library-manager Public
Create a library database and add the books you own to it! Afterwards, you can sort, search, insert more books, and remove them as well!
Python UpdatedNov 26, 2023 -
Fractal-Tic-Tac-Toe Public
Currently a 2 player version of Fractal tic tac toe. Versus Computer to be implemented.
Java UpdatedMar 8, 2023 -
TicTacToe Public
A tic-tac-toe game made in C++. This is a CLI program. A GUI version will be made after this is completed. Made to be played against an AI
maze_generator Public
This is a maze generator/game. The user can choose the width/height of the maze, whether the starting position is random, goal position is random, and the 'difficulty'. The difficulty is a vision b…
Flashcard-App Public
This is a flashcard app that is being developed for the CodePath Intro to Mobile Development course.