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Jared Rice Sr edited this page Jul 5, 2018 · 2 revisions


dWeb Tower acts a beaming point, in the form of a server that is used by the overall network to coordinate handshaking with WebRTC and other protocols.

npm install @dwebs/tower

Or to install the command line tool

npm install -g @dwebs/tower


Start Tower

npm start-tower

Start Tower (Daemon)


Test Tower Codebase (Daemon)

npm tower-test

In Your App

var dWebTower = require('@dwebs/tower')
var tower = dWebTower('@dapporg/dapp-name', [

  .on('data', function (message) {
    console.log('new message received', message)

hub.broadcast('your-flock-channel', {greetings: 'martian'})


tower = dWebTower(appName, urls)

Create a new dWeb Tower client. If you have more than one hub running specify them in an array

// use more than one server for redundancy
var tower = dWebBeamTower('@dapporg/dapp-name', [

The appName is used to namespace the subscriptions/broadcast so you can reuse the dWeb Tower for more than one app.

stream = tower.subscribe(channel)

Subscribe to a channel on the hub. Returns a readable stream of messages

tower.broadcast(channel, message, [callback])

Broadcast a new message to a channel on the hub


Close all subscriptions


You can use the command line api to run a hub server

dwtower listen -p 8080 # starts a dWeb Tower server on 8080

To listen on https, use the --key and --cert flags to specify the path to the private key and certificate files, respectively. These will be passed through to the node https package.

To avoid logging to console on every subscribe/broadcast event use the --quiet or -q flag.

Or broadcast/subscribe to channels

dwtower broadcast my-app my-channel '{"greetings":"martian"}' -p 8080 -h
dwtower subscribe my-app my-channel -p 8080 -h

Browser Compatibility

dWeb Tower can be used in any web browser, if you use a browserify build.

Publicly available dWeb Towers

Through the magic of free hosting, here are some free open dWeb Tower servers! For serious applications though, consider deploying your own dWeb Tower instances.