Application to process input query, and display the knowledge graph
- in BM25-Retreival directory is for retrieving relevant documents based on given terms; creates a tokenised dataframe from the original dataset to be used for BM-25 search.
- processes the user query and projects a knowledge graph using NetworkX library.
- returns the processed triples from input query. It uses the Berkley Neural Parser to consider the whole noun-phrase and verb-phrase instead of the bottom-most node of the tree (overcoming the limitation offered by the package nlptriples). It applies a brute-force method to get all the triples (good and bad) from the input text, also solving the inadequacy of triples problem by nlptriples.
- finds the most relevant triples using an embeddings model (word2vec trained, not included here) and returns a dataframe of final triples
- removes special characters and lowercases the data. It does not tokenise it, since that is handled by the file.