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Snippet gets the necessary document fields (and TVs) by its id.



Just run the following PHP code in your sources or Console:

//Include (MODX)EvolutionCMS.libraries.ddInstaller
	$modx->getConfig('base_path') .

//Install (MODX)EvolutionCMS.snippets.ddGetDocumentField
	'url' => '',
	'type' => 'snippet'
  • If ddGetDocumentField is not exist on your site, ddInstaller will just install it.
  • If ddGetDocumentField is already exist on your site, ddInstaller will check it version and update it if needed.


1. Elements → Snippets: Create a new snippet with the following data

  1. Snippet name: ddGetDocumentField.
  2. Description: <b>2.14</b> Snippet gets the necessary document fields (and TVs) by its id..
  3. Category: Core.
  4. Parse DocBlock: no.
  5. Snippet code (php): Insert content of the ddGetDocumentField_snippet.php file from the archive.

2. Elements → Manage Files:

  1. Create a new folder assets/snippets/ddGetDocumentField/.
  2. Extract the archive to the folder (except ddGetDocumentField_snippet.php).

Parameters description

Data provider parameters

  • dataProviderParams

    • Description: Parameters to be passed to the provider.
    • Valid values:
      • stringJsonObject — as JSON
      • stringHjsonObject — as HJSON
      • stringQueryFormatted — as Query string
      • It can also be set as a native PHP object or array (e. g. for calls through \DDTools\Snippet::runSnippet or $modx->runSnippet):
        • arrayAssociative
        • object
    • Default value: —
  • dataProviderParams->resourceId

    • Description: Document identifier.
    • Valid values: integer
    • Default value: $modx->documentIdentifier (current document)
  • dataProviderParams->resourceFields

    • Description: Document field(s) to get separated by commas.
    • Valid values:
      • stringCommaSeparated
      • '' — if the parameter is empty, the snippet will try to search fields in outputterParams->tpl (something like [+docField+]).
    • Default value: ''
  • dataProviderParams->resourceFields[i]

    • Description: Fields and their aliases must be separated by '=' if aliases are required while returning the results (for example: 'pagetitle=title,content=text').
    • Valid values:
      • string — document field
      • stringSeparated — document field and it's alias
    • Required
  • dataProviderParams->resourceFieldsAlternative

    • Description: Alternative document field(s) to get if the main is empty separated by commas.
    • Valid values: stringCommaSeparated
    • Default value: —
  • dataProviderParams->resourceFieldsAlternative[i]

    • Description: Document field.
    • Valid values: string
    • Required

Output format parameters

  • outputter

    • Description: Format of the output.
    • Valid values:
      • 'string'
      • 'object'
    • Default value: 'string'
  • outputterParams

    • Description: Parameters to be passed to the specified outputter.
    • Valid values:
      • stringJsonObject — as JSON
      • stringHjsonObject — as HJSON
      • stringQueryFormatted — as Query string
      • It can also be set as a native PHP object or array (e. g. for calls through \DDTools\Snippet::runSnippet or $modx->runSnippet):
        • arrayAssociative
        • object
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->typography

    • Description: Need to typography result?
    • Valid values:
      • 0
      • 1
    • Default value: 0
  • outputterParams->escapeForJS

    • Description: Need to escape special characters from result?
    • Valid values:
      • 0
      • 1
    • Default value: 0
  • outputterParams->URLEncode

    • Description: Need to URL-encode result string?
    • Valid values:
      • 0
      • 1
    • Default value: 0

Outputter → String (&outputter=`string` )

  • outputterParams->tpl

    • Description: Chunk to parse result.
      • Available placeholders:
        • [+anyNameFromDocFieldParameter+] — Any document field (or TV).
        • [+url+] — Document URL.
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Required
  • outputterParams->placeholders

    • Description: Additional data has to be passed into outputterParams->tpl.
      • Arrays are supported too: some[a]=one&some[b]=two => [+some.a+], [+some.b+]; some[]=one&some[]=two => [+some.0+], [some.1].
    • Valid values: object
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->docFieldsGlue

    • Description: String for join the fields (if outputterParams->tpl is not used).
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: ''
  • outputterParams->emptyResult

    • Description: What will be returned if the snippet result is empty?
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: ''

Outputter → Object (&outputter=`object` )

  • outputterParams->removeEmptyFields

    • Description: Remove resource fields with empty values ('') from result.
    • Valid values: boolean
    • Default value: false
  • outputterParams->format

    • Description: Output format.
      • Values are case insensitive (the following values are equal: 'stringjsonauto', 'stringJsonAuto', 'STRINGJSONAUTO', etc).
    • Valid values:
      • The snippet can return result as a string:
        • 'stringJsonAuto'stringJsonObject or stringJsonArray depends on result object
        • 'stringJsonObject'
        • 'stringJsonArray'
        • 'stringQueryFormatted'Query string
        • 'stringHtmlAttrs' — HTML attributes string (e. g. width='100' height='50')
      • The snippet can also return result as a native PHP object or array (it is convenient to call through \DDTools\Snippet::runSnippet).
        • 'objectAuto' — stdClass or array depends on result object
        • 'objectStdClass'stdClass
        • 'objectArray'array
    • Default value: 'stringJsonAuto'
  • outputterParams->templates

    • Desctription: Output templates.
    • Valid values: object
    • Default value: —
  • outputterParams->templates->{$docFieldName}

    • Desctription: You can use templates for some fields.
      • Templates will be used before final conversion of results. So you don't need to care about characters escaping for JSON e. g.
      • It is useful for manipulations with doc field values through running snippets.
      • Available placeholders:
        • [+value+] — the field value
        • [+any document field or tv name+] — any name/alias of document field or TV specified in dataProviderParams->resourceFields
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Required
  • outputterParams->emptyResult

    • Description: What will be returned if the snippet result is empty?
      • Regardless of the type in which the parameter is set, the result will always be converted to outputterParams->format.
    • Valid values:
      • stringJsonObject — as JSON object
      • stringJsonArray' — as JSON array
      • stringHjsonObject — as HJSON object
      • stringHjsonArray — as HJSON array
      • stringQueryFormatted — as Query string
      • It can also be set as a native PHP object or array (e. g. for calls through \DDTools\Snippet::runSnippet or $modx->runSnippet):
        • arrayAssociative
        • object
    • Default value: — (an empty object in outputterParams->format format)

Other parameters

  • mode

    • Description: Mode.
    • Valid values:
      • '' — default mode
      • 'ajax'docId gets from the $_REQUEST['id']. Use the securityFields param in this case!
    • Default value: ''
  • securityFields

    • Description: The fields for security verification.
    • Valid values:
      • stringJsonObject — as JSON (e. g. {"template": 15, "published": 1})
      • stringHjsonObject — as HJSON
      • stringQueryFormatted — as Query string (e. g. template=15&published=1)
      • It can also be set as a native PHP object or array (e. g. for calls through \DDTools\Snippet::runSnippet or $modx->runSnippet):
        • arrayAssociative
        • object
    • Default value: —


All examples are written using HJSON, but if you want you can use vanilla JSON instead.

Get the pagetitle of current document

		resourceFields: pagetitle

Get the introtext of document which ID is 7 and return from chunk

		resourceId: 7
		resourceFields: introtext
		tpl: testChunk

testChunk code:

<div class="test">[+introtext+]</div>

Get the longtitle of a document or pagetitle if longtitle is empty

		resourceFields: longtitle
		resourceFieldsAlternative: pagetitle

Get a few phones from TVs and join them with comma

		resourceId: 7
		resourceFields: phone1,phone2
		docFieldsGlue: ", "

Additional data into result chunk

For example, we are getting something with the Ditto snippet. Into Ditto chunk outputterParams->tpl we need to get phone number & fax, if phone is not empty or nothing. Chunk code:

<div class="test_row">
			resourceId: "[+id+]"
			resourceFields: phone
			tpl: test_row_phone
			placeholders: {
				fax: "[+fax+]"
				someTitle: Call me!

The test_row_phone chunk code:

<p class="phone" title="[+someTitle+]">[+phone+], [+fax+]</p>

Using field aliases while returning the results in the outputterParams->tpl chunk

		resourceFields: pagetitle=title,pub_date=date
		tpl: testChunk

The testChunk chunk code:

<p>[+title+], [+date+]</p>

Using field aliases with JSON format

		resourceFields: pagetitle=title,introtext=text,content


	"title": "The title of a document",
	"text": "The annotation",
	"content": "The content"

Remove resource fields with empty values from result

Let that document pagetitle is set and longtitle is empty.

		resourceFields: pagetitle,longtitle


	"pagetitle": "The title of a document",
	"longtitle": ""

If fields with empty values is no needed, just set outputterParams->removeEmptyFields to true:

		resourceFields: pagetitle,longtitle
		removeEmptyFields: true


	"pagetitle": "The title of a document"

Return resource fields as a JSON array

		resourceFields: pagetitle,longtitle
		format: stringJsonArray


	"The title of a document",
	"The long title of a document"

Use templates for fields in JSON

		resourceFields: pagetitle,id=link
		templates: {
			pagetitle: <h1>[+value+]</h1>
				<a href="[~[+value+]~]">[+pagetitle+]</a>


	"pagetitle": "<h1>KINO</h1>",
	"link": "<a href=\"bands/timeless/kino\">KINO</a>"

Run the snippet through \DDTools\Snippet::runSnippet without DB and eval

	'name' => 'ddGetDocumentField',
	'params' => [
		//Can be set as a native PHP array
		'dataProviderParams' => [
			'resourceId' => 42,
			'resourceFields' => 'pagetitle,question',

Return resource fields as a native PHP array

	'name' => 'ddGetDocumentField',
	'params' => [
		'dataProviderParams' => [
			'resourceId' => 42,
			'resourceFields' => 'pagetitle,question',
		'outputter' => 'object',
		'outputterParams' => [
			'format' => 'objectArray',


	'pagetitle' => 'The title of a document',
	'question' => 'What is the meaning of life?',
