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Autonomous Racing Robot With an Arduino, a Raspberry Pi and a Pi Camera

Autonomous toy racing car. CAMaleon team at the Toulouse Robot Race 2017. Medium article:

Video of the car:

The racing robot

Detailed Presentation

We wrote an article on medium that detailed our approach. You can read it here

En français: http:

3D Models and Training Data

3D Models

3D models (we used

Note: the Battery Holder was designed for this External Battery

Training Data

Outdated (you have to use to use current code, now labels of training images are in a pickle file)

The training data (7600+ labeled images) can be downloaded here

There are two folders:

  • input_images/ (raw images from remote control)
  • label_regions/ (labeled regions of the input images)

The name of the labeled images is as follow: "x_center"-"y_center"_"id".jpg

For example:

  • 0-28_452-453r0.jpg => center = (0, 28) | id = "452-453r0"

  • 6-22_691-23sept1506162644_2073r2.jpg => center = (6, 22) | id = "691-23sept1506162644_2073r2"

How to run everything ?

For installation, see section Installation.

Autonomous mode

  1. Compile and upload the code on the Arduino
cd arduino/
make upload
  1. Launch the main script on the Raspberry Pi, it will try to follow a black&white line. All useful constants can be found in

Remote Control Mode

  1. You need a computer in addition to the raspberry pi
  2. Create a Local Wifi Network (e.g. using create ap)
  3. Connect the raspberry pi to this network (Wifi on RPI)
  4. Launch teleoperation server (it will use the port 5556)
python command/python/
  1. Launch teleoperation client on your computer (you have to edit the raspberry pi IP in the code)
python command/python/
  1. Enjoy! You can now control the car with the keyboard.

How to train the line detector ?

  1. Record a video in the teleoperation mode:
python command/python/ -v my_video
  1. Convert the recorded video from h264 to mp4 using ffmpeg or MP4Box
MP4Box -add video.h264 video.mp4
  1. Split the video into a sequence of images
python -m train.split_video -i video.mp4 --no-display -o path/output/folder
  1. Label the data using the labeling tool
python -m train.label_images -i path/to/input/folder -o path/to/output/folder

To label an image, you have to click on the center of line in the displayed image. If the image do not contain any line, or if you want to pass to the next frame, press any key.

  1. Train the neural network (again please change the paths in the script)
python -m train.train -f path/input/folder

The best model (lowest error on the validation data) will be saved as mlp_model_tmp.npz.

  1. Test the trained neural network
python -m train.test -f path/input/folder -w mlp_model_tmp


For profiling 5000 iterations of image processing:

python -m opencv.benchmark -i path/to/input/image.jpg -n 5000


Recommended : Use an image with everything already installed

  1. You need a 32GB micro sd card (warning, all data on that card will be overwritten) WARNING: for a smaller sd card, you need to resize the image before writing it (this link may help)

  2. Download the image here

Infos about the linux image: OS: Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for raspberry pi

Username: enstar

Password: enstar

Installed softwares:

  • all the dependencies for that project (OpenCV >= 3.1, PyTorch, ...)
  • the current project (in the folder RacingRobot/)
  • ROS Kinetic Camera and ssh are enabled.
  1. Identify the name of your sd card using:
fdisk -l

For instance, it gives:

/dev/mmcblk0p1            2048   131071   129024   63M  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/mmcblk0p2          131072 30449663 30318592 14,5G 83 Linux

In that case, your sd card is named /dev/mmcblk0 (p1 and p2 stand for partition).

  1. Write the downloaded image on the sd card.
gunzip --stdout ubuntu_ros_racing_robot.img.gz | sudo dd bs=4M of=/dev/mmcblk0
  1. Enjoy! The current project is located in RacingRobot/. There is also a ROS version of the remote control in catkin_ws/src/.

If you want to back up an image of a raspberry pi:

sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/mmcblk0 | gzip > ubuntu_ros_racing_robot.img.gz

From Scratch

Update your pi

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo rpi-update

Arduino + Arduino Makefile + rlwrap + screen

sudo apt-get install arduino-core arduino-mk rlwrap screen
  • Arduino 1.0.5
  • Arduino-Makefile
  • OpenCV 3.1
  • libserial-dev (apt-get)
  • Python 2 or 3


Libserial (apt-get or compile from source)

# Boost
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

# After libserial installation:
sudo ldconfig

Python Packages

All the required packages can be found in requirements.txt


sudo pip install pyserial
# Add user to dialout group to have the right to write on the serial port
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
# You need to logout/login again for that change to be taken into account

TQDM (for progressbar)

pip install tqdm

PyGame For teleoperation

pip install pygame

Enum for python 2

pip install enum34

Wifi on RPI

ZeroMQ (Message Passing with sockets) for remote control mode

sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev
pip install pyzmq


git clone
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
pip install pyzmq

Additional python dev-dependencies for training the neural network: On your laptop:

pip install http:
pip install torchvision

pip install sklearn # or sudo apt-get install python-sklearn

On the raspberry pi :

  • You can try to use Python 2 wheel (not tested) that was created for this project:
  1. Download Python Wheel here

And then:

pip install torch-0.4.0a0+b23fa21-cp27-cp27mu-linux_armv7l.whl

Or follow this tutorial: PyTorch on the raspberry pi

  1. Make sure you have at least 3 Go of Swap. (see link above)

  2. (optional) Install a recent version of cmake + scikit-build + ninja

  3. Install PyTorch

# don't forget to set the env variables:
export NO_CUDA=1
git clone --recursive
sudo -EH python install
# torchvision is not used yet
sudo -H pip install torchvision

C++ Extension

Please read opencv/c_extension/ for more information.


  • Sergio Nicolas Rodriguez Rodriguez
  • Antonin Raffin




  • Python 73.2%
  • C++ 18.9%
  • CMake 4.1%
  • C 1.9%
  • Makefile 1.5%
  • Shell 0.4%