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Language Processing Project

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Project for the Language Processing exam.

The repository is divided into 2 parts:

  • Grammar Design (grammar_design folder)
  • NLP project (NLP folder)
Grammar Design
Grammar Design Duccio Meconcelli The original text of the Assignment:

Using lark implement a parser for the definition of functions, with the following rules

  • the functions are defined as: function name(par1,par2,…) { return par1 op par2 op par3…; }

where name is the function name with the usual restrictions (an alphanumeric string beginning with a letter), par1.. are the function parameters whose names follow the same rules as variables names, op is + or * (sum or product). The function body contains only the return instruction that involves the parameters.

  • assume that only one function can be defined
  • after the function definition, there are the calls whose syntax is: "name(cost1,cost2,…);" where name is the name of a defined function, cost1,… are numeric constants in the same
number as the function arguments.
  • print the result of each function call
Grammar Design Sofia Albini Using lark implement a parser for managing the “switch” statement in a simplified version.
  • the variable used in the switch is one integer variable in a predefined set of two variables x, y. The values to x, y are assigned before the if statement (assume 0 if there is no assignment)

    x = 1; y = 2;

  • the switch instruction has the following syntax

    switch(var) { case 0: z=cost0; break;

    ….. case N: z=costN; break;

    default: z=costD; break; }

  • the instruction contains only the assignment of a constant value to the variable z

  • at the end print the value of the variable z

NLP Project

This project aims to develop a system for transcribing audio into text using the powerful transformers library. The primary models utilized in this project are wav2vec2 xlsr and Whisper, both of which are state-of-the-art models for speech recognition tasks.

The wav2vec2 xlsr model is particularly well-suited for multilingual speech recognition tasks, as it has been trained on a diverse range of languages. On the other hand, the Whisper model is specifically designed for low-resource languages, making it an excellent choice for improving transcription accuracy in challenging scenarios.

The code is runnable on Colab on this link:

Open In Colab

ASR Models


To train and evaluate these models, we will be leveraging the common voice 11, common voice 16, and fleurs datasets. These datasets consist of a vast collection of multilingual audio recordings and their corresponding transcriptions, enabling us to build a robust and accurate transcription system.

Dataets used:

Training Procedure:

For training you need to define several options and you can do this either using environment variables or command line options. There are 2 main files:

  • NLP/script/ -> script to train/test CTC based networks (Wav2Vec2)
  • NLP/script/ -> script to train/test SEQ2SEQ based networks (Whisper)

The command always needs the --output_dir option which indicates the path where to save the information and the model.

For the training/evaluate of seq2seq model it is mandatory to set this 2 command line options if you want to get the metrics:

  • --predict_with_generate
  • --generation_max_length="250"
ALL Environment variables
  • DATASET_NAME = "data": name of the dataset (others e.g. : "google/fleurs", "mozilla-foundation/common_voice_16_0", ...)


  • TRAIN_SPLIT_NAME = "train"

  • EVAL_SPLIT_NAME = "validation"

  • TEXT_COLUMN_NAME= "transcription" : column name in the dataset corresponding to the transcription

  • LANGUAGE = "Italian" : language of the output transcription

  • HUGGING_FACE_TOKEN = *your_huggingface_token* (for dataset with required authentication)







  • MAX_DURATION_IN_SECONDS = 40: Max number in seconds for the audio to be accepted in the training

  • MIN_DURATION_IN_SECONDS = 0: Min number in seconds for the audio to be accepted in the training

  • MAX_STEPS = 2000: Define how many steps do for training, otherwhise use NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS




  • LEARNING_RATE = 0.0001

  • WARMUP_STEPS = 500

  • LENGTH_COLUMN_NAME="input_length"

  • SAVE_STEPS=200

  • EVAL_STEPS=100




  • FP16 = True


  • (MODEL = "your_model_name"): I advise against putting it as an environment variable and instead entering it as a command line option (e.g. --model_name=facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m)

Example usage for training whisper-tiny model on google/fleurs dataset and evaluate on it at each EVAL_STEPS:

  python NLP/script/ --model_name="openai/whisper-tiny" --output_dir="training_whisper-tiny" --predict_with_generate --generation_max_length="250" --do_eval --do_train

Then it's mandatory to set up the propper Environment Variables for downloading and setting the dataset and training procedures.

Training results:

Model train examples Training Loss Epoch Step Validation Loss Wer
seq2seq tiny minds 300 0.07186 105 1000 0.0001 0.5296
ctc minds 500 0.0175 99.46 2900 0.5244 0.3319
seq2seq small minds 500 No log 24.71 420 0.6700 0.2459
seq2seq small fleurs 3000 0.0003 21.05 2000 0.3992 0.1394
seq2seq base common11 7000 0.0046 9.13 2000 0.6976 0.3188
ctc common11 7000 0.0967 9.13 2000 0.2142 0.1859
seq2seq tiny common16 7000 0.0059 9.13 2000 0.8071 0.3797
ctc common16 7000 0.1011 9.13 2000 0.2198 0.1835
seq2seq tiny custom 40 0.108733 533 800 3.42*10^-5 0.002

Test results:

dataset examples model WER
costum 40 openai/whisper-tiny 1.0026
costum 40 openai/whisper-base 0.7810
costum 40 openai/whisper-small 0.6030
costum 40 openai/whisper-large 0.5052
costum 40 seq2seq_tiny_common16_7000 1.1213
costum 40 seq2seq_tiny_MINDS_300 0.9311
costum 40 seq2seq_base_common11_7000 0.8621
costum 40 seq2seq_small_fleurs_3000 0.6876
costum 40 seq2seq_small_MINDS 0.7016
costum 40 ctc_300M_common11_7000 0.6323
costum 40 ctc_common16_7000 0.5983
fleurs 300 whispertiny-custom 0.63
fleurs 300 openai/whisper-tiny 0.44


We have implemented a bot on Telegram to make inference and transcribe audio files into text. The script can be started in the Telegram folder and through the code in, requirementx.txt inside the telegram folder contains only useful libraries to make the bot work. The bot uses the PyTelegramBot library to instantiate the bot using the appropriate token, then subsequently uses ASR models (seq2seq) for transcription.

The bot checks with each message whether the file is an audio file, if this is the case then it checks the length of the audio file:

If the audio lasts more than 30 seconds then the Faster-Whisper model is used to quickly generate the transcription of even very long audio and subsequently a summary is applied using the T5 model (a finetuning of the model is used by default: it5-base-summarization ) and subsequently the the summary is sent as a message to the user while the full transcript is written on a Telegraph page and sent via link to the user.

If the audio lasts less than 30 seconds, speculative inference and 2 models are exploited (they can be chosen via environment variables but one must be larger than the other) through which it is possible to save execution time by executing a first transcribe onto a smaller model and then give the larger model the more difficult parts.

Environment variables for Telegram:

must be set for the bot to work correctly:

  • TELEGRAM_TOKEN = *your_token*
  • TELEGRAM_BIG_MODEL = "*name_or_path_main_model*" (e.g. openai/whisper-large)
  • TELEGRAM_SMALL_MODEL = "*name_or_path_assistent_model*" (e.g. openai/whisper-tiny)
  • TELEGRAM_FASTER_MODEL = "medium" (possible options: tiny, base, small, large, large-v2, large-v3)
  • TELEGRAM_SUMMARY_MODEL = "*name_or_path_assistent_model*" (e.g. efederici/it5-base-summarization)




Progetto per l'esame di Language Processing







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