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Misassembly detection and SV calling pipeline for long reads data


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MASV: A Mis-Assembly detection and Structural Variant calling pipeline.

A Mis-Assembly detection and Structural Variant calling pipeline.


Getting Started

First it is required to pre-install conda with either anaconda or miniconda3.

anaconda - please follow these instructions

Alternatively, you can install:

miniconda3 - please follow these instructions

Pipeline Installation

After installing conda, download and install the pipeline

# First clone the MASV repository
$ git clone
# Change to MASV directory
$ cd MASV_pipeline/
# Set the conda environment with all the necessary dependencies
$ conda env create -f MASV_pipeline.yml
# Activate the conda environment
$ conda activate MASV_pipeline


This pipline uses as an input a config file located in the MASV_pipeline/lib/config/ directory. The user can find in that directoy a script called which will build a config file with the parameters provided by the user.

More information is provided by using the help parameter of

# Always assuming the MASV_pipeline environment is active
$ python3 lib/config/ -h

Target rules

The target rules currently available to use are:

  • rule all: Outputs both Svim and Sniffles filtered calls, as well alignment QC and evaluation output (only if a truth dataset has been provided to the config file).
  • rule mapping_only: Outputs only the BAM alignment between the reads and the reference.
  • rule sniffles: Outputs Sniffles filtered calls.
  • rule svim: Outputs Svim filtered calls.
  • rule eval_sniffles: Outputs evaluation output for Sniffles only.
  • rule eval_svim: Outputs evaluation output for Sniffles only.
  • rule sanity_check: Outputs alignment QC based on mosdepth and Nanoplot.

How to run snakemake

In order to run the MASV pipeline just use the following command

# Always assuming the MASV_pipeline environment is active
$ snakemake -s MASV_pipeline.smk -r all -j 16 -n

The -n option is for a dry run, avoding the execution of any job yet. -j is the number of threads provided to the pipeline. In this specific example, we selected the rule all using the parameter -r.

More information regarding Snakemake and its commands can be found through Snakemake documentation.

Important considerations

  • Right now the pipeline is able to handle .fastq and .fastq.gz. Please keep this in mind when providing your own reads.
  • Right now the pipeline uses either Minimap2 or Ngmlrn aligner, but not both.
  • The evaluation script requires one specific SV feature ( default is DEL) and a truth dataset for tha feature types. The user must manually edit the bedtools_eval.smk file in lib/rules/ and account for the feature change.
  • The pipeline was developed and test in Unix like environments. As such, functionality is not assured when used from Windows or Mac.


Misassembly detection and SV calling pipeline for long reads data







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