Sometimes I need a high contrast color scheme, and I think monokai is one of the best solutions, it's very beautiful and vivid.
However there is one thing I can't stand -- the contrast is too high, which is totally unacceptable to me.
This color scheme is based on Monokai Pro, the contrast is adjusted to be a bit lower while keeping the colors vivid enough.
The shusia
and maia
variants are based on monokai pro
and monokai machine
respectively. I'm not going to port all variants of Monokai Pro because I don't like some of them. In addition, I designed some new variants inspired by other color schemes.
- High contrast but within acceptable range.
- Vivid colors.
- Highly customizable.
- Rich support for common file types and plugins.
- Italic support 🎉
Take vim-plug for example:
Plug 'sainnhe/sonokai'
For better syntax highlighting support, please install sheerun/vim-polyglot or nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter.
- Clone this repository.
- Copy
. - Copy
. - Copy
and execute:helptags ~/.vim/doc/
to generate help tags. - To install airline theme, copy
. - To install lightline theme, copy
There are some packages available for Arch Linux users in AUR:
See this wiki page.
MIT © sainnhe