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Freeze and Split Panes

Mats Alm edited this page Jan 30, 2024 · 13 revisions

In Excel you can Freeze or Split the worksheet in separate panes to either freeze columns or rows or divide the worksheet into different view. To freeze a row/column to fix the the headings you use the worksheet.View.FreezePanes method.

Freeze panes

This sample is taken from Sample 3.4. See Sample 3.4-C# or Sample 3.4-VB :

ws.Cells["B1"].Value = "Name";
ws.Cells["C1"].Value = "Size";
ws.Cells["D1"].Value = "Created";
ws.Cells["E1"].Value = "Last modified";
ws.Cells["B1:E1"].Style.Font.Bold = true;

ws.View.FreezePanes(2, 1);

This example will freeze the panes above and to the left of cell A2 in the worksheet, in this case freezing row one.


Split panes

You can also split the spreadsheet window in two or four panes that are scrollable and resizable. EPPlus can to this by using the worksheet.View.SplitPanes or worksheet.View.SplitPanesPixel methods. The SplitPanes method will split the window using a row/column input. The SplitPanesPixel method will split the panes using a coordinate in pixels.

This sample will split the windows in two panes after the fourth visible row and the third visible column.

ws.View.SplitPanes(4, 3);

SplitPanes4_3 If you only want to split horizontally or vertically you set visible row/column to zero.

ws.View.SplitPanes(4, 0);


See also

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