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A snippet for fetching and parsing resources from the document tree or custom DB table by a custom rule.




1. Elements → Snippets: Create a new snippet with the following data

  1. Snippet name: ddGetDocuments.
  2. Description: <b>1.6</b> A snippet for fetching and parsing resources from the document tree or custom DB table by a custom rule..
  3. Category: Core.
  4. Parse DocBlock: no.
  5. Snippet code (php): Insert content of the ddGetDocuments_snippet.php file from the archive.

2. Elements → Manage Files:

  1. Create a new folder assets/snippets/ddGetDocuments/.
  2. Extract the archive to the folder (except ddGetDocuments_snippet.php).

Just run the following PHP code in your sources or Console:

//Include (MODX)EvolutionCMS.libraries.ddInstaller
	$modx->getConfig('base_path') .

//Install (MODX)EvolutionCMS.snippets.ddGetDocuments
	'url' => '',
	'type' => 'snippet'
  • If ddGetDocuments is not exist on your site, ddInstaller will just install it.
  • If ddGetDocuments is already exist on your site, ddInstaller will check it version and update it if needed.

Parameters description

Core parameters

  • fieldDelimiter
    • Desctription: The field delimiter to be used in order to distinct data base column names in those parameters which can contain SQL queries directly, e. g. providerParams->groupBy, providerParams->orderBy and providerParams->filter.
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: '`'

Data provider parameters

  • provider

    • Desctription: Name of the provider that will be used to fetch documents.
      Data provider names are case insensitive (the following names are equal: parent, Parent, pArEnT, etc).
    • Valid values:
      • 'parent'
      • 'select'
    • Default value: 'parent'
  • providerParams

    • Desctription: Parameters to be passed to the provider.
    • Valid values:
      • stringJsonObject — as JSON
      • stringHjsonObject — as HJSON
      • stringQueryFormated — as Query string
      • It can also be set as a native PHP object or array (e. g. for calls through $modx->runSnippet):
        • arrayAssociative
        • object
    • Default value: —
  • providerParams->filter

    • Desctription: The filter condition in SQL-style to be applied while resource fetching.
      Notice that all fields/tvs names specified in the filter parameter must be wrapped in fieldDelimiter.
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: '`published` = 1 AND `deleted` = 0'
  • providerParams->total

    • Desctription: The maximum number of the resources that will be returned.
    • Valid values: integer
    • Default value: — (all)
  • providerParams->offset

    • Desctription: Resources offset.
    • Valid values: integer
    • Default value: 0
  • providerParams->groupBy

    • Desctription: Group items that have the same values into summary item (like SQL GROUP BY).
    • Valid values: stringCommaSeparated
    • Default value: —
  • providerParams->groupBy[$i]

    • Desctription: Document field or TV by which the items will be grouped.
    • Valid values: string
    • Required
  • providerParams->orderBy

    • Desctription: A string representing the sorting rule.
      TV names also can be used.
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: —

Providers → Parent (&provider=`parent` )

  • providerParams->parentIds

    • Desctription: Parent ID(s).
    • Valid values:
      • array
      • stringCommaSeparated
    • Default value: [0]
  • providerParams->parentIds[i]

    • Desctription: Document ID.
    • Valid values: integer
    • Required
  • providerParams->depth

    • Desctription: Depth of children documents search.
    • Valid values: integer
    • Default value: 1
  • providerParams->excludeIds

    • Desctription: The document IDs which need to exclude.
    • Valid values:
      • array
      • stringCommaSeparated
    • Default value: —
  • providerParams->excludeIds[i]

    • Desctription: Document ID.
    • Valid values: integer
    • Required

Providers → Select (&provider=`select` )

  • providerParams->ids

    • Desctription: Document IDs to output.
    • Valid values:
      • array
      • stringCommaSeparated
    • Required
  • providerParams->ids[i]

    • Desctription: Document ID.
    • Valid values: integer
    • Required

Providers → Customdbtable (&provider=`customdbtable` )

Get resources from custom DB table.

  • providerParams->resourcesTableName
    • Desctription: DB table to get resources from.
    • Valid values: string
    • Required

Output format parameters

  • outputter

    • Desctription: Format of the output.
      Outputter names are case insensitive (the following names are equal: string, String, sTrInG, etc).
    • Valid values:
      • 'string'
      • 'json'
      • 'sitemap'
      • 'yandexmarket'
      • 'raw'
    • Default value: 'string'
  • outputterParams

    • Desctription: Parameters to be passed to the specified outputter.
    • Valid values:
      • stringJsonObject — as JSON
      • stringHjsonObject — as HJSON
      • stringQueryFormated — as Query string
      • It can also be set as a native PHP object or array (e. g. for calls through $modx->runSnippet):
        • arrayAssociative
        • object
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->templates

    • Desctription: Output templates.
    • Valid values: object
    • Default value: —

Outputter → String (&outputter=`string` )

  • outputterParams->templates->item

    • Desctription: Item template.
      Available placeholders:
      • [+any document field or tv name+] — Any document field name or TV.
      • [+any of extender placeholders+] — Any extender placeholders (see extenders description below).
      • [+any placeholders from placeholders param+] — Any custom placeholders (see outputterParams->placeholders description below).
      • [+itemNumber+] — Item number started from 1.
      • [+itemNumberZeroBased+] Item number started from 0.
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Required
  • outputterParams->templates->itemFirst

    • Desctription: Template for the first item. Has the same placeholders as outputterParams->templates->item.
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default value: == outputterParams->templates->item.
  • outputterParams->templates->itemLast

    • Desctription: Template for the last item. Has the same placeholders as outputterParams->templates->item.
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default value: == outputterParams->templates->item.
  • outputterParams->templates->wrapper

    • Desctription: Wrapper template.
      Available placeholders:
      • [+any document field or tv name+] — Any document field name or TV.
      • [+any of extender placeholders+] — Any extender placeholders (see extenders description below).
      • [+any placeholders from placeholders param+] — Any custom placeholders (see outputterParams->placeholders description below).
      • [+ddGetDocuments_items+]
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->templates->noResults

    • Desctription: A chunk or text to output when no items found.
      Has the same placeholders as outputterParams->templates->wrapper.
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->placeholders

    • Desctription: Additional data has to be passed into templates->item, templates->itemFirst, templates->itemLast and templates->wrapper.
      Arrays are supported too: some[a]=one&some[b]=two => [+some.a+], [+some.b+]; some[]=one&some[]=two => [+some.0+], [some.1].
    • Valid values: object
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->placeholders->{$name}

    • Desctription: Key for placeholder name and value for placeholder value.
    • Valid values: string
    • Required
  • outputterParams->itemGlue

    • Desctription: The string that combines items while rendering.
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: ''

Outputter → Json (&outputter=`json` )

  • outputterParams->docFields

    • Desctription: Document fields to output (including TVs).
    • Valid values:
      • array
      • stringCommaSeparated
    • Default value: 'id'
  • outputterParams->docFields[i]

    • Desctription: Document field or TV.
    • Valid values:
      • stringDocFieldName
      • stringTvName
    • Required
  • outputterParams->templates->{$docFieldName}

    • Desctription: You can use templates for some document fields.
      Templates will be used before JSON conversion of results. So you don't need to care about characters escaping.

      It is useful for manipulations with doc field values through running snippets.

      Available placeholders:

      • [+value+] — the field value
      • [+any document field or tv name+] — Any document field name or TV specified in outputterParams->docFields
    • Valid values:

      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Required

Outputter → Sitemap (&outputter=`sitemap` )

Output in Sitemap XML format.

  • outputterParams->priorityTVName

    • Desctription: Name of TV which sets the relative priority of the document.
    • Valid values: stringTvName
    • Default value: 'general_seo_sitemap_priority'
  • outputterParams->changefreqTVName

    • Desctription: Name of TV which sets the change frequency.
    • Valid values: stringTvName
    • Default value: 'general_seo_sitemap_changefreq'
  • outputterParams->templates->item

    • Desctription: Item template.
      Available placeholders:
      • [+any document field or tv name+] — Any document field name or TV.
      • [+any of extender placeholders+] — Any extender placeholders (see extenders description below).
      • [+itemNumber+] — Item number started from 1.
      • [+itemNumberZeroBased+] Item number started from 0.
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default:
  • outputterParams->templates->wrapper

    • Desctription: Wrapper template.
      Available placeholders:
      • [+any document field or tv name+] — Any document field name or TV.
      • [+any of extender placeholders+] — Any extender placeholders (see extenders description below).
      • [+ddGetDocuments_items+]
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default value:
       <urlset xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

Outputter → Yandexmarket (&outputter=`yandexmarket` )

Output in YML format.

  • outputterParams->shopData

    • Desctription: Shop data.
    • Valid values: object
    • Required
  • outputterParams->shopData->shopName

    • Desctription: Short shop name, length <= 20.
    • Valid values: string
    • Required
  • outputterParams->shopData->companyName

    • Desctription: Company legal name. Internal data that not be displayed but required by Yandex.
    • Valid values: string
    • Required
  • outputterParams->shopData->agency

    • Desctription: Web developers agency name.
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->shopData->currencyId

    • Desctription: Currency code (see Yandex docs).
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: 'RUR'
  • outputterParams->shopData->platform

    • Desctription: <platform> tag content.
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: '(MODX) Evolution CMS'
  • outputterParams->shopData->version

    • Desctription: <version> tag content.
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: '[(settings_version)]'
  • outputterParams->categoryIds_last

    • Desctription: Allows to add additional parent elements in the category section. If empty only immediate parents of goods will be returned.
    • Valid values: stringCommaSeparated
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->categoryIds_last[i]

    • Desctription: Document ID.
    • Valid values: integer
    • Required
  • outputterParams->offerFields

    • Desctription: Offer fields parameters.
    • Valid values: object
    • Required
  • outputterParams->offerFields->{$fieldName}

    • Desctription: Offer field parameter.
    • Valid values:
      • string — the parameter can be set as a document field name
      • object — or as an object with additional params (see below)
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->offerFields->{$fieldName}->docFieldName

    • Desctription: A document field name that contains offer field value.
    • Valid values: stringTvName
    • Required
  • outputterParams->offerFields->{$fieldName}->disableEscaping

    • Desctription: You can disable escaping special characters (', ", &, <, >) in the field value.
    • Valid values: boolean
    • Default value: false
  • outputterParams->offerFields->{$fieldName}->valuePrefix

    • Desctription: You can set custom string that will be added before the field value.
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->offerFields->{$fieldName}->valueSuffix

    • Desctription: You can set custom string that will be added after the field value.
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->offerFields->price

    • Desctription: A document field name, that contains offer price.
      If a document field value is empty, but outputterParams->offerFields->priceOld is set, the last will be used instead.
    • Valid values: stringTvName
    • Required
  • outputterParams->offerFields->priceOld

    • Desctription: A document field name, that contains old offer price (must be less then outputterParams->offerFields->price or will not be used).
    • Valid values: stringTvName
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->offerFields->picture

    • Desctription: A document field name, that contains offer picture.
    • Valid values: stringTvName
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->offerFields->name

    • Desctription: A document field name, that contains offer name.
      If a document field value is empty, the pagetitle field will be used instead.
    • Valid values:
      • stringDocFieldName
      • stringTvName
    • Default value: 'pagetitle'
  • outputterParams->offerFields->model

    • Desctription: A document field name, that contains offer model.
    • Valid values:
      • stringDocFieldName
      • stringTvName
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->offerFields->model

    • Desctription: A document field name, that contains offer vendor.
    • Valid values:
      • stringDocFieldName
      • stringTvName
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->offerFields->available

    • Desctription: A document field name, that contains offer availability status (true|false).
    • Valid values:
      • stringTvName
      • '' — always display 'true'.
    • Default value: ''
  • outputterParams->offerFields->description

    • Desctription: A document field name, that contains offer description (less than 3 000 chars).
    • Valid values:
      • stringDocFieldName
      • stringTvName
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->offerFields->salesNotes

    • Desctription: A document field name, that contains offer <sales_notes>.
    • Valid values:
      • stringDocFieldName
      • stringTvName
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->offerFields->manufacturerWarranty

    • Desctription: A document field name, that contains offer manufacturer warraynty status (true|false).
    • Valid values: stringTvName
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->offerFields->countryOfOrigin

    • Desctription: A document field name, that contains offer country of origin.
    • Valid values:
      • stringDocFieldName
      • stringTvName
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->offerFields->homeCourierDelivery

    • Desctription: A document field name, that contains offer courier delivery status (true|false).
    • Valid values: stringTvName
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->offerFields->dimensions

    • Desctription: A document field name, that contains offer dimensions (length, width, height) including packaging.
      Specify dimensions in centimeters. Format: three positive numbers with accuracy of 0.001, using a dot as the decimal separator.
      The numbers must be separated by the slash character / without spaces.
    • Valid values:
      • stringDocFieldName
      • stringTvName
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->offerFields->weight

    • Desctription: Item weight in kilograms including packaging.
      Some categories have limits on the minimum or maximum weight.
      Download a list of minimum and maximum weight values.
      In any category, the weight can be specified accurate to one thousandth (for example, 1.001, using a dot as a decimal point).
      If the minimum value is set to 0, there is no minimum weight limit and it can be specified starting from one gram (0.001 kg).
    • Valid values:
      • stringDocFieldName
      • stringTvName
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->offerFields->additionalParams

    • Desctription: A document field name, that contains offer <param> elements.
    • Valid values:
      • stringDocFieldName
      • stringTvName
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->offerFields->customData

    • Desctription: A document field name, that contains custom text that must be inserted before </offer>.
    • Valid values:
      • stringDocFieldName
      • stringTvName
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->templates->wrapper

    • Desctription: Wrapper template.
      Available placeholders:
      • [+any document field or tv name+] — Any document field name or TV.
      • [+any of extender placeholders+] — Any extender placeholders (see extenders description below).
      • [+ddGetDocuments_items+]
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default value:
       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
       	<yml_catalog date="[+generationDate+]">
       				<currency id="[+shopData.currencyId+]" rate="1" />
  • outputterParams->templates->categories_item

    • Desctription: Category item template. Available placeholders:
      • [+id+] — Category doc ID.
      • [+value+] — Category name.
      • [+parent+] — Category parent ID.
      • [+attrs+] — Attributes string (e. g. parentId="42").
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default value:
       <category id="[+id+]"[+attrs+]>
  • outputterParams->templates->offers_item

    • Desctription: Offer item template.
      Available placeholders:
      • [+any document field or tv name+] — Any document field name or TV.
      • [+any of extender placeholders+] — Any extender placeholders (see extenders description below).
      • [+itemNumber+] — Item number started from 1.
      • [+itemNumberZeroBased+] Item number started from 0.
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default:
       <offer id="[+id+]" available="[+available+]">
  • outputterParams->templates->{'offers_item_elem' . $FieldName}

    • Desctription: You can set custom template for any offer element. Specify an element name in accordance with offerFields-> parameters, e. g. outputterParams->templates->offers_item_elemCountryOfOrigin.
      Available placeholders:
      • [+tagName+] — Element tag name.
      • [+value+] — Element value.
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default: —

Extenders parameters

  • extenders

    • Desctription: Comma-separated string determining which extenders should be applied to the snippet.
      Be aware that the order of extender names can affect the output.
    • Valid values: stringCommaSeparated
    • Default value: —
  • extenders[i]

    • Desctription: Extender name.
      Be aware that the order of extender names can affect the output.
      Extender names are case insensitive (the following names are equal: pagination, Pagination, pAgInAtIoN, etc).
    • Valid values:
      • 'pagination'
      • 'tagging'
      • 'search'
      • 'sortFromURL'
    • Required
  • extendersParams

    • Desctription: Parameters to be passed to their corresponding extensions.
      You can avoid extender name if you are using only one extender (see examples below).
    • Valid values:
      • stringJsonObject — as JSON
      • stringHjsonObject — as HJSON
      • stringQueryFormated — as Query string
      • It can also be set as a native PHP object or array (e. g. for calls through $modx->runSnippet):
        • arrayAssociative
        • object
    • Default value: —
  • extendersParams->{$extenderName}

    • Desctription: Parameters of an extender, when the key is the extender name and the value is the extender parameters.
    • Valid values: `object
    • Default value: —

Extenders → Pagination (&extenders=`pagination` )

  • extendersParams->pagination->wrapperTpl

    • Desctription: Chunk to be used to output the pagination.
      Available placeholders:
      • [+previous+] — HTML code of navigation block to the previous page (see parameters description below).
      • [+next+] — HTML code of navigation block to the next page (see parameters description below).
      • [+pages+] — HTML code of pages navigalion block (see parameters description below).
      • [+totalPages+] — Total number of pages.
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default value:
       <div class="pagination_container">
       	<div class="pagination clearfix">
       		<div class="pagination_links">[+previous+]</div>
       		<div class="pagination_pages">[+pages+]</div>
       		<div class="pagination_links">[+next+]</div>
  • extendersParams->pagination->pageTpl

    • Desctription: Chunk to be used to output pages within the pagination.
      Available placeholders:
      • [+url+] — Page URL.
      • [+page+] — Page number.
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default value:
       <a href="[~[*id*]~][+url+]" class="strl">[+page+]</a>
  • extendersParams->pagination->currentPageTpl

    • Desctription: Chunk to be used to output the current page within the pagination.
      Available placeholders:
      • [+url+] — Page URL.
      • [+page+] — Page number.
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default value:
       <a href="[~[*id*]~][+url+]" class="strl active">[+page+]</a>
  • extendersParams->pagination->nextTpl

    • Desctription: Chunk to be used to output the navigation block to the next page.
      Available placeholders:
      • [+url+] — Next page URL.
      • [+totalPages+] — Total number of pages.
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default value:
       <a href="[~[*id*]~][+url+]" class="pagination_next strl"><span>Следующая</span>&nbsp;→</a><br>
       <small><a href="[~[*id*]~]?page=[+totalPages+]" class="pagination_last strl"><span>Последняя</span>&nbsp;→</a></small>
  • extendersParams->pagination->nextOffTpl

    • Desctription: Chunk to be used to output the navigation block to the next page if there are no more pages after.
      Available placeholders:
      • [+totalPages+] — Total number of pages.
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default value:
       <span class="pagination_next"><span>Следующая</span>&nbsp;→</span><br>
       <small><span class="pagination_last"><span>Последняя</span></span>&nbsp;→</small>
  • extendersParams->pagination->previousTpl

    • Desctription: Chunk to be used to output the navigation block to the previous page.
      Available placeholders:
      • [+url+] — Next page URL.
      • [+totalPages+] — Total number of pages.
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default value:
       <a href="[~[*id*]~][+url+]" class="pagination_prev strl">←&nbsp;<span>Предыдущая</span></a><br>
       <small><a href="[~[*id*]~]" class="pagination_first strl">←&nbsp;<span>Первая</span></a></small>
  • extendersParams->pagination->previousOffTpl

    • Desctription: Chunk to be used to output the navigation block to the previous page if there are no more pages before.
      Available placeholders:
      • [+totalPages+] — Total number of pages.
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default value:
       <span class="pagination_prev">←&nbsp;<span>Предыдущая</span></span><br>
       <small><span class="pagination_first">←&nbsp;<span>Первая</span></span></small>

Extenders → Tagging (&extenders=`tagging` )

  • extendersParams->tagging->tagsDocumentField

    • Desctription: The document field (TV) contains tags.
    • Valid values: stringTvName
    • Default value: 'tags'
  • extendersParams->tagging->tagsDelimiter

    • Desctription: Tags delimiter in the document field.
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: ', '
  • extendersParams->tagging->tagsRequestParamName

    • Desctription: The parameter in $_REQUEST to get the tags value from.
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: 'tags'

Extenders → Search (&extenders=`search` )

  • extendersParams->search->docFieldsToSearch

    • Desctription: Document fields to search in (including TVs).
    • Valid values:
      • array
      • stringCommaSeparated
    • Default value: 'pagetitle,content'
  • extendersParams->search->docFieldsToSearch[i]

    • Desctription: Document fields or TV.
    • Valid values:
      • stringDocFieldName
      • stringTvName
    • Required

Extenders → SortFromURL (&extenders=`sortFromURL` )

  • $_GET['orderBy']
    • Desctription: A string representing the sorting rule similar to providerParams->orderBy.
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: —


All examples are written using HJSON, but if you want you can use vanilla JSON instead.

Simple fetching child documents from a parent with ID = 1

		parentIds: 1
		depth: 1
		templates: {

Simple fetching child documents from a parent with ID = 1 with the providerParams->filter

Add a filter that would not output everything. Let's say we need only published documents.

Don't forget about fieldDelimiter.

		parentIds: 1
		depth: 1
		filter: "#published# = 1"
		templates: {
			item: documents_item

So we can filter as much as we like (we can use AND and OR, doucument fields and TVs):

		parentIds: 1
		depth: 1
			#published# = 1 AND
			#hidemenu# = 0 OR
			#SomeTVName# = 1
		templates: {
			item: documents_item

Sorting by TV with the date type (providerParams->orderBy)

Dates in DB stored in specific format (01-02-2017 08:59:45) and sorting works unexpectedly at first sight. So, we can't just type:

	orderBy: "#TVName# DESC"

For correct working we need to convert date from DB to Unixtime for sorting:

	orderBy: "STR_TO_DATE(#TVName#, '%d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%s') DESC"

When TVName — TV name for sorting by.

Outputters → JSON (&outputter=`json` ): Fetch documents and output in JSON

	&providerParams=`{parentIds: 1}`


	{"id": "2"},
	{"id": "3"},
	{"id": "4"}

Outputters → JSON (&outputter=`json` ): Set documents fields to output

	&providerParams=`{parentIds: 1}`
		docFields: id,pagetitle,menuindex,someTV


		"id": "2",
		"pagetitle": "About",
		"menuindex": "0",
		"someTV": "Some value"
		"id": "3",
		"pagetitle": "Partners",
		"menuindex": "1",
		"someTV": ""
		"id": "4",
		"pagetitle": "Contacts",
		"menuindex": "2",
		"someTV": ""

Group items that have the same field values into summary item (providerParams->orderBy)

For example we have the following documents with TV gender:

  • Mary Teresa, female
  • Mahatma Gandhi, male
  • Tenzin Gyatso, male
  • Dmitry Muratov, male
  • ICAN, none

And we want to make a gender list with unique items:

		//The parent of our documents
		parentIds: 42
		//The field by which the items will be grouped
		groupBy: "#gender#"
		docFields: gender


	{"gender": "female"},
	{"gender": "male"},
	{"gender": "none"}

Extenders → Pagination (&extenders=`pagination` )

		parentIds: "[*id*]"
		filter: "#published# = 1"
		total: 3
		orderBy: "#pub_date# DESC`"
		templates: {
			item: documents_item
			noResults: "@CODE:"
		pagination: {
			wrapperTpl: general_pagination
			nextTpl: general_pagination_next
			previousTpl: general_pagination_prev
			nextOffTpl: general_pagination_nextOff
			previousOffTpl: general_pagination_prevOff
			pageTpl: general_pagination_page
			currentPageTpl: general_pagination_pageCurrent
  • &providerParams=`{parentIds: "[*id*]"}` — fetch current doc children.
  • &providerParams=`{filter: "#published# = 1"}` — only published.
  • &providerParams=`{total: 3}` — items per page.
  • &providerParams=`{orderBy: "#pub_date# DESC"} — sort by publish date, new first.
  • &outputterParams=`{templates: {item: documents_item}}` — item template (chunk name).
  • &outputterParams=`{templates: {wrapper: "@CODE:[+ddGetDocuments_items+][+extenders.pagination+]"}}` — we need set where pagination will being outputted.
  • &outputterParams=`{templates: {noResults: "@CODE:"}}` — return nothing if nothing found.
  • &extendersParams=`{pagination: {}}` — pagination templates (see the parameters description).

Extenders → Search (&extenders=`search` )

Call the snippet at the page with search results. Let's specify where and how deep we will search. Set up filter to get only necessary documets.

		parentIds: 1
		depth: 3
			#published# = 1 AND
			#deleted# = 0 AND
			#template# = 11
		docFieldsToSearch: pagetitle,content,someTv
		templates: {
			item: documents_item

Then just add to the page URL ?query=Some query text and the snippet returns only documents contain that string in the pagetitle, content or someTv fields.

We recommend to use cashed snippet calls and turn on document caching type with $_GET parameters in CMS configuration.

Run the snippet through \DDTools\Snippet::runSnippet without DB and eval

//Include (MODX)EvolutionCMS.libraries.ddTools
	$modx->getConfig('base_path') .

//Run (MODX)EvolutionCMS.snippets.ddGetDocuments
	'name' => 'ddGetDocuments',
	'params' => [
		//It is convenient to set the parameter as a native PHP array or object
		'providerParams' => [
			'parentIds' => 1
		'outputter' => 'json'



A snippet for fetching and parsing resources from the document tree by a custom rule.






No packages published
