This bot shows you today's posts from Product Hunt.
start - This starts the bot 🚀
daily - This sends all products of the day 🗣
monthly - This sends all products of the month 🗣
schedule - This lets you choose a schedule for automatic updates 🕰
help - This sends you a help text 🆘
contact - This allows contact ✍️
feedback - This lets you give feedback 👺
- Token from @Botfather
- SSL certificate (I recommend Let's Encrypt)
- Webserver running Python (tested with Apache & NGINX but others should work too)
- API key from Product Hunt
- Google Cloud service account credentials (JSON) for accessing Google Sheets API & Google Drive API
- Sentry key (optional)
- Healthchecks URL (optional)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate. More details may be found in the