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a fast, declarative microrouter for rescript based on reroute works

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ReScript Router

This is project is based on the great old reroute module. It's just using the latest Reason React API (hooks & context).

Checkout this simple demo


Install the module :

$ yarn add @dck/rescript-router

Then add it to your bsconfig.json:

  "bs-dependencies": ["@rescript/react", "@dck/rescript-router"]


Create your configuration

open RescriptRouter

module RouterConfig = {
  type t =
    | Home
    | About
    | Hello(string)
    | NotFound

  let make = (url: RescriptReactRouter.url) =>
    switch url.path {
    | list{} => Home
    | list{"about"} => About
    | list{"hello", name} => Hello(name)
    | list{"404"}
    | _ =>

  let toString = (route: t) =>
    switch route {
    | Home => "/"
    | About => "/about"
    | Hello(name) => "/hello/" ++ name
    | NotFound => "/404"

module Router = CreateRouter(RouterConfig)

Add the Provider

module App = {
  let make = () =>
      {(~currentRoute) => <>
        <div className="container mx-auto p-4">
          <h1 className="text-xl font-semibold text-center mb-4 text-blue-700">
            {"RescriptRouter example"->React.string}
          <div className="flex flex-row items-center mb-4">
            <CustomLink route=RouterConfig.Home> {"Home"->React.string} </CustomLink>
            <CustomLink route=RouterConfig.About> {"About"->React.string} </CustomLink>
            <CustomLink route={RouterConfig.Hello("dck")}>
              {"Route with params"->React.string}
          {switch currentRoute {
          | RouterConfig.Home => <h1> {"Home"->React.string} </h1>
          | RouterConfig.About => <h1> {"About"->React.string} </h1>
          | RouterConfig.Hello(name) =>
              <h1> {"Route with params"->React.string} </h1>
              <p> {("Hi : " ++ name)->React.string} </p>
          | _ => <h1> {"404 not found"->React.string} </h1>

Use built-in Link module

Don't forget to use it inside the Provider 😉

module CustomLink = {
  let make = (~route: RouterConfig.t, ~children) => {
      className="rounded block px-3 py-2 bg-gray-200 mr-2 hover:bg-gray-300"
      activeClassName="bg-blue-500 text-white hover:bg-blue-600"

Full example

open RescriptRouter

module RouterConfig = {
  type t =
    | Home
    | About
    | Hello(string)
    | NotFound

  let make = (url: RescriptReactRouter.url) =>
    switch url.path {
    | list{} => Home
    | list{"about"} => About
    | list{"hello", name} => Hello(name)
    | list{"404"}
    | _ =>

  let toString = (route: t) =>
    switch route {
    | Home => "/"
    | About => "/about"
    | Hello(name) => "/hello/" ++ name
    | NotFound => "/404"

module Router = CreateRouter(RouterConfig)

module CustomLink = {
  let make = (~route: RouterConfig.t, ~children) => {
      className="rounded block px-3 py-2 bg-gray-200 mr-2 hover:bg-gray-300"
      activeClassName="bg-blue-500 text-white hover:bg-blue-600"

module App = {
  let make = () =>
      {(~currentRoute) => <>
        <div className="container mx-auto p-4">
          <h1 className="text-xl font-semibold text-center mb-4 text-blue-700">
            {"RescriptRouter example"->React.string}
          <div className="flex flex-row items-center mb-4">
            <CustomLink route=RouterConfig.Home> {"Home"->React.string} </CustomLink>
            <CustomLink route=RouterConfig.About> {"About"->React.string} </CustomLink>
            <CustomLink route={RouterConfig.Hello("dck")}>
              {"Route with params"->React.string}
          {switch currentRoute {
          | RouterConfig.Home => <h1> {"Home"->React.string} </h1>
          | RouterConfig.About => <h1> {"About"->React.string} </h1>
          | RouterConfig.Hello(name) =>
              <h1> {"Route with params"->React.string} </h1>
              <p> {("Hi : " ++ name)->React.string} </p>
          | _ => <h1> {"404 not found"->React.string} </h1>

Run demo

Install dependencies


Compiles ReScript files

yarn start

Run webpack-dev-server

yarn demo

Go to http:https://localhost:8000