Notice: DeepForge is still a work in progress and is also lacking significant documentation! That being said, any contributions and/or feedback is greatly appreciated (and feel free to always ask any questions on the gitter)!
DeepForge is an open-source visual development environment for deep learning. Currently, it supports Convolutional Neural Networks but we are planning on supporting additional deep learning classifiers such as RNNs and LSTMs. Additional features include real-time collaborative editing and version control.
Simply run the following command to install deepforge with its dependencies:
curl -o- | bash
Or, if you already have NodeJS (v6) installed, simply run
npm install -g deepforge
Next, start deepforge with deepforge start
Finally, navigate to https://localhost:8888 to start using DeepForge! For more, detailed instructions, check out the wiki.
Also, be sure to check out the other available features of the deepforge
cli; it can be used to update, manage your torch installation, uninstall deepforge and run individual components!
Contributions are welcome! Either fork the project and submit some PR's or shoot me an email about getting more involved!
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