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SilverDict API Documentation

For an up-to-date API reference, please read the code (/server/app/api) directly. There's comment and I think it's clear enough, hopefully…

General notes

  • Almost all APIs accept and return JSON data.
  • Languages are represented with ISO 639-1 (two-letter) codes.


  • group: A group has a name and a set of languages.
  • grouping: Groupings define the many-to-many relationship between groups and dictionaries.
  • word: The headword verbatim, as it appears in the dictionary.
  • key:
    • Denotes the word normalised (stripped of diacritics and punctuation and converted to lowercase).
    • Denotes the search term, matches key rather than word.
  • source: A directory containing the dictionaries to be used. Subdirectories are recursively searched.



  • Endpoint: /api/suggestions/<group_name>/<key>
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
    • group_name: The name of the group to search in.
    • key: The key to search for.
    • timestamp (optional): The timestamp of the request, in milliseconds since the epoch.
  • Returns: An object, with:
    • If timestamp is set:
      • suggestions: an array of suggestions,
      • timestamp: the request timestamp sent back as is.
    • Otherwise:
      • suggestions: an array of suggestions,
      • timestamp: the timestamp of the request received by the server, in seconds since the epoch.
  • Description: Matching order:
    1. The key itself if it is a word of any language in the group, inflected or not. (e.g., in Portuguese, avo -> [avo, avó, avô], otima -> ótima)
    2. Words beginning with the key (key%).
    3. Words containing the key (%key%), if both-sides expansion is enabled.
    4. Spelling suggestions, when the three previous steps yield no results.


  • Endpoint: /api/query/<group_name>/<key>
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
    • group_name: The name of the group to search in.
    • key: The key to search for.
    • dicts (bool, optional): Include dictionaries in which the key is found in the response (default is False).
  • Returns:
    • If dicts is False: HTML content.
    • If dicts is True: An object with the fields:
      • articles: HTML content.
      • dictionaries: An array of names of the dictionaries in which the key is found.
  • Description: Query a dictionary group for a specific key and retrieve matching articles.

Lookup (legacy)

  • Endpoint: /api/lookup/<dictionary_name>/<key>
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
    • dictionary_name: The name of the dictionary to search in.
    • key: The key to search for.
  • Returns: HTML content.
  • Description: Query a single dictionary for a specific key and retrieve matching articles. Now only used for internal cross references.


General notes

  • Please call validator methods before calling the ones in this section.
  • dictionary_name is used internally to identify the dictionary, while dictionary_display_name is used for display purposes and can be modified by the user.

Supported formats

  • Endpoint: /api/management/formats
  • Method: GET
  • Returns: An array of supported formats.
  • Description: Get the list of supported formats.


  • Endpoint: /api/management/dictionaries

Get dictionaries

  • Method: GET
  • Returns: An array of objects, with the fields:
    • dictionary_display_name
    • dictionary_name
    • dictionary_format
    • dictionary_filename
  • Description: Get the list of dictionaries.

Add a dictionary

  • Method: POST
  • Parameters: Request body is an object with the fields:
    • dictionary_display_name
    • dictionary_name
    • dictionary_format
    • dictionary_filename
    • group_name
  • Returns: An object with two fields:
    • dictionaries: the list of dictionaries
    • groupings: a mapping of group names to sets of dictionaries
  • Description: Add a dictionary.

Delete a dictionary

  • Method: DELETE
  • Parameters: Request body is an object with only one field name (the name of the dictionary to delete).
  • Returns: An object with two fields:
    • dictionaries: the list of dictionaries
    • groupings: a mapping of group names to sets of dictionaries
  • Description: Delete a dictionary by name.

Reorder dictionaries

  • Method: PUT
  • Parameters: Request body is an array of dictionaries, with all four fields:
    • dictionary_display_name
    • dictionary_name
    • dictionary_format
    • dictionary_filename
  • Returns: The list of dictionaries, reordered.
  • Description: Reorder two dictionaries; raises an exception if more than two dictionaries are reordered.

Dictionary display name

  • Endpoint: /api/management/dictionary_name
  • Method: PUT
  • Parameters: Request body is an object with two fields:
    • name: the name of the dictionary
    • display: new display name
  • Returns: {'success': True}
  • Description: Change the display name of a dictionary.


  • Endpoint: /api/management/sources

Get sources

  • Method: GET
  • Returns: An array of strings.
  • Description: Get the list of sources.

Add a source

  • Method: POST
  • Parameters: Request body is an object with the field source.
  • Returns: The list of sources.
  • Description: Add a source.

Delete a source

  • Method: DELETE
  • Parameters: Request body is an object with the field source.
  • Returns: THe list of sources.
  • Description: Delete a source.

Rescan sources

  • Endpoint: /api/management/scan
  • Method: GET
  • Returns: An object with two fields:
    • dictionaries: the list of dictionaries
    • groupings: a mapping of group names to sets of dictionaries
  • Description: Rescan all sources and update the list of dictionaries together with groupings.


  • Endpoint: /api/management/groups

Get groups

  • Method: GET
  • Returns: An array of objects with the fields:
    • name: the name of the group
    • lang: the set of languages of the group
  • Description: Get the list of groups.

Add a group

  • Method: POST
  • Parameters: Request body is an object with two fields:
    • name: the name of the new group
    • lang: the set of languages of the group
  • Returns: An object with two fields:
    • groups: the list of groups
    • groupings: a mapping of group names to sets of dictionaries
  • Description: Add a group.

Delete a group

  • Method: DELETE
  • Parameters: Request body is an object with the field name.
  • Returns: An object with two fields:
    • groups: the list of groups
    • groupings: a mapping of group names to sets of dictionaries
  • Description: Remove a group

Reorder groups

  • Method: PUT
  • Parameters: Request body is a list of groups with both fields.
  • Returns: The list of groups, reordered.
  • Description: Reorder two groups; raises an exception if more than two groups are reordered.

Change group languages

  • Endpoint: /api/management/group_lang
  • Method: PUT
  • Parameters: Request body is an object with two fields:
    • name: the name of the group
    • lang: the new languages of the group
  • Returns: The list of groups.
  • Description: Change the languages of a group.

Change group name

  • Endpoint: /api/management/group_name
  • Method: PUT
  • Parameters: Request body is an object with two fields:
    • old: the group's existing name
    • new: new name to be assigned to the group
  • Returns: An object with two fields:
    • groups: the list of groups
    • groupings: a mapping of group names to sets of dictionaries
  • Description: Change the name of a group.

Dictionary groupings

  • Endpoint: /api/management/dictionary_groupings

Get groupings

  • Method: GET
  • Returns: A mapping of group names to sets of dictionaries.
  • Description: Get the relationship between dictionaries and groups.

Add a dictionary to a group

  • Method: POST
  • Parameters: Request body is an object with two fields:
    • group_name: the name of the group
    • dictionary_name: the name of the dictionary
  • Returns: A mapping of group names to sets of dictionaries.
  • Description: Add a dictionary to a group.

Remove a dictionary from a group

  • Method: DELETE
  • Parameters: Request body is an object with two fields:
    • group_name: the name of the group
    • dictionary_name: the name of the dictionary
  • Returns: A mapping of group names to sets of dictionaries.
  • Description: Remove a dictionary from a group.

Lookup history

  • Endpoint: /api/management/history

Get history

  • Method: GET
  • Returns: A list of strings.
  • Description: Get the lookup history.

Clear history

  • Method: GET
  • Returns: An empty list.
  • Description: Clear lookup history.

History size

  • Endpoint: /api/management/history_size

Get history size

  • Method: GET
  • Returns: An object with the field size.
  • Description: Get the lookup history size.

Change history size

  • Method: PUT
  • Parameters: Request body is an object with the field size.
  • Returns: A list of strings (the lookup history).
  • Description: Change the lookup history size.

Suggestion size

  • Endpoint: /api/management/num_suggestions

Get suggestion size

  • Method: GET
  • Returns: An object with the field size.
  • Description: Get the suggestion size.

Change suggestion size

  • Method: PUT
  • Parameters: Request body is an object with the field size.
  • Returns: An object with the field size.
  • Description: Change the suggestion size, which, if smaller than 1, will be set to 1 and returned.


Dictionary information

  • Endpoint: /api/validator/dictionary_info
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters: Request body is an object with four fields:
    • dictionary_display_name
    • dictionary_name
    • dictionary_format
    • dictionary_filename
  • Returns: An object with the field valid (bool).
  • Description: Validate dictionary information.


  • Endpoint: /api/validator/source
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters: Request body is an object with the field source.
  • Returns: An object with the field valid (bool).
  • Description: Validate the new source directory.

Test connection

  • Endpoint: /api/validator/test_connection
  • Method: GET
  • Returns: {'success': True}
  • Description: Test the connection to the server.