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DISID Slides

A repository of DISID’s slides animated by DZSlides.

The presentations are written in AsciiDoc, generated by the AsciiDoc toolchain and presented in HTML5 using Dan Allen’s fork of dzslides.

This slides are based on Dan Allen’s slides.

Thanks to:

  • Dan Allen for sharing his slides and resources.

  • Paul Rouge for DZSlides, a modern presentation framework based on HTML5 and CSS3.

Setting up the build environment

Follow these instructions (for *nix) to setup AsciiDoc to generate DZSlides presentations from the AsciiDoc source file:

  • Install AsciiDoc (8.6.6 or newer). Ensure that the command asciidoc is available on your PATH.

  • Fetch and setup the dzslides AsciiDoc backend by installing it into asciidoc backends through git (you will need AsciiDoc version 8.6.6 or newer):

    mkdir -p $HOME/.asciidoc/backends
    cd $HOME/.asciidoc/backends
    git clone git: dzslides
    cd dzslides
    git clone git:

Build a presentation

Follow these build instructions to generate a dzslide presentation from the AsciiDoc source files.

First, change into directory that contains the presentation AsciiDoc files.

Next, generate a standalone HTML file that embeds all assets (stylesheets, JavaScript sources and images).

asciidoc -a data-uri -a linkcss! slides.adoc

You can now view the presentation slides.html in your browser.


This repository contains the tool that could help you to generate your presentation.

If you want to link to the assets, you can just run the asciidoc command without any arguments:

asciidoc slides.asciidoc

However, you also need to create a symlink to the dzslides project so that the linked assets can be located.

ln -s $HOME/.asciidoc/backends/dzslides/dzslides dzslides

Additional resources

DZSlides template.html is the only file you need to know how DZSlides works. Edit the file, read and learn. To see the slides in action, just load that file in your browser.

Read dzslides.conf to know how AsciiDoc dzslides backend works to renders the AsciiDoc source as a dzslides presentation.


The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.


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