document walks you trough the DNA Chisel code. Please request changes if anything is unclear.

Core classes

Here we explain the relationship between the main classes in DNA Chisel. The next section will explain how the code is organized.

  • DnaOptimizationProblem is the class to define and solve an optimization problems. Its methods implement all the solver logics. Notable attributes:

    • Constraints (list of Specifications that must be verified in the final sequence)
    • Objectives (list of Specifications that must be as close to verified as possible in the final sequence)
    • A MutationSpace storing the changes that can be made to the sequence
  • CircularDnaOptimizationProblem is a variant of DnaOptimizationProblem whose optimization algorithm assumes that the sequence is circular.

  • Specification is a class to represent sequence design rules that can be used either as constraints or objectives. Its methods define what the specification looks at in a sequence, how it behaves on local problems, etc. The evaluation of a DnaOptimizationProblem by a Specification produces a SpecEvaluation. Notable attributes of Specifications:

    • A Location indicating where it applies in a sequence (absence of location implies that it applies to the whole sequence).
    • A SequencePattern if the Specification is about inserting or removing a pattern.
  • SpecificationSet (same file) is a special Specification class which actually groups together several Specifications. See AllowPrimers for an example.

  • Location is a class representing the location of a segment of a sequence. It is used primarily to indicate where a Specification applies in the sequence, but also in SpecEvaluation to indicate constraint breaches, in SequencePattern to indicate the location of a pattern, etc. Class methods describe how Locations are created, extended, merged, intersected, imported from Genbank locations, etc.

  • SpecEvaluation is a class describing the result of the evaluation of a DnaOptimizationProblem by a Specification. Contains a score, a message, a list of Locations of sub-optimal regions. Several evaluations can be grouped using classes ProblemConstraintsEvaluations and ProblemObjectivesEvaluations, which implement methods for printing or exporting as Genbank a set of evaluations.

  • SequencePattern is a class for representing pattern. Methods define how to parse a pattern (such as "BsmBI_site") and find the pattern in a sequence.

  • MutationSpace is a class to represent the possible mutations at different locations of the sequence for a given problem. It is initialized at the creation of the problem by the problem's constraints. A MutationSpace is basically a list of MutationChoices applying at various locations of the sequence. MutationSpace methods describe how to extract variants from the mutation space (this is used by DnaOptimizationProblem's solver to explore new sequence variants). A MutationChoice comprises a location and a set of sequence choices for this location, and the methods define how to extract an random choice, how to merge MutationChoices together, etc.

Code organization

  • biotools/ contains many methods and data tables related to biology and sequence manipulation, either used in the core DNA Chisel classes, or very helpful when writing DNA Chisel scripts (see this folder's README for more).
  • builtin specifications/ contains all the built-in Specification subclasses, one per file. While most files define a directly usable Specification subclass (CodonOptimize, EnforceGCContent, etc.), some files encode generic subclasses meant to be in turn subclassed (CodonSpecification, TerminalSpecification)
  • DnaOptimizationProblem/ contains the code for the DnaOptimizationProblem and CircularDnaOptimizationProblem classes. As DnaOptimizationProblem implements the solver and is very big, the methods in this class have been regrouped into "mixins" in other files.
  • MutationSpace/ contains the implementation of the MutationSpace and MutationChoice classes.
  • reports/ contains methods to generate plots, PDF reports, etc. from a DnaOptimizationProblem (before and after its optimization). It also contains assets (logo, stylesheet, template) for the PDF report.
  • Specification/ contains the implementation of the Specification class (some methods for this class are regrouped in file to make smaller files). The SpecEvaluation/ subfolder contains the implementations of SpecEvaluation, SpecEvaluations, ProblemConstraintEvaluations, ProblemObjectiveEvaluations.
  • utils/ contains generic methods built on top of DNA Chisel that can be useful in other libraries/applications. For instance random_compatible_dna_sequence() which returns a random sequence verifying the given constraints.
  • Location_py implements the Location class which is used everywhere to define sequence segments.
  • SequencePattern_py implements the SequencePattern class.