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Numerically Controlled Oscillator Demo

What this example does:

  • 1MHz Square wave out on RD0 (50% fixed Duty Cycle)
  • LED0 flashing every 500mS on interrupt

This example shows how to use NCO. For further informations see NCO example for PIC16F18446

NCO1 Settings:

  • Enable NCO
  • NCO mode: FDC mode
  • Clock Source: FOSC (16MHz)
  • NCO output frequency: 1MHz (actually precise)

Timer0 is only used for flashing a led (NCO is an indipendent peripheral and does not requires a timer or CPU)

Timer 0 settings:

  • Enable Timer
  • Clock Source: FOSC/4
  • Prescaler: 1:1
  • Post Scaler: 1:1
  • Timer mode: 16bit
  • Requested period: 1mS

Other settings:

  • RD0 locked on NCO1-NCO output in the Pin Manager grid
  • RE2 locked as GPIO input in the Pin Manager grid (SW0 with pull-up enabled) - Not used in this example
  • RE0 locked as GPIO output in the Pin Manager grid (LED0 - starts high=led off)
  • System clock: 16MHz

Oscilloscope image:
Oscilloscope image - 1MHz on RD0