- tokenSwap: 0xEA5edef17986EAbb7333bacdC9E2F574C7Fe6935,
- easeToken: 0xEa5eDef1287AfDF9Eb8A46f9773AbFc10820c61c,
- bribePot: 0xEA5EdeF17C9be57228389962ba50b98397f1E28C,
- gvToken: 0xEa5edeF1eDB2f47B9637c029A6aC3b80a7ae1550,
- timelock: 0xEA5edEf1401e8C312c797c27a9842e03Eb0e557a,
- governance: 0xEA5eDeF17c4FCE9C120790F3c54D6E04823dE587,
Clone this repo
[email protected]:EaseDeFi/gvToken.git
Install dependencies
cd gvToken
&&npm install
and update the variables -
Compile contracts -
npm run compile
Run tests -
npm test
(Make sure the block number in.env
is 14740073) -
Deploy contracts:-
- Forked Mainnet Hardhat:
npx hardhat run scripts/devDeploy.ts
- Locally Forked Node:
npx hardhat node
&&npx hardhat run scripts/devDeploy.ts --network localhost
- Tenderly Fork - (Note: make sure account MAINNET_PRIVATE_KEY in .env has at least 20K armor and 1 eth on that tenderly fork)
npx hardhat run scripts/devDeploy.ts --network tenderly
- Forked Mainnet Hardhat:
- Forked Mainnet Hardhat:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts
- Locally Forked Node:
npx hardhat node
&&npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network localhost
- Other Networks:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network networkName
- Forked Mainnet Hardhat: