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Cloud Computing Project


You should create a folder in a directory and put config files there (under the appConfigs directory in this repo).

Project Build & Run

Run ./mvnw clean package in the project folder; after a while, Maven prints out the project's jar file path on the terminal.

After maven build, the Jar file usually is in target/finalProject-0.1-spring-boot.jar, and you can run the application by the following command:

java -jar target/finalProject-0.1-spring-boot.jar,secretConfig --spring.config.location=file:https:///home/ali/appConfigs/

Note that and are config files name under the directory of /home/ali/appConfigs/ that I had created before. Note that there is no need to change user value inside if you are making database using below commands

Docker config

Method 1:

Docker Compose

First creat volume with docker volume create myDBVolume
Then build docker compose file with sudo docker-compose build
Finaly run the system with sudo docker-compose up
Note that domain address in ./appConfigs/ should be mysql


Database build

Simply run

sudo docker run --detach --name={containerName} --env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD={rootPassword}" --publish {host port}:{DBport} --volume=/root/docker/{containerName}/conf.d:/etc/mysql/conf.d --volume={DBlocalStorage}:/var/lib/mysql mysql

application Dockerfile

Before doing the following steps, see ip address of database wiith sudo docker inspect {container name}and replace domain address in ./appConfigs/ with founded ip.
For creating docker runtime image of project run sudo docker build -t {your desired name of image} .
Then run the image using

sudo docker run --mount type=bind,src={HostPathToConfigFolder},target=/usr/src/conf -p {HostPort}:8081 -it {yourDesiredNameOfImage}


Minikube installation

check out
for x86-64 architucture follow these steps:

  1. curl -LO
  2. sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube
  3. minikube start
    Note that if part 3 didnt go well, try to contact me :)

Minikube project configs

try following steps in order and you will be fine! first go to the ./kuber path then:

data base deploy steps

  1. minikube kubectl apply -f secret.yaml or sudo minikube kubectl -- apply -f secret.yaml

  2. minikube kubectl apply -f config-map.yaml or sudo minikube kubectl -- apply -f config-map.yaml

  3. minikube kubectl apply -f config-map2.yaml or sudo minikube kubectl -- apply -f config-map2.yaml

  4. minikube kubectl apply -f mysql-storage.yaml or sudo minikube kubectl -- apply -f mysql-storage.yaml

  5. minikube kubectl apply -f mysql-deployment.yaml or sudo minikube kubectl -- apply -f mysql-deployment.yaml
    after this step check the STATUS of pods by sudo minikube kubectl get pod -- -o wide command, it should be RUNNING after a while.

  6. minikube kubectl apply -f mysql-service.yaml or sudo minikube kubectl -- apply -f mysql-service.yaml
    now database setup is completed. Use sudo minikube kubectl get deployment -- -o wide and sudo minikube kubectl get service -- -o wide for checking status.

urlshortener deploy steps

  1. minikube kubectl apply -f secret.yaml or sudo minikube kubectl -- apply -f secret.yaml

  2. minikube kubectl apply -f config-map.yaml or sudo minikube kubectl -- apply -f config-map.yaml

  3. minikube kubectl apply -f config-map2.yaml or sudo minikube kubectl -- apply -f config-map2.yaml

  4. minikube kubectl apply -f urlshortener-deployment.yaml or sudo minikube kubectl -- apply -f urlshortener-deployment.yaml
    after this step check the STATUS of pods by sudo minikube kubectl get pod -- -o wide command, it should be RUNNING after a while.

  5. minikube kubectl apply -f urlshortener-service.yaml or sudo minikube kubectl -- apply -f urlshortener-service.yaml
    now database setup is completed. Use sudo minikube kubectl get deployment -- -o wide and sudo minikube kubectl get service -- -o wide for checking status.

If you reach here, It is all done. For testing your service try steps below:
Before moving forward save try to copy the ip of the service in the sudo minikube kubectl get service -- -o wide command.

Testing service pod


  1. sudo minikube kubectl run test -- --image=danialkm/myubuntu:latest sleep infinity
  2. sudo minikube kubectl exec -- --stdin --tty test -- bash
    in the opened bash check the system working by typing Usage command below!
    Note that instead of localhost in the POST url, you need to type service ip.

simply use sudo minikube kubectl port-forward service/urlshortener 8081:8081 and then you can use system with Usage command that is described below.


curl --location --request POST 'http:https://localhost:8081/doit' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"url":""}'

you can go to the desired link by opening http:https://localhost:8081/{code}



URL shortener with Ducker & Kubernetes






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