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Doodler. A web application built with plotly/dash for image segmentation with minimal supervision. Plays nicely with segmentation gym,


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Daniel Buscombe, Marda Science

Developed for the USGS Coastal Marine Geology program, as part of the Florence Supplemental project

This is a "Human-In-The-Loop" machine learning tool for partially supervised image segmentation and is based on code previously contained in the "doodle_labeller" repository which implemenets a similar algorithm in OpenCV

The Conditional Random Field (CRF) model used by this tool is described by Buscombe and Ritchie (2018)

The video shows a basic usage of doodler. 1) Annotate the scene with a few examples of each class (colorful buttons). 2) Check 'compute and show segmentation' and wait for the result. The label image is written to the 'results' folder, and you can also download a version of it from your browser for quick viewing





There are many great tools for exhaustive (i.e. whole image) image labeling for segmentation tasks, using polygons. Examples include and cvat. However, for high-resolution imagery with large spatial footprints and complex scenes, such as aerial and satellite imagery, exhaustive labeling using polygonal tools can be prohibitively time-consuming. This is especially true of scenes with many classes of interest, and covering relatively small, spatially discontinuous regions of the image.

What is generally required in the above case is a semi-supervised tool for efficient image labeling, based on sparse examples provided by a human annotator. Those sparse annotations are used by a secondary automated process to estimate the class of every pixel in the image. The number of pixels annotated by the human annotator is typically a small fraction of the total pixels in the image.

Doodler is a tool for sparse, not exhaustive, labeling. The approach taken here is to freehand label only some of the scene, then use a model to complete the scene. Sparse annotations are provided to a Multilayer Perceptron model for initial predictions, refined by a Conditional Random Field (CRF) model, that develops a scene-specific model for each class and creates a dense (i.e. per pixel) label image based on the information you provide it. This approach can reduce the time required for detailed labeling of large and complex scenes by an order of magnitude or more. Your annotations are first used to train and apply a random forest on the entire image, then a CRF is used to refine labels further based on the underlying image.

This is python software that is designed to be used from within a conda environment. After setting up that environment, create a classes.txt file that tells the program what classes will be labeled (and what buttons to create). The minimum number of classes is 2. The maximum number of classes allowed is 24. The images that you upload will go into the assets/ folder. The labels images you create are written to the results folder.


Clone/download this repository

git clone --depth 1

Install the requirements

conda env create --file install/dashdoodler.yml
conda activate dashdoodler

If the above doesn't work, try this:

conda create --name dashdoodler python=3.6
conda activate dashdoodler
conda install -c conda-forge pydensecrf cairo
pip install -r install/requirements.txt


Move your images into the assets folder. For the moment, they must be jpegs with the .jpg (or JPG or jpeg) extension. Support for other image types forthcoming ...

Run the app. An IP address where you can view the app in your browser will be displayed in the terminal. Some browsers will launch automatically, while others you may have to manually type (or copy/paste) the IP address into a browser. Tested so far with Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.


Open a browser and go to You may have to hit the refresh button. If, after some time doodling things seem odd or buggy, sometimes a browser refresh will fix those glitches.

Example screenshots of use with example dataset

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6


More demonstration videos (older version of the program):

Doodler example 2

Doodler example 3

Elwha example

Coast Train example

Coast Train example 2


Based on this plotly example and the previous openCV based implementation doodle_labeller


Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Credit will always be given.

Report Bugs

Report bugs at

Please include:

* Your operating system name and version.
* Any details about your local setup that might be helpful in troubleshooting.
* Detailed steps to reproduce the bug.

Fix Bugs

Look through the GitHub issues for bugs. Anything tagged with "bug" and "help wanted" is open to whoever wants to implement it.

Implement Features

Look through the GitHub issues for features. Anything tagged with "enhancement" and "help wanted" is open to whoever wants to implement it.

Write Documentation

We could always use more documentation, whether as part of the docs, in docstrings, or using this software in blog posts, articles, etc.

Get Started!

Ready to contribute? Here's how to set up for local development.

  • Fork the dash_doodler repo on GitHub.

  • Clone your fork locally:

$ git clone [email protected]:your_name_here/dash_doodler.git

Install your local copy into a virtualenv. Assuming you have virtualenvwrapper installed, this is how you set up your fork for local development:

$ cd dash_doodler/ $ conda env create --file install/dashdoodler.yml $ conda activate dashdoodler

Create a branch for local development:

$ git checkout -b name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature

Now you can make your changes locally.

Commit your changes and push your branch to GitHub:

$ git add .

$ git commit -m "Your detailed description of your changes."

$ git push origin name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature

Submit a pull request through the GitHub website.

Progress report


  • display numbers for every parameter
  • fixed label creation and display in situations where there is a null image value (0), and where there are not as many classes in the scene as in the collection


  • modified layout so image window is larger, and button bank is narrower. Hopefully easier to label, less zooming, etc. see #4. Thanks Dan Nowacki
  • added yml installation file, modified requirements.txt to remove gunicorn dependency. see #1. Thanks Dan Nowacki, Chris Sherwood, Rich Signell
  • updates to docs, README, videos


  • switched to a Flask backend server
  • added upload button/drap-and-drop
  • those images now download into the assets folder and get listed in the dropdown menu
  • figured out how to serve using gunicorn (gunicorn -w 4 -b app:server)
  • results are now handled per session, with the results written to a folder with the timestamp of the session start
  • organized files so top level directory has the main files, and then subfunctions are in src. conda and pip files are in install
  • no more banner and instructions - saves space. Instructions on github.
  • more economical use of space in drop down list - can load and display more files
  • when an image is labeled, it disappears from the list when new images are uploaded
  • new videos


  • fixed bug in how annotations were being generated and written to png file
  • new version uses a cumulatively trained random forest. First image annotated, builds RF, makes prediction. Then subsequent images build upon the last RF. Uses scikit-learn RandomForestClassifier's warm_start parameter and saving model to pickle file
  • all the CRF functions and controls are removed in Just RF is implemented. Faster, also perhaps better (more testing)
  • fixed bug that was making it redo segmentations automatically on file change and other callbacks
  • time strings now ISO conformable (thanks Dan Nowacki)
  • image printing now in the main app function rather than subfunction, aids incorporation into more sophisticated callback workflows


  • added sliders for CRF and RF downsample factors
  • fixed bug that causes error when no files present upon launch
  • fixed bug that caused incorrect colormap on color label outputs where nodata also present (orthomosaics)
  • automatically selects colormap based on number of classes (G10 for up to 10, Light24 for up to 24)
  • tested on large set of orthomosaics and other types of imagery
  • 6-stack no longer used in CRF (too slow). Back to RGB. Later will add 6-stack as an option, or individual bands as options (like for RF)
  • resize now uses nearest nearest (order 0 polynomial) interpolation rather than linear. Makes more sense for discrete values
  • callback context now passed to segmentation function
  • is now and now uses CRF with fixed RF inputs, and different defaults for MU and THETA
  • median filter size adjustments no longer force redoing of segmentation. Instead, it disables the segmentation so after you have set the new median filter kernel size, recheck the compute/show segmentation box


  • Uses two tabs: tab 1 is for image annotations and controls, and tab 2 is for file selection and instructions
  • RF model updating properly implemented. RF model file name contains classes
  • CRF version fully exposes all parameters to user
  • optionally, users can enter their unique ID for saving results
  • Log file created for a session
  • Better instructions
  • RF-only version no longer available. Only CRF. App now called
  • Images that are done are copied to the 'labeled' folder. Every 2 seconds the program checks the assets and labeled folders and only lists the difference of those two sets.
  • Image names are copied below into a box, for copy/pasting (note taking). The names of images done are copied to a text file, for later use


  • Re-implemented RF updating by writing out data to file, then refitting to all data
  • some argument passing changes
  • RF now uses intensity, edges and texture by default (no choice)
  • updated script - first usable version


  • If only one class example provided, whole scene assumed to be that class
  • Checks for old classifiers and data files and renames (restarts each new session)
  • By default now only uses 3 trees per image to update the RF model
  • Each setting default now displayed on control panel
  • class_weight="balanced_subsample", min_samples_split=3

03/17/21. Release version 1.1.0

  • max samples now 1e5, subsampled thereafter from all values (new and concatenated from file)
  • crf_refine now loops through 5 different 'rolled' versions of the label/image combo and and an average is taken. Rolling (wot I made up) is shifting an image and unary potentials on the x axis and recomputing the label raster in the shifted position, then unrolling back and averaging down the stack of unrolled label rasters
  • min_samples_split=5 in RF
  • in, now loops through 5 different 'rolled' versions of the label/image combo and a weighted average is taken
  • added a 'sample' set to test, and provide model
  • provided a 'clean' yml file (no version numbers) and added tqdm as a dependency
  • program now reads in default values from src\ or below)
  • program uses SIGMA_MAX and SIGMA_MIN from src\ or below) rather than hard-coded in
  • created (not yet documented)
  • program now writes and reads that keeps track of your settings preferences
  • IP address ( now displayed in terminal window
  • added example workflow for sample dataset

03/20/21. version 1.1.1

  • support for 1-band (greyscale) images (and tested on sidescan imagery)
  • adds rudimentary metric for RF and CRF to use space, the i.e. the pixel locations in x and y. seems to improve predictions in sidescan and water masking imagery
  • added some explanatory text to README on how Doodler works
  • increased max samples to 500,000
  • DEFAULT_CRF_DOWNSAMPLE = 3 (up from 2) to accomodate larger feature stack (two more, position in x, and position in y)
  • added more logging info in RF/VRF models
  • added timer to show how long each inference takes

05/09/21. version 1.2.1 (MAJOR UPGRADE) GUI:

  • Model independence factor and blur factor now used for mu and theta respectively. More approachable, easier to explain
  • reordered crf controls so theta/mu, then downsample and probability of doodle (order of likelihood to tweak)
  • no longer median filter controls
  • made 'show/compute seg' button blue :)
  • no longer the sigma for 'sigma range'


  • per image standardization and rescaling [0,1]
  • no antialiasing when resizing CRF label, and replacement of values not present in original
  • decreased max samples to 200,000
  • remove small holes and islands in the one-hote encoded CRF mask
  • median filtering now removed. not needed, creates problems, extra buttons/complexity. Instead ...
  • implements 'one-hot encoded mask spatial filtering'
  • implements inpainting on regions spatially filtered
  • pen width is used as-is, no longer exponentially scaled
  • SIGMA_MAX=16; SIGMA_MIN=1. Hardcoded. Easier to manage number of features, which now have to be 75. Also, they make very little difference


  • greyscale and annotations no longer saved to png file, instead to numpy area (npz compressed), which encodes
    • 'image'' = image
    • 'label' = one-hot-encoded label array
    • 'color_doodles' = color 3D or color doodles
    • 'doodles' = 2D or greyscale doodles
    • the npz file is overwritten, but old arrays are kept, prefixed with '0', and prepended with another '0', such that the more '0's the newer, but the above names without '0's are always the newest. Color images are still produced with time tags.
  • DEFAULT_CRF_DOWNSAMPLE = 4 by default
  • accepts jpg, JPG, and jpeg
  • in implementation using, user decides between two modes, saving either default basic outputs (final output label) or the full stack out outputs for debugging or optimizing
  • in predict_folder, extracted features are memory mapped to save RAM


  • RF feature extraction now in parallel
  • CRF 'test time augmentation' now in parallel
  • utils/ is a new script that plots all the minutae of the steps involved in label generation, making plots and large npz files containing lots of variables I will explain later. By default each image is modeled with its own random forest. Uncomment "#do_sim = True" to run in 'chain simulation mode', where the model is updated in a chain, simulating what Doodler does.
  • utils/ is a new script that will convert annotation label images and associated images (created and used respectively by/during a previous incarnation of Doodler)
  • utils/ is a new script that will strip just the image and one-hot encoded label stack image for model training with Zoo


06/01/21. version 1.2.2

  • versions with S3 integration: and, in which:
    • remove all code to do with timing and file lookup in assets and labeled
    • fsspec read file
    • fsspec write results
    • 'one chance" doodling. Next image retrieved automatically from s3 when 'segment image' unchecked
  • the minimal version has one chance doodling, no controls except pen width. Next image retrieved automatically from s3 when 'segment image' unchecked
  • worked out more details for serving using gunicorn/nginx/systemctl services

06/06/21. docker-dev branch

06/09/21. v 1.2.3

  • fixed bug in CRF making all labels a minimum of 1

06/21/21. v 1.2.4

  • Doodler no longer learns as it goes by default. Large trials suggested that strategy was inferior to an extremely task-specific approach.
  • Doodler now uses a MLP classifier using features - applies gaussian blur to image and x,y location for feat extraction as inputs to MLP with 2 hidden layers each with 100 neurons, relu activation, alpha=2 regularization
  • applies standard scaler as pre-filter
  • no predict in folder script
  • partially fixed bug with file select (interval just 200 milliseconds)
  • cleaned up and further tested all utils scripts


  • Docker deployment--HELP!!

  • User authentication using O-Auth e.g. or Auth0 --HELP!!

  • Delay running the model until all of the coefficients are adjusted...right now it jumps right into the calcs as soon a slider is moved, but maybe you want to adjust two sliders first. Maybe change the compute segmentation to a button that changes color if the model is out of date wrt to the current settings. here

  • pymongo (mongoDB) database backend - thanks Evan and Shah @UNCG-DAISY! See here, here

  • on Ctrl+C, clear 'labeled' folder, etc

  • 'label here' feature based on analysis of doodles in real time -- how?

  • consolidate data/models script

Use the issues tab to suggest new features!