This repository contains the source and documentation for #lighthack, an educational project designed by ETC users and employees to engage with the DIY community.
#lighthack is a community-supported initiative, and your fellow #lighthackers are your first resource for help!
The #lighthack project is centered around Arduino-based hardware devices that users assemble from scratch. The Arduino connects via a USB COM port and then communicates via OSC with ETC's Eos software.
Eos supports this functionality on consoles running Windows 7 embedded or higher and ETCnomad for Windows in software version 2.6.1 and newer, and on ETCnomad for Mac in software version 2.7.0 and newer.
Support for XPe-based consoles or XP computers is not planned for this project. If you do not know the version of embedded Windows your console uses, check this link for identifying information.
This is the first Arduino sketch to load - it helps to ensure that the Arduino is communicating successfully with Eos. This is also a good point to return to if you want to re-confirm the Arduino-Eos connection later on.
#lighthack box 1 is a kit project with two encoders, three buttons and a 2x20 display. This kit is available for purchase directly from ETC's US and EU online shops, but you can also find all of the parts directly from suppliers online. This project is located in the box_1 subfolder. This folder contains an assembly instructions document which also contains the parts list. It also contains the Arduino sketch and other supporting documentation.
#lighthack projects are designed to interact with ETC products, but they are not official ETC hardware or software. For challenges using, integrating, compiling, or modifying items in this project, we encourage posting on the Issues page or on the #lighthack forum. Again, #lighthack is a community-supported initiative, and the #lighthacking community is the best place to ask for help!
Requires the Arduino OSC parsing library maintained by the great folks over at CNMAT. The assembly instructions documents contain details on how to add this to your Arduino project.