Working from home
Computer science student, Sci-fi and game lover
- João Pessoa, Paraíba
Igor Beltrão
Systems for internet student, learning more about Java, Spring Boot JavaScript, CSS and SQL
João Pessoa, Paraíba - Brazil
Emmanuel Neri
A software architecture enthusiast.
Platform Engineer at @ifood
@Ifood Cianorte/PR/BR
Vinícius Veríssimo
Bacharel e Mestre em Ciência da Computação na UFPB e Mestre em Informática pela UFPB. Desenvolvedor Android na Moises.ai.
@moises-ai João Pessoa, PB
Andressa M.
Data and MLOps Engineer.
Data Specialist at meutudo. João Pessoa, Paraíba - Brasil
Bianca Amorim
Data engineer based in Brazil who loves to drink a great coffee and talk about everything.
IBM João Pessoa
Arnaldo Gualberto
PhD Candidate in Deep Learning by UFCG |
Google Developer Expert on Machine Learning |
Machine Learning Engineer at @advolve
Igor Malheiros
R&D Analyst at @atoptima | PhD candidate in Operations Research at Université de Montpellier.
Atoptima Bordeaux, France | João Pessoa, Brazil