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EPCC HPC Summer School 2024

For the HPC Summer School we're using material from a range of existing courses so this is a central page to help collect them all together.


Day Morning Afternoon
Mon 24 Bash shell / git Familiarisation / Python image sharpening
Tue 25 Introduction to C C image sharpening
Wed 26 Introduction to HPC Parallel image sharpening
Thu 27 OpenMP for CPUs (i) Parallel CFD example
Fri 28 OpenMP for CPUs (ii) Parallel CFD example
Mon 1 OpenMP for GPUs (i) Parallel CFD example
Tue 2 OpenMP for GPUs (i) Parallel CFD example
Wed 3 Introduction to MPI (i) Parallel CFD example
Thu 4 Introduction to MPI (ii) ACF Visit
Fri 5 HPC Guest Lectures Finish up exercises


The morning lectures will all have associated practicals. You are welcome to continue working on these in the afternoons, but in case you want to explore things a bit more you can work on applying the morning's HPC techniques to two examples: one based on image processing, the other a simple computational fluid dynamics example.


Monday AM

We will use Carpentries material for this session. See:

The HPC Carpentry material was run by EPCC very recently for a course on the national ARCHER2 supercomputer. We will be using a different HPC system at EPCC, Cirrus, but all you have to do is replace occurrences of "ARCHER2" with "Cirrus"!

Monday PM

Here is the claims form

You can find the image sharpening example at

I will explain this program and how it works on Wednesday but for now we'll just be using the Python serial version in the P-SER directory as an example of a program that does lots of computation.

On Cirrus you will need to load a module to get a suitable version of Python: module load python/3.9.13

To view the input and output images (fuzzy.pgm and sharpened.pgm), use module load ImageMagick then display image.pgm.

Things you might like to investigate:

  • How fast is the code on your laptop compared to the Cirrus login nodes?

  • If you want the program to run faster you can change the size of the smoothing filter - try reducing the value of d in from its default value d=8. How does the runtime vary with d? Can you understand this behaviour by looking at the code?

  • The program is deliberately written very simply and the performance can easily be improved. For example, the values of the (very time-consuming) function filter() could be pre-calculate and stored in an array. If you do alter the code make sure that the output is still correct, e.g. by comparing the output image sharpened.pgm.

Tuesday AM

Ludovic will distribute his slides covering an Introduction to C

Tuesday PM

As well as the pagerank example, you can look at the C version of the Image Sharpening code in C-SER.

The exercise is described in doc/sharpen-cirrus1.pdf - the material up to and including section 3.8 is relevant here.

Things to look at include:

  • How much faster is the compiled C version compared to the Python code?
  • Does adding compiler optimisation (e.g. -O3) change the performance?
  • Does using the GNU compiler gcc, as opposed to Intel's icc, change things?

Wednesday AM

Here are the slides for the Introduction to HPC:

You should work through the Image Sharpening worksheet and look at the performance and parallel scalability of the code.

To see the code and exercise sheets, go to

To get these onto Cirrus just use:

git clone

We have a reservation of 8 nodes for fast turnaround all day today. To use this:

    #SBATCH --qos=reservation
    #SBATCH --reservation=tc063_Q2482854

Wednesday PM

There are also OpenMP and (serial) Python versions that you could look at.

  • How does the scalability of the OpenMP code (using threads not processes) compare to MPI?
  • How does using OpenMP limit the ultimate speed of the program compare to MPI?

Thursday AM

Ludovic will distribute his slides covering an Introduction to OpenMP

Thursday PM

You are welcome to continue with Ludovic's OpenMP exercises. However, if you want to tackle something different see below:

You should work through the CFD worksheet and look at the performance and parallel scalability of the code.

To see the code and exercise sheets, go to

To get these onto Cirrus just use:

git clone

The exercise sheet only covers the serial and MPI versions of the cfd example. Here are some things you could consider with the serial Python and parallel OpenMP versions. When compiling code I would recommend using the -O3 optimisation level.

  • Visualising the Python output requires you to run an additional program: python ./ velocity.dat colourmap.dat output.png. You can then view the PNG file with display.

  • How long does the Python code take compared to the serial C code (consider a small example for a reasonable runtime)?

  • Is the performance different on the login vs compute nodes (you will need to write an appropriate Slurm script). What about the serial C code?

  • There is a version that uses numpy arrays and array syntax rather than lists and explicit loops - see cfd_numpy and jacobi_numpy. How much faster is this than the basic Python code? Do you understand why? Again, is there a performance difference between login and compute nodes?

  • Try running the OpenMP code - how does its performance scale with varying values of OMP_NUM_THREADS. For large values you must run on the compute nodes - again, you will need to write a Slurm script. How does this compare to MPI? Do you seen any unusual effects when the thread count exceeds 18 - can you explain this?

  • How does the OpenMP performance scaling compare between the default parameters and running with a finite value of the Reynolds number, e.g. 2.0? Can you see what the problem is? Can you fix it by adding appropriate OpenMP directives?

Friday AM

Ludovic will continue his OpenMP workshop

Friday PM

The way that dosharpen is parallelised in OpenMP is a bit weird - it is done by hand and does not use parallel for.

Rewrite the code so it uses parallel for over the first loop rather than switching based on the value of pixcount. Is the performance similar to the original version? What loop schedule should you use - does it make a difference to performance?

Here is a version of dosharpen written deliberately to have load imbalance within the main loop (the width of the filter is varied across the image from 2 to d). As above, rewrite the code to use parallel for. Does the loop schedule affect performance for the load-imbalanced sharpening algorithm? What is the best schedule - static, dynamic. ... ?

Monday AM

Ludovic will distribute slide for his OpenMP GPU offload workshop

Monday PM

There is a lot to learn for GPU offload so please continue with exercises from this morning, but I have added a "C-GPU" directory to the hpcss24-cfd git repo which contains a simple example of using these directives for the cfd example.

As for the previous OpenMP example the code only currently works for the simpler case when you do not specify a Reynolds number (i.e. for inviscid / irrotational flow). If you want you can try to extend to the general case.

When measuring performance you will need to run much larger problems than for the CPU as you need a lot of grid points to keep the very large number of GPU threads active. You will also need to run for a large number of iterations to get reliable performance results: for large problems the cost of copying data to and from the GPU can be significant.

The reservation for today is tc063_1270277

Tuesday AM

Ludovic will conclude his GPU offload lectures.

Tuesday PM

As ever, continue working on this morning's material if you want. However, feel free to look at the CFD example (described above). The reservation for today is tc063_1270283

Wednesday AM

Ludovic will introduce MPI

Wednesday PM

If you have finished this morning's exercises, there are exercises from a recent ARCHER2 MPI course that you can look at - see

See the "MPI exercise sheet". If you want to take a peek, solutions are available in "Detailed solutions to pi calculation example" and "Simple example solutions to all exercises"

If you want to investigate a larger code rather than bite-sized examples, take a look at the MPI CFD example and check you understand how it works.

In particular, look at the way that the boundary information is exchanged using MPI_Sendrecv. This routine combines both send and receive calls into a single function to help avoid deadlock. Find out how the function works (google is your friend) and see if you can replace it with separate send and receive functions.

If you are brave, try versions using MPI_Send and MPI_Ssend. Do they both run correctly? How does the performance compare between the two versions when you run on multiple nodes, say 128 processes? Do you understand why this is? How does the performance of MPI_Bsend compare?

For these tests it is best to use relatively small simulation sizes but run for many iterations (to keep the runtime at several seconds). Although this might not give you very good parallel efficiency, it does magnify the effects of the time spent in MPI routines. This is useful when you're interesting in MPI efficiency as opposed to overall performance including both communication and calculation.

You should always check that your code is correct. The easiest test is that the error value printed at the end is the same.

Thursday AM

David will conclude the MPI material. I will finish by 12:30 at the very latest to give you time for lunch before the ACF tour this afternoon.

Thursday PM

We will heading out to the Advanced Computing Facility. The ACF Building is about 10km south of the Bayes Centre - see google maps.

The schedule will be (there is 15 minutes slack at the start of the Group 1 just in case of lunchtime travel delays).

  • 13:15 Group 1 boards two taxis outside Bayes
  • 13:45 Group 1 arrives at the ACF
  • 14:00 Group 1 tour starts
  • 14:30 Group 2 boards two taxis outside Bayes
  • 15:00 Group 2 arrives at ACF
  • 15:00 Group 1 tour finishes and boards taxis for return to Bayes
  • 15:00 Group 2 tour starts
  • 15:30 Group 1 arrives back at Bayes
  • 16:00 Group 2 tour finishes and boards taxis for return to Bayes
  • 16:30 Group 2 arrives back at Bayes

Someone from EPCC will travel with each group (in one of the two taxis).

The groups are:

Group 1:

  • Aaron Mott
  • Berk Batin Ari
  • Anas Amraoui
  • Cathal McStay
  • Emma Fare
  • Jessie Gould
  • Fabien Faria
  • Nathan Boachie

Group 2:

  • Rory McArdle
  • Pilar Zarco Villegas
  • Mark Curtis-Rose
  • Alice Groudko
  • Siyi Zheng
  • Alison Wang
  • Lewis Thackeray
  • Toby Davis

Friday AM

This session takes place in the main ground floor Bayes lecture room G.03

The session will comprise guest lectures from a range of HPC experts. Catering will be provided so please arrive well before the first talk to ensure you get a free breakfast!

Time Event
09:00 - 09:30 Tea, coffee and cakes (provided)
09:30 - 10:15 Julien Sindt (EPCC) "Research with EPCC"
10:15 - 11:00 Oliver Brown(EPCC) "Introduction to Quantum Computing"
11:00 - 11:30 Tea, coffee and biscuits (provided)
11:30 - 12:30 Time Dykes (HPE) "Past, Present and Future of Supercomputing"
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch (provided)

Friday PM

You can carry on with the MPI exercises if you want.

You should now know enough to understand the whole of the CFD code including data distribution and collection (MPI scatter and gather), and the way that the error value is accumulated across processes (MPI reduction operation).

If you're looking for a challenge, try using non-blocking communications for the halo swapping. This can be done in several ways including:

  • Non-blocking send, blocking receive and wait.
  • Non-blocking receive, blocking send and wait.
  • Non-blocking send, non-blocking receive and waitall.


General information page for EPCC HPC Summer School 2024






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