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Redis JDBC Driver

Apache licensed Latest Release CI

Type 4 JDBC driver based on Jedis that allows Java programs to connect to a Redis database.

This driver is embedded into DataGrip.

Get The Driver


You can download the precompiled driver (jar) on the releases page.


# Linux, MacOs
./gradlew jar

# Windows
gradlew.bat jar

You will find driver jar in build/libs

Get Started

// Load the driver
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

// Create a connection
try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:redis:https://localhost:6379/0", null, null)) {
  // Execute a query
  try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) {
    try (ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SET key value")) {
      // Process the result set
      while ( {
        String result = resultSet.getString("value");
        System.out.println("result: " + result);


Server Status
Redis Standalone Supported
Redis Cluster Supported
Redis Sentinel Not supported yet

Default host and port:

URL templates

Redis Standalone


Redis Cluster



Property Type Default Description
user String null
password String null
database Integer 0
connectionTimeout Integer 2000 Connection timeout in milliseconds.
socketTimeout Integer 2000 Socket timeout in milliseconds.
blockingSocketTimeout Integer 0 Socket timeout (in milliseconds) to use during blocking operation. Default is '0', which means to block forever.
clientName String null
ssl Boolean false Enable SSL.
verifyServerCertificate Boolean true Configure a connection that uses SSL but does not verify the identity of the server.
hostAndPortMapping Map<String,String> null
verifyConnectionMode Boolean true Verify that the mode specified for a connection in the URL prefix matches the server mode (standalone, cluster, sentinel).


Set the property ssl to true.

Pass arguments for your keystore and trust store:
# If you're using client authentication:

To disable server certificate verification set the property verifyServerCertificate to false.

Port Forwarding

Set the property hostAndPortMapping to {<toHost1>:<toPort1>=<fromHost1>:<fromPort1>, …}.



For using port forwarding with Redis Standalone, providing hostAndPortMapping is not mandatory.

it is sufficient to specify fromHost and fromPort in the URL.

For using port forwarding with Redis Cluster, providing hostAndPortMapping is mandatory.
The hosts and ports from the URL are used only for connection initialization, during which the hosts and ports of the cluster's nodes are obtained from the server. When sending commands, these obtained hosts and ports are transformed by applying hostAndPortMapping and then used.

Sending Commands

Commands Status
Native Supported
RedisJSON Supported
RediSearch Supported
RedisBloom Supported
RedisTimeSeries Supported


Interface Class Comment
java.sql.Driver jdbc.RedisDriver
java.sql.Connection jdbc.RedisConnection
java.sql.Statement jdbc.RedisStatement
java.sql.PreparedStatement jdbc.RedisPreparedStatement Dummy implementation: it is equivalent to jdbc.RedisStatement.
java.sql.DatabaseMetaData jdbc.RedisDatabaseMetaData Minimal implementation: it does not contain information about database objects.
java.sql.ResultSet jdbc.resultset.RedisResultSetBase
java.sql.ResultSetMetaData jdbc.resultset.RedisResultSetMetaData Partial implementation: it contains only information about columns.
