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Releases: Dialexio/OTA-Catalog-Parser

2.1.0 - "I was going to say something witty but it didn't quite sound right"

29 Jul 20:15
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Things just got a lot more user-friendly.

  • Mac/Windows: Drop-down boxes let you pick the device! You don't need to type in "iPod7,1" or "N841AP," or remember what device those correspond to!
    • You'll still need to do it for the command-line version though. You can't draw drop-down boxes for a terminal. 🤷‍♂
  • DeviceInfo.plist contains all of the device info— a device's name (iPhone 6S), its identifiers (iPhone8,1), and its models (N71AP, N71mAP).
    • It also contains a property to specify the header level for iPhone Wiki markup.
  • Wiki markup includes a blurb about pushing people to iTunes for updates where applicable.
  • override.json is now BuildOverride.plist. By switching from JSON to a PLIST, this lets us exclude the Newtonsoft.Json library.
  • Updated plist-cil.
  • Cosmetic changes to code.

I think that was just about everything?

NOTE: The PLISTs included are converted into binary format for smaller file sizes. If you would like to edit them (e.g. adding dates for newer builds), you may convert them to XML format with Apple's plutil utility, or just grab the XML-formatted PLIST from the repository.

2.0.1 - "I needed some sort of catchphrase thingy here, so this will have to do."

15 Aug 23:58
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Nothing groundbreaking here.

  • Removed many package references for macOS version.
  • Windows version now has the "Parse" button marked as default. (This means you can hit Enter on the text boxes.)
  • Windows version's height was slightly increased.
  • OS versions.json is now override.json
  • The "Beta" key in override.json is now optional.
  • plist-cil has been updated to 1.50.00.

Confession: I cheated with the CLI version. It's actually based off of commit 5080657 because I forgot to update plist-cil for it.

2.0 - "It's about time."

19 Jun 18:11
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Well, this is long overdue. 😅 This is more of a formality than anything, if you've been following the commits as they've been coming. These are all of the notable changes made since the Java version.

  • Now with 100% less Java.
    • For macOS, macOS 10.9 (Mavericks) or newer is required.
    • For Windows, .NET Framework 4.6.1 or newer is required.
  • Redrawn icon (which you won't notice a difference with 🐶).
  • CLI and GUI versions are separate.
  • GUI now defaults to iPhone Wiki markup.
  • The parser can now ignore "stub" updates.
  • Changes to OS versions.json
    • An optional parameter "Devices" specifies which devices it should be applied to.
    • An optional parameter "Date" specifies the release date of that build.
  • Wiki markup changes:
    • Universal entries may now have a rowspan.
    • Removed "Purported Version" from wiki output on Apple Watch (1st generation).
    • The Release Type is now specified.
    • Addresses the use of combined delta packages.
  • Lots of issues regarding watchOS have been fixed.

2.0 Beta 2 - "Tagged the right commit this time. 💯"

05 Apr 22:30
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Didn't realize I tagged the wrong commit. ._.; (Binaries are the same as before, just with the Mac version added.)

  • Added more betas to OS versions.json.
  • OTAPackage.SortingString now contains OTAPackage.CompatibilityVersion.
  • Universal entries may now have a rowspan.
  • Updated plist-cil and Newtonsoft.Json packages.
  • Removed "Purported Version" from wiki output on Apple Watch (1st generation).

Internal changes:

  • Renamed the Dictionary variables used for the rowspan values.
  • Added some multithreading for parsing each OTA entry.
  • References to deprecated/obsolete plist-cil methods have been removed.

2.0 Beta - "I hate coffee."

31 Jan 06:19
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I don't particularly hate Java— I just tried this out as an experiment, and liked the result. (I do hate coffee though.)

Please test this out. <3

  • Now with 100% less Java.
    • Macs: No additional software or libraries required.
    • Non-Macs: You need Mono or .NET Framework 4.x installed. Windows users very likely have the latter installed already.
  • Works on other platforms again.
    • The switch from Java to C# has nothing to do with this issue. Again, it was just an experiment.
  • Redrawn icon (which you won't notice a difference with 🐶).
  • CLI and GUI versions are separate.
    • Sorry Linux users… GUI's no longer available. 🙁
  • GUI now defaults to iPhone Wiki markup.
  • Pre-release, but pretty darn stable.

Known Issue:

  • Mac version does not display the "Model" field as you type an A9-powered iPhone; the "Device" field needs to lose focus first.
    • If anyone can help me fix this, I'll accept a pull request. ;3

1.2 - "Jason is a slob. I'm not cleaning up after him."

24 Jan 02:23
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Honestly, this release is kind of a mess. I just want to push this out of the way for what's next. (Spoiler: I'm probably not maintaining this code anymore— but stay tuned.)

  • This version only works on Macs. (Well, I couldn't get it working on my 64-bit Windows 8.1 VM.)
    • Next version will bring back Windows support.
  • Only display "Marketing Version" for the 1st generation Apple Watches.
  • Addresses issues with watchOS 3.1 betas.
  • Moved the special prerequisite version stuff from a try/catch statement to a JSON file.
  • Changed the sort to process only one string. (i.e. It's faster.)
  • Changed the output to use StringBuilder. (Internal improvement.)

1.1.4 - "This update, on the other hand, doesn't fix an unresponsive headphone issue."

24 Sep 01:03
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Compiled versions will come whenever I can be bothered to pack things up. 🙃 Honestly, you're probably best off just grabbing whatever the latest commit is and compiling it yourself.

  • Handles Apple's extra zeroes in their timestamp (e.g. "2016008004").
  • Fixes the minimum and maximum versions being ignored if set to "10.0" or something.
  • Fixes an issue with the fact that iOS 9.2 may specify a prerequisite version, even for "universal" packages.
  • Shifting stuff in the background.
    • SWT 4.6. Not that you'll notice.
    • Using a custom version of SWTJar so you can pack SWT for the 20 different architectures Linux can run on.
    • Cleaned up some unused code.
    • OTAPackage.isReleaseTypeDeclared() is changed into the String-returning OTAPackage.releaseType()
    • OTAPackage.betaType() was renamed to OTAPackage.actualReleaseType()
    • OTAPackage.sortingPrerequisiteBuild() has OTAPackage.releaseType() appended for better sorting.

1.1.3 - "…Oops. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"

02 Aug 00:49
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OTAPackage.compatibilityVersion() didn't return 0 when it couldn't be found. Instead, it would be undefined and cause the program to quit.

This fixes that. Whoops.

1.1.2 - "It's 2016 and people still care about jailbreaks for some reason."

26 Jul 00:24
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Finally became un-lazy enough to put this together. Not that this had anything big.

  • Mac: Info.plist sets 10.7.3 as the minimum, as Java 7 doesn't run on anything prior to that.
  • Handles Apple's OS version hack for iOS 10. (Hopefully they use "" for 10.0.1, etc…)
  • Wiki markup now displays the "CompatibilityVersion" field for Apple Watch.
    • This seems very unnecessary considering the URL remains the same, but that may change with future updates and it didn't seem right to just ignore one.
  • OTAPackage.prerequisiteVer() handles more exceptions (e.g. it may now report watchOS 2.2 beta 3)

1.1.1 - "You get something new. And YOU get something new. EVERYBODY GETS SOMETHING NEW!"

06 Jun 22:07
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Not sure why I still bother with releases when everyone should just stick to the latest commit. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Improvements to iPhone Wiki markup for Apple Watch entries. Less editing required! ("Less" does not mean "no more," I'm afraid.)
  • Addresses an issue where file sizes could be incorrect.
  • Addresses an issue where listings may be duplicated.
  • Adds a column in iPhone Wiki markup for "Release Type" (for non-watch devices).
  • Code style changes.
  • Exceptions are made.
    • A certain XML file was not displaying any files. No longer.
    • Builds 13A340 and 13A341 are labeled as "9.0 GM."
  • OTAPackage.isDeclaredBeta() is renamed to OTAPackage.isReleaseTypeDeclared().
  • OTAPackage.isHonestBuild() method compares OTAPackage.actualBuild() and OTAPackage.declaredBuild().