A very simple calculator written in x86 assembly in nasm syntax, only provides simple operators Multiply, Divide, Addition and Subtract.
There is no installer for this software, if you have recieved the source release you can build the application by executin the following command in the current directory:
$ make
If you have revieved the binary release simply launch from the command line the file "Calculator" with a equation as a argument, e.g.:
$ ./Calculator 2 - 4
Valid operators are * / + - On some shells you man need to escape specific operators, e.g.:
$ ./Calculator 2 \* 4
The program will return the result of the equation.
- [email protected] (Questions and Comments?)
- https://github.com/DanSearle/Calculator/issues (BugTracker)
- https://github.com/DanSearle/Calculator (Development Homepage)
- https://d-searle.co.uk (Authors Homepage)
- Daniel Searle [email protected]
23 Feburary 2010