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Releases: DeviantCord/DeviantCord

DeviantCord bt-2.0.12

02 Feb 07:17
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  • Help command was updated to reflect the changes with mentions of ids for roles and channels
  • Sentry now runs with aiohttp


  • Fixed issue with new guilds not being able to access the commands after running setuprole right away
    due to the list being updated with a string instead of a int.
  • Fixed issue with the help command not showing information when the setuprole was not ran.

DeviantCord bt-2.0.11

27 Jan 21:34
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Urgent Update


  • You now longer need to use roleids or channelids You can now just mention the channel in arguments
  • Command Error Handler now will properly respond to PostGres related errors involving faulty transactions.


  • All commands that reference a channelid, or roleid can now use their mention equivalent
  • The bot will now acknowledge invalid/missing arguments of any kind with a message.


  • Fixed a crashing bug, for when mentions are used in arguments in the wrong place due to a wrong data type error
  • Fixed issues with checks looking for none instead of an empty list when fetchall in psycopg2 is used
  • Fixed incorrect exception catching with command error handler.

DeviantCord bt-2.0.8

17 Jan 02:35
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  • Changed the help command to include common terms within the help command


  • Help command now lists the servers prefix, instead of always displaying the default prefix
  • Fixed an issue with the delete command not working.
  • DeviantCord will now check the NSFW status of the channel before posting deviations ontop of checking when the folder is created.
  • Fixed an issue with minimum role ID not being the correct data type.

DeviantCord bt-2.0.6

13 Jan 05:44
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  • Fixed multiple crashing bugs from DeviantCord 1


  • Users no longer need to wait for DeviantCord staff to approve the bot on their server!
  • Removed the addartist command, as addfolder will now add an artist regardless of whether the artist has a listener on the
    guild involved or not.
  • Removed the manualSync command, for stability reasons.
  • Removed the reload command, due to server specific data being stored in a database and being applied instantly.
  • Artdata is no longer used in a JSON file.
  • The Errite Error Reporter is no longer used. As we have moved everything over to Sentry.


  • Join Requests for the public bot no longer have to manually approved by the DeviantCord Staff. The bot can now jump
    right in to your server by using the bot invite link on the Github, Documentation, or our Discord Server.
  • Self Hosted bots for DeviantCord 2 no longer needs to have separate configured bots running in different screen sessions.
    DeviantCord2 runs within 1 screen session and is multiserver.
  • You are no longer limited to only 1 channel for a specific folder serverwide. You can now have the same folder
    posted to multiple channels (Not within the same command, you will need to use the command and specify each channelid
    one at a time)
  • Errite Error Reporter is no longer used on DeviantCord, we have moved all error reporting for the bot to
    This was implemented for our Production Servers to spot bugs more quickly and only grabs error data from the public bot.
  • Json Data storage for Deviations are no longer used. DeviantCord uses PostGres 11+
  • Cleaned Error Handlers for commands.
  • DeviantCord will automatically delete all listeners if the bot leaves the server for any reason.
  • AddFolder, deletefolder and update property commands have changed. Check the help command for more information!
  • All commands have been rewritten to work with SQL, and multiserver.
  • Some config.json values are no longer used.
  • Debug Level for Discord no longer is used in the Discord Log file or DeviantCog
  • DeviantCog now logs in JSON format, with additional information.
  • DeviantCord now requires additional packages to run. psycopg2 sentry_sdk python-dateutil python-json-logger markdownify
  • The Default prefix has changed to ~
  • DeviantCord2 no longer uses the Apache License. We now use the AGPL v3.


  • Added Mature Property, to addfolder and addallfolder. You can now specify if you want Mature Deviations to be posted.
  • Added support command for users to easily get access to the DeviantCord Support server.

Deviantcord bt-1.4.5

13 Aug 04:22
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[bt-1.4.5] - 2019-08-09


  • Fixed issues with hybrid folders not properly recognizing URLs for formatting into Embeds.
  • Hybrid checks now check the top 20 deviations in a folder instead of the top 30.
  • Inverse checks now check the bottom 20 deviations instead of the top 30.
  • Fixed a programming error for Hybrid Galleries not appending Photo URLS into the array.
  • Fixed an issue with the bot not sending invalid arguement messages.


  • manualSync Command will now send a message.
  • URLS in getGallery in daparser will now be printed in the debug log.

Deviantcord bt-1.4.4

30 Jul 22:40
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[bt-1.4.4] - 2019-07-30


  • Issues with the content src url changing in DA's API. DeviantCord now accounts for it.

DeviantCord bt-1.4.3

23 Jul 04:11
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NOTE: If you downloaded bt-1.4.2 in any form. You need to delete the in the cogs folder This cog was put in it by mistake. However we have made the decision to make erriteCommands public.

[bt-1.4.3] - 2019-07-23


  • NoneType exception with SyncGalleries for allfolders

[bt-1.4.2] - 2019-07-22


  • Error with converter for artdata

[bt-1.4.1] - 2019-07-22


  • Updated help command to reflect new commands in bt-1.4.0
  • Linked error handler for addallfolder and deleteallfolder

DeviantCord bt-1.4.0

22 Jul 12:14
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[bt-1.4.0] - 2019-07-22

This version introduces allfolder listeners, they are the equivalent to someone viewing an artist using the allview gallery view. This version also fixes issues some users were having with the preview image of deviations not showing on Discord. We fixed this by directly grabbing the image url from DA's API instead of having Discord resolve it. With this though we had to use embeds as a result.


  • AllFolder Listeners via the addallfolder command
  • Added AllFolder related fields in artdata.json
  • Added venv for Linux and Windows for Developers
  • Devistion Notifications now use Embeds. Embeds have less of an issue resolving images.
  • More debug messages in logs for DeviantCog, and daparser


  • artdata.json version changed to bt-1.4.0
  • Json path for folderlisteners have been moved to art-data/artist/folders/foldername
  • listfolders now accounts for allfolders
  • AllFolder Listeners do not store all Deviation ID's when it is imported for the first time. Instead it stores the latest 10.
  • AllFolder Listeners use slicing when comparing UUID's for better memory usage and a faster response time.
  • listfolders


  • Issues with preview images not showing sometimes.
  • The update inverse and update hybrid command not working at all
  • Fixed a bug where the listfolder command could stop working if you had enough folder names that exceeded the 2000
    character limit.
  • Fixed a crash with the bot that occurs with a discrepency with the error handler.

DeviantCord bt-1.3.0

30 Jun 04:53
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[bt-1.3.0] - 2019-06-26

This is another unplanned release, all features that were supposed to be in bt-1.3.0 have been moved to bt-1.5.0 which is close to being completed. However due to the large amount of fixes we decided to push this update out.


  • Errite exclusive fields such as errite and errite-channel-id in config.json. This is used by the new Error Notifier that lets DeviantCord Support know of errors experienced by the public bot (NOT SELF HOSTING) as soon as it happens.
  • erritetoggle command that allows for server owners using the public DeviantCord bot to opt out of the Error Notifier


  • DeviantCord now allows for third party cogs written with DiscordPy to used be alongside DeviantCord on self-hosted bots. Though we are not responsible for any cogs you use with DeviantCord.
  • config.json version updated to bt-1.2.5
  • If the getGallery method in daParser interacts with a galleryfolder with less 20 deviations, the bot will recognize it and break out of the while loop to prevent an infinite loop.
  • In daParser the getGallery method now uses findDuplicateElementArray instead of findDuplicateElementJson
  • The error handler method in daCommands is no longer async.
  • The error_handler has been reworked slightly to at least perform basic diagnostics using methods from the upcoming bt-1.4.0 build of DeviantCord.


  • An inconsistency with skiprolecheck not being declared in addfolder that caused a UnBoundLocalError
  • Incorrect naming in logs for deviantcog, and the discord debug file
  • Issues with a the findFolderUUID method always returning None if the artist does not have more then 10 folders
  • An infinite loop that would occur if a gallery with less then 20 deviations uses the getGallery method. This would cause the bot to freeze and stop responding. The SSH session using the bot would also freeze/ctrl + c would not respond.
  • An issue with the error handler not being awaited for

DeviantCord bt-1.2.4

12 Jun 00:00
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[bt-1.2.4] - 2019-06-11

It should be noted, this was an unplanned release, initially bt-1.2.4 was going to rework a large portion of the bot in terms of error handling among other things as well. This release has been moved to bt-1.3.0


  • An issue where the bot would not correctly catch messages meant for another server using the same token as the bot.