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Donald_Draper edited this page Nov 10, 2017 · 3 revisions

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The repository is used to record my study, it is a static blog site based on the jekyll-theme-architect, if you don't want to waste much time on create blog step by step, you can use it today.

Quick start

To create blog base the repository :

  1. you can pull the repository, and modify repository name to yours, such as: ->
  2. modify some site constants in _config.yml under the root, profile.yml and gitalk.yml under the _data dir. the _config.yml the global config of site, the laters are private. Being care for the gitalk.yml, it is a comment plugin of article base the gitalk.


# following used to _include/header.html
title: Donaldhan Blog
description: Just do it, deeply...
show_downloads: false
theme: jekyll-theme-architect
# head github repository
repository: Donaldhan/

# feed used to _include/aside.html,
#be care for variable name cant't include .
    username: Donaldhan
    username: donald-draper
    username: Donaldhans
    username: Donaldhan
    email: [email protected]


# profile config, used to about/index.html and _include/aside.html
cityInfo: Live in GuangZhou.
workInfo: Serving on the  budget center of CPB.
jobInfo: Now, job on the GuangZhou budget center of chinese people bank.
motto: Everything is possible, just do it, deeply...


# gitalk config, used to gitalk, in the _/layout/page.html
clientID: 0939abcd9b2a3251b2d6
clientSecret: 047e01d125fe0e6f362f2318193eec0806a2dcb4
owner: Donaldhan
admin: Donaldhan
language: en
mode: false

about the config info, you can see gitalk.

  1. install Jekyll, Runnig Jekyll on Linux,Running Jekyll on Windows.
  2. Clone down your repository
  3. cd into your local repository directory
  4. Run bundle exec jekyll serve to start the preview server
  5. Visit localhost:4000 in your browser to preview your blog.

Step by step

If you want to create blog by yourself from zero, or you are stirring guy, you can reference the notes on my gitee repository.

Before you start to create blog, you must realize that what jekyll is? Simplely ,it is a blog tool drives by ruby, use your blog repository to produce a static site. Then yaml and markdown, yaml is a human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages, likes xml, but simplely, describle properties use some special symbols , instead of 'xml' use the complicate label, and you have to anlysize. markdown is an easy-to-read and easy-to-write plain text marked language, and it is feasible, compatible with html. Of course, you need learn Liuqid. If you want to edit markdown file, some software can help you , such as Atom , MarkdownPad, atom is A github offical hackable text editor for markdown, has linux and windows two version. markdownPas is for windows, suggest to atom.

After above, you can create a simple static blog site, if you want some especial function ,such as fulltext search (Jekyll Tipue Search) and article comment(gitalk).

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