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Modifying fields

corsacca edited this page May 16, 2018 · 3 revisions

Here is how you can modify fields like the seeker_path and the milestones. We do want to encourage you to closely examine the default options. We might be already tracking what you want to add in a different way, or named differently.

If you want to add a new field or set of options have a look at this page: Adding Fields

   add_filter( "dt_custom_fields_settings", "dt_custom_fields", 1, 2 );

   function dt_custom_fields( array $fields, string $post_type = "" ){
        if ( $post_type === "contacts" ) {
            //add the baptized milestone
            $fields['milestone_baptized'] = [
                'name'        => __( 'Baptized', 'disciple_tools' ),
                'description' => '',
                'type'        => 'key_select',
                'default'     => [We created them from our experie

                    'no' => __( 'No', 'disciple_tools' ),
                    'yes' => __( 'Yes', 'disciple_tools' )
                'section'     => 'milestone',

            //add an option to the seeker path (or change the label)
            if ( isset( $fields["seeker_path"]["default"] )){
                $fields["seeker_path"]["default"]['coaching'] = __( 'Being Coached' );
        return $fields;

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