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Cyclistic Sharing-Bike Analysis

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  • A Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate case study.

  • Real-world data + fictional company (Cyclistic)

  • Task: analyze data, answer critical business questions, and make data-driven recommendations to maximize annual memberships.

  • Business Objective: Chicago bike-sharing company Cyclistic aimed to increase annual memberships based on understanding the differences in bike usage between annual members and casual riders.

  • Key Questions:

    • How do annual members and casual riders use Cyclistic bikes differently?
    • Why would casual riders buy Cyclistic annual memberships?
    • How can Cyclistic use digital media to influence casual riders to become members?


Data Overview Value
Data size 3.3G
Number of files 41
Number of columns 13
Number of rows 17,962,572


Created reusable R modules to handle general situations.

comparable_summaries(df, col, groups)
# A comprehensive function build on skim() to display summaries in concise and comparable way.
# Functioning early findings in comparable scenarios.
check_column_consistenc(csv_files, std_cols)
# Check if the cols of multiple csv files are consistent.
# Merge csvs into one tibble
# Convert messey POSIXct formats to uniform datetime
# Convert messey POSIXct formats to uniform datetime
empty_value_monthly(tb, date_col, col1, col2)
# Display distribution of empty value in cols with bar chart

Geographical Analysis

The project used geographical libraries to gain insights (see below).


  • Ask: Defined key business questions and objectives.
  • Prepare: Gathered and cleaned the data from various sources.
  • Process: Performed data manipulation and transformation for analysis.
  • Analyze: Conducted in-depth analysis to uncover insights.
  • Share: Communicated findings through visualizations and reports.
  • Act: Presented recommendations based on data insights.

Key Findings

Initial findings from comparable_summaries(df, col, groups)

  • Casual riders are over 40%, showing high business potential.
  • Although the distance of trips are similar, casual trips are 2.44 times slower in speed. Which shows evidence of leisure riding.

  • The popular stations for two groups are distinct.

  • For casual, more riding happened on weekends.

Insights from geographical analysis

Alt map1

  • Member's station distributed in clusters.
  • Casual user's stations are along the lake.

Alt map2

  • Top stations in Weekend and weekdays are distinct.
  • Casual riders are significantly more active in weekend.

Alt map2

  • Further investigation: The most popular stations are located in the most popular city attractions

Findings of travel time patterns

  • Strong seasonal volatility.
  • Both trips are at the same level in Summer.
  • Casual trips drop to significant lower level in winter.

  • Trends are very similar in weekdays or in weekends respectively.
  • In weekend, Overlapping lines reveal same behavior between two groups.
  • In weekdays, the riding time is distinct.
  • The peaks appear around 15 pm in weekends, and 17 pm in weekdays.
  • No peak in weekday mornings for casual riding. But small peaks appear in evening rush hours.

Summary of Findings

  • Casual riders still make up a large percentage
    • More than 40% ridings are made by casual riders.
    • The portation of casual are stable and the number are slightly growing in the last 3 years.
  • Casual riders show clear evidence to perform leisure tourism.
    • They ride the similar distance in much longer time.
    • Their favorite stations spread along the beach.
    • They strongly prefer riding in Weekend, and have the same time pattern with members.
    • On weekday, they tend to ride around evening rush hours.
    • Their number of rides is at the same or even higher level in Summer. But in winter, they ride much less.

Patterns and Strategies

Inactive Winter Introduce Monthly Membership
Slow riding Gifting free distance rather than free time
Popular stations Conducting promotions at top stations
Favorite time Rebates for weekends and evening peak
Purpose of leisure Relaxing online and offline campaigns

Key Tools

  • R
    • RStudio
    • R Markdown
  • SpreadSheet
  • Kaggle
    • Kaggle Notebook
  • Git
    • GitHub Repository