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Dan Violet Sagmiller edited this page Jun 5, 2017 · 1 revision

UnitySOLID is all about professional development standards in Unity. IoC, DI, Unit Tests, etc.

Key Areas: IoC project (carries Dependency Injection base)

  • This will include the class files as a package in Unity, to keep it purely Unity.

Threading & Analytics Project

  • This deals with Multiple threads, logging, analytics and debugging cleanup in Unity.

Network Project

  • This adds on TCP, UDP and Broadcast network support for games, run externally from Behaviour library, allowing for unit testable network support.

Nuget Asset Plugins

  • A project dedicated to combining the asset store with Nuget. Allowing the addition of an Asset to auto recommend a nuget update in your VS projects, and when pulling in a Nuget package for Unity to detect that and auto recommend the related asset from the store.


  • A collection of demos to showcase the ability.


  • A collection of resources to show how to use parts of this.
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