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Ed Summers edited this page Apr 7, 2021 · 7 revisions

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Welcome to the twarc wiki. We mostly use this space to organically share ideas for how to develop and use twarc.

In practice this wiki is a place for documentation about the design and use of twarc that doesn't fit comfortably into a discrete issue ticket or the current documentation.

Sometimes these pages graduate into the official documentation that is available on ReadTheDocs. However there is no requirement for wiki pages to be written with the goal of integrating them into the official documentation.

Please feel empowered to add new pages, it's a wiki! You can send a pull request, or if you prefer create an issue to request the ability to edit directly. If you'd like to have your page migrated into the official documentation, or think it warrants changes to the code please open an issue to let us know.

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