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Ducasse committed Jan 14, 2019
1 parent 6f9d634 commit 87b8cd7
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135 changes: 135 additions & 0 deletions RePCRE/
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Perl-Style Regular Expressions in Smalltalk
The documentation category of this method contains substantial documentation on the operation of this Class.
Re aGeneralComment
Re aGlobalSearchComment
Re aRegexComment
Re aRegexGoryDetailsComment
Re aVersionsComment
Re anReComment
Re anReOverviewComment
Re aLicenseComment
(Re on: 'a.*y') search: 'Candy is dandy.'
'a.*y' asRe search: 'Candy is dandy.'
'Candy is dandy' reMatch: 'a.*y'
(Re on: '\w+') searchAndCollect: 'Candy is dandy.'
'\w+' asRe searchAndCollect: 'Candy is dandy.'
'Candy is dandy.' reMatch: '\w+' andCollect: [:m | m match]
pattern String -- the string with the regular expression source code
compiledPattern RePlugin representing a compiled pattern
isAnchored Boolean -- representing an option setting
is ... Booleans -- for the other options below
List ofcommon public methods:
sets options using Perl-style string
#beAnchored #beNotAnchored #isAnchored #isAnchored:
#beBeginningOfLine #beNotBeginningOfLine #isBeginningOfLine #isBeginningOfLine:
#beCaseSensitive #beNotCaseSensitive #isCaseSensitive #isCaseSensitive:
#beDollarEndOnly #beNotDollarEndOnly #isDollarEndOnly #isDollarEndOnly:
#beDotIncludesNewline #beNotDotIncludesNewline #isDotIncludesNewLine #isDotIncludesNewline:
#beEndOfLine #beNotEndOfLine #isEndOfLine #isEndOfLine:
#beExtended #beNotExtended #isExtended #isExtended:
#beExtra #beNotExtra #isExtra #isNotExtra:
#beGreedy #beNotGreedy #isGreedy #isGreedy:
#beMultiline #beNotMultiline #isMultiline #isMultiline:
Getters and setters for options in traditional Smalltalk style
search: aTargetString
search aTargetString from: startInteger to: endInteger
Compiling the pattern, if necessary, search a string (or substring) using the pattern. Answers nil if no match.
searchAndCollect: aTargetString
search: aTargetString andCollect: aBlock
search: aTargetString andCollect: aBlock matchCount: anInteger
Compiling the pattern, if necessary, gather all (or, if specified, the first anInteger) non-overlapping matches to me in aTargetString. Answer a collection of the results of applying aBlock to each ReMatch result.
search: aTargetString andReplace: aBlock
search: aTargetString andReplace: aBlock matchCount: anInteger
Compiling the pattern, if necessary, find all (or, if specified, the first anInteger) non-overlapping matches to me in aTargetString. Answer a new string, created by substituting the results of applying aBlock to each ReMatch result for the matched substring.
(44 16 109 1 1 18 2 23 2 16 2 27 2 19 2 14 2 22 3 1 19 1 12 280 11 236 30 1 6 40 687 66 8 13 8 13 7 12 5 10 1 118 18 13 9 13 13 6 9 13 13 6 13 9 1 217 8 13 13 6 9 13 13 6 13 9 1 266)bf3,bf1,f1,bf1,f1,f1LRe aGeneralComment;,f1,f1LRe aGlobalSearchComment;,f1,f1LRe aRegexComment;,f1,f1LRe aRegexGoryDetailsComment;,f1,f1LRe aVersionsComment;,f1,f1LRe anReComment;,f1,f1LRe anReOverviewComment;,bf1,f1,f1LRe aLicenseComment;,f1,bf1,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1,f1b,f1
Class {
#name : #Re,
#superclass : #Object,
#instVars : [
#category : #RePCRE

{ #category : #documentation }
Re >> anOptionsComment [ "
Compilation and Matching Options
Message Name Code Explanation
beCaseSensitive -i Case sensitive matching
beNotCaseSensitive i Ignore case during matching
beNotMultiline -m Anchor chars don't match line ending
beMultiline m Anchor chars match on line ending
beNotDotIncludesNewline -s '.' does not match line ending
beDotIncludesNewline s '.' matches line endings
beNotExtended -x extended mode off (see below)
beExtended x extended mode on (see below)
beNotDollarEndOnly -E $ matches \n before end of line
beDollarEndOnly E $ does not match \n before end of line
beGreedy -U quantifiers have ordinary meaning
beNotGreedy U reverses meaning of * and :*, also + and :+
beNotExtra -X PCRE Extra mode off (see below)
beExtra X PCRE Extra mode on (see below)
beNotAnchored -A Matches may begin anywhere
beAnchored A Matches must start with first character
beBeginningOfLine -B subject starts at beginning of a line
beNotBeginningOfLine B subject start not at beginning of a line
beEndOfLine -Z subject end may be at end of line
beNotEndOfLine Z subject end may not be at end of a line
In extended mode (beExtended), whitespace are ignored unless escaped, and # precedes comment to next newline. PCRE Extra mode is described in detail in the accompanying documention. Options may be changed at any time, but a pattern recompile occurs after changing the value any option other than anchored (A), beginning of line (B) or end of line (Z).
Options may be specified using messages or by Perl-style option codes:
'a.*y' asRe
search: 'CANDY IS ', Character cr asString, 'DANDY, BUT LIQUOR IS QUICKER'
'a.*y' asRe
opt: 'is';
search: 'CANDY IS ', Character cr asString, 'DANDY, BUT LIQUOR IS QUICKER'
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions RePCRE/
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ReMatch: Perl-Style Regular Expression Search Results
I. Introduction
This Class is part of a package of classes providing a Smalltalk wrapper to Philip Hazel's excellent PCRE library. The Plugin interface and Smalltalk wrapper was written by Andrew C. Greenberg. As discussed in RePattern aGeneralComment, the functionality is essentially embodied in this class, Class RePattern and certain new messages in Class String. A summary of the regular expression syntax can be found in RePattern aRegexComment and a summary of the compile option codes available can be found in RePattern anOptionsComment.
II. Principal Match Results
The substring of searchString matched by re is given by:
m match
which can be derived from searchString as follows:
m searchString
copyFrom: (m from)
to: (m to)
III. Captured Groups (and Collections of Captured Groups)
The number of substrings capturable by a parenthetical grouping in an re (regardless of the number actually matched to create m) is given by:
m numGroups
The string captured by parenthetical grouping i, where 1<=i<=(m numGroups) is given by
m matchAt: i
and this can be generated as follows:
m searchString
copyFrom: (m fromAt: i)
to: (m toAt: i)
And an array of size (m numGroups) can be generated from strings and indices accordingly:
m matches
m froms
m tos
ReMatch class
instanceVariableNames: ''
Class {
#name : #ReMatch,
#superclass : #Object,
#instVars : [
#category : #RePCRE
99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions RePCRE/
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RePattern: Compiled Perl-Style Regular Expressions
I. Introduction.
This Smalltalk implementation of modern Perl-Style regular expressions was compiled by Andrew Greenberg <[email protected]> and contributors, based upon the excellent PCRE library by Philip Hazel. As discussed in RePattern aGeneralComment, the functionality is essentially embodied in this class, Class ReMatch and certain new messages in Class String. A summary of the regular expression syntax can be found in RePattern aRegexComment and a summary of the compile option codes available can be found in RePattern anOptionsComment.
A substantially more detailed description of RePlugin is available downloading the file ""RePluginDoco,"" which can be obtained from http:, into your default directory, and then executing
Utilities reconstructTextWindowsFromFileNamed: 'RePluginDoco'
II. To Search a String or Substring For Pattern Matches (Once Only):
'Squeak or Squawk!' reMatch: '^Squ(ea|aw)k'
'Squeak or Squawk!' reMatch: '^Squ(ea|aw)k' opt: 'imsxABEXZ'
'Squeak or Squawk!' reMatch: '^Squ(ea|aw)k!' from: 11
more generally,
srchStr reMatch: patStr [opt: oStr] [from: start] [to: stop]
For a one-time search of a string (or substring) for occurences of a match pattern. The message will be answered with nil (if there is no match) or an instance of ReMatch, which can then be queried for further details about the match.
III. Global Searching and Replacing
The re package provides rudimentary facilities for global searches and replacements on a string. The following expressions
'\w+' reMatch: 'this is a test' collect: [:m | m]
(RePattern on: '\w+') search: 'this is a test' collect: [:m | m]
return an ordered collection of the results of repeated non-overlapping applications of the pattern to the string, or nil if there are no matches in the string. To produce a list of matched strings, you can for example execute the following:
'\w+' reMatch: 'this is a test' collect: [:m| m match]
(RePattern on: '\w+') search: 'this is a test' collect: [:m | m match]
You can also perform global search and string replacements, where the answer is a string with unmatched text left alone, and matched text replaced by the result of a call to a Block passed the ReMatch object as a single parameter. For example,
('\w+' reMatch: 'this is a test' sub: [:m| '<', (m match), '>']
(RePattern on: '\w+') search: 'this is a test' sub: [:m| '<', (m match), '>']
return a string with each nonblank word surrounded by angle brackets. For more details, see RePattern aGlobalSearchComment.
IV. To Create Compiled Regular Expression Objects (For Repeated Matching):
'^Squ(ea|aw)k!$' asRePattern
'^Squ(ea|aw)k!$' asRePatternOpt: 'imsxAEX'
'^Squ(ea|aw)k!$' asRePatternOpt: 'imsxAEX' onErrorRun: aBlock
RePattern on: '^Squ(ea|aw)k!$'
RePattern on: '^Squ(ea|aw)k!$' opt: 'imsxAEX'
on: '^Squ(ea|aw)k!$'
opt: 'imsxAEX'
onErrorRun: [:pat :offset :message | ""your code here"" ]
Each of the preceding expressions returns an instance of RePattern, compiled for efficient matching when the pattern is repeatedly searched against different strings. RePattern ordinarily caches a dozen or so of the most recently compiled patterns, but nevertheless invokes a cost for the table lookup. To avoid compile and lookup costs, use the above messages. To perform a one-time search, see above.
V. To Search a Compiled Regexp Against A String or Substring for Matches:
searchString reMatch: re [from: from] [to: to] [opt: optStr]
re search: searchString [from: from] [to: to] [opt: optStr]
'Squeak or Squawk' reMatch: re.
re search: 'Squeak or Squawk!'.
re search: 'Squeak or Squawk!' opt: 'ABZ'.
If no match is found, these messages answer nil. Otherwise, they answer with a corresponding instance of ReMatch.!
RePattern class
instanceVariableNames: 'Patterns Options CompileObjects Front '
Class {
#name : #RePattern,
#superclass : #Object,
#instVars : [
#classInstVars : [
#category : #RePCRE
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions RePCRE/
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/* Regular Expression Plugin (This class comment becomes part of rePlugin.c)
RePlugin translate: 'RePlugin.c' doInlining: true.
See documentation and source code for the PCRE C Library Code. This plugin is designed to serve an object such as RePattern:
patternStr A 0-terminated string comprising the pattern to be compiled.
compileFlags An Integer representing re compiler options
PCREBuffer A ByteArray of regular expression bytecodes
extraPtr A ByteArray of match optimization data (or nil)
errorString A String Object For Holding an Error Message (when compile failed)
errorOffset The index in patternStr (0-based) where the error ocurred (when compile failed)
matchFlags An Integer representing re matcher options
matchSpaceObj An Integer array for match results and workspace during matching.
The instance variables must appear in the preceding order. MatchSpaceObj must be allocated by the calling routine and contain at least 6*(numGroups+1) bytes.
#include ""pcre.h""
#include ""internal.h""
/* Slight machine-specific hack for MacOS Memory Management */
#define malloc(ptr) NewPtr(ptr)
#define free(ptr) DisposePtr(aPointer)
/* Adjust malloc and free routines as used by PCRE */
void rePluginFree(void * aPointer);
void * rePluginMalloc(size_t anInteger);
void *(*pcre_malloc)(size_t) = rePluginMalloc;
void (*pcre_free)(void *) = rePluginFree;
Class {
#name : #RePlugin,
#superclass : #Object,
#instVars : [
#category : #RePCRE

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