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  1. Note any custom packages you have activated (FIRMWARE web page)
  • The update won't touch any customization you have in /mnt/local/, but if you haven't already backed up /mnt/local, now would be a good time

    • scp -r root@UUT/mnt/local MYPC/UUT

Online method: recommended new from R418: release comprises two images

- acq400-418-yyymmddhhmmss.tar
- fpga-418-yyymmddhhmmss.img
  1. Download the release to a PC. Use a browser, wget won't work with https://
- eg The 418 release:
  1. Free memory on the UUT
first reboot the UUT so that there's no unwanted state.
ssh root@UUT 'set.sys /dev/acq400.0.knobs/jettison_buffers_from 20'  
  1. copy the files to the UUT. nb: only the .tar file goes to /tmp..

    scp acq400*tar root@UUT:/tmp
    scp fpga*img root@UUT:/mnt/ko
  2. log in to the UUT

    ssh root@UUT
  3. Validate

    sha1sum /mnt/ko/fpga*img /tmp/acq400*tar
compare sha1 result with value posted on the RELEASE page on github and only proceed if it's the same..
  1. run the upgrade

    tar xvf /tmp/acq400*tar -C /mnt ./bin
    /mnt/bin/update_release /tmp/acq400*tar
  2. restore any custom packages that were previously activated from the current stock. eg

    ssh root@UUT 'mv /mnt/packages.opt/35-custom_multievent-1909021107.tgz /mnt/packages'
  3. reboot # sync ensures that data is flushed to SD.

    ssh root@UUT 'sync;sync;reboot'

For a fresh SD card

release now comprises two images

- acq400-418-yyymmddhhmmss.tar
- fpga-418-yyymmddhhmmss.img   
  1. Make sure the SD card is completely blank. DO NOT write on top of an existing SD image.

  2. untar the release image acq400-NNN-yyymmddhhmmss.tar to the toplevel of the SD card

  3. copy the release image fpga-NNN-yyymmddhhmmss.img to newly created subdirectory "ko" on the SD card

  4. restore the "local" subdirectory from backup.

  5. restore any custom packages that were previously activated from the current stock, by moving or copying from subdirectory packages.opt to packages, eg:

    mv /mnt/packages.opt/35-custom_multievent-1909021107.tgz /mnt/packages

Initialization files in /mnt/local

  1. sysconfig.

These are defaults for the current payload. If the payload changes, or perhaps the sysconfig is simply out of date, you can re-generate the current factory defaults from here:

  1. Calibration

Calibration files are held in /mnt/local/cal/Exxxxx.xml where xxxx is the serial number of the module. If you are missing a calibration file, please ask D-TACQ for a replacement copy.

  1. Patch files

We try to avoid patch files on shipment, but sometimes it's necessary. in particular

 # /mnt/local/acq420fmc.ko 
 is a patch driver and must/will be blown away by the release
 # /mnt/local/ACQxxx_TOP_aa_bb*.bit.gz 
 is a patch FPGA image. if one is fitted to your system, please contact D-TACQ for update advice.
  1. all other files in /mnt/local

All other files in /mnt/local "belong to the user" and are untouched by upgrade.


  1. In addition to the base release, we present the "EPICS tarball", this has a full release of EPICS7 (3+4). This is of interest to customers who want to use "PV Access".
  2. To install 1. Extract the tarball on a HOST PC 2. Use this script to deploy. NB replaces existing 10-acq420 package
# deploy UUT - deploy EPICS4 release to UUT
# nb: this script runs on a HOST

if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
        echo "USAGE: deploy UUT"
        exit 1

for pkf in *.tgz *.ovl; do
	IFS='-_' read -r -a pka <<< "$pkf"
	echo "copy file $pkf to the target, replacing any existing $pk"
	ssh root@$UUT 'mv /mnt/packages/'$pk'* /mnt/packages.opt'
	scp $pkf root@$UUT:/mnt/packages/

Additional instructions for upgrading acq4xx- firmware (pre March 1, 2019) :

  1. edit /mnt/local/sysconfig/ and append this as the final line (to temporarily supercede any other NBUF= lines)
  1. sync;sync;reboot

The unit no comes up with sufficient free memory to do the upgrade, proceed as above

  1. On rebooting after upgrade, remove the NBUF=10 statement from

Firmware beginning acq400- rather than acq4xx- from March 1 2019 automatically reclaims the memory on upgrade.