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Api for managing device definitions on the DIMO platform.

For an overview of the project, see the DIMO technical documentation site.

Developing locally


cp settings.sample.yaml settings.yaml
docker compose up -d
go run ./cmd/device-definitions-api migrate
go run ./cmd/device-definitions-api

When working with multiple projects

Two key dependencies are postgres and redis. Problem with using docker compose is if later you need to run a different service you'll have conflicts, and most of our services as a base tend to have postgres and redis as a requirement.

So solution is just to use standalone services with brew services.

$ brew install postgresql $ brew services run postgresql

psql postgres create user dimo with password 'dimo'; create database device_definitions_api with owner dimo; go run ./cmd/device-definitions-api migrate

Generating client and server code

  1. Install the protocol compiler plugins for Go using the following commands
brew install protobuf
go install
go install
  1. Run protoc in the root directory
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative \
    --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative \


brew install golangci-lint

golangci-lint run

This should use the settings from .golangci.yml, which you can override.

If brew version does not work, download from (darwin arm64 if M1), then copy to /usr/local/bin and sudo xattr -c golangci-lint

Database ORM

This is using sqlboiler. The ORM models are code generated. If the db changes, you must update the models.

Make sure you have sqlboiler installed:

go install
go install

To generate the models:

sqlboiler psql --no-tests --wipe

Make sure you're running the docker image (ie. docker compose up)

If you get a command not found error with sqlboiler, make sure your go install is correct. Instructions here

Adding migrations

To install goose in GO:

$ go get[email protected]
export GOOSE_DRIVER=postgres

To install goose CLI:

$ go install
export GOOSE_DRIVER=postgres

Have goose installed, then:

goose -dir internal/infrastructure/db/migrations create slugs_not_null sql

Run migration: go run ./cmd/device-definitions-api migrate

Loading Data

Importing data: Device definition exports are here You can use sqlboiler to import or this command:

psql "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=device_definitions_api user=dimo password=dimo" -c "\COPY device_definitions_api.integrations (id, type, style, vendor, created_at, updated_at, refresh_limit_secs, metadata) FROM '/Users/aenglish/Downloads/drive-download-20221020T172636Z-001/integrations.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER"

Swagger docs

Swagger docs at: http:https://localhost:3000/docs/

To generate docs

go install
swag init -g cmd/device-definitions-api/main.go --parseDependency --parseInternal --generatedTime true 
# optionally add `--parseDepth 2` if have issues

To check what cli version you have installed: swag --version.


If you update all libraries, it will also update a decimal library that breaks sqlboiler. You want this version: v0.0.0-20181231230500-73749d4874d5 - replace it in go.mod file


To regenerate the Go bindings, you would run from dimo-identity repository

abigen --abi abis/DimoRegistry.json --out registry.go --pkg contracts --type Registry