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Snake - GAME 1 Aim to write a complete game using GameZero as learning exercise. SNAKE. Not just a partial example

To Install

Copy Snake.jl

Create fonts subdir with moonhouse.tff

add Colors and GameZero package

To run From REPL type:

using GameZero


To Play

Use arrow keys to navigate snake to eat green apples and avoid red apples

Game ends if you collide with body of snake, walls or red apple

To replay - re-run


3D Maze - GAME 2

In this game you navigate around a 3D maze using arrow keys. The maze is procedurally generated (prims algorithm) and the size can be changed

Create dir juliaMaze

Copy in 2 files.

Create fonts subdir with moonhouse.tff



add Colors and GameZero package

from package manager activate . This will create a project directory. If this step is missed, GameZero will not be able to find fonts

Execute the run file which implements GameZero and calls the JuliaMaze file. Otherwise you can run the JuliaMaze file using the previous approach from the REPL

Start up screen with instructions and maze size selection


Gameplay 3D Maze


If you press space bar a 2D map is displayed briefly. Exit is in orange. The light blue are raycasts and represent your field of view


WordSearch - GAME 3

Word search game you can either play with an english dictionary or use to practice another language (eg spanish). If using practising another language

the english is displayed and you have to find the spanish translation in the search grid

Create dir WordSearch

Copy in 4 files. (instructions.txt, juliawordsearch.jl, juliawordsearchrun.jl and puzzlegrid.jl

Create fonts subdir with moonhouse.tff



add Colors and GameZero package

from package manager activate . This will create a project directory. If this step is missed, GameZero will not be able to find fonts

Execute the run file which implements GameZero and calls the JuliaWordSearch file. Otherwise you can run the JuliaWordSearch file using the previous approach from the REPL

Start up screen with instructions and maze size selection


Game play screen
